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New Zealand pubs ban Israelis over Gaza operation

You are wrong, I do not hate Muslims whether Indian or Pakistani. It may surprise you but I do have a couple of very good friends who happen to be Muslim. It is you who somehow concluded from my post that I hate Muslims. This is purely a Palestinian and Israeli territorial issue, and in this instance it is clear to me that the Palestinian's provoked the Israeli's, and are now crying fowl when Israel retaliates.
didnt want o know about your social life, I was just saying that I have never heard even a tiny bit of criticism about Israel from a Hindu. I lived half of my life in US and Canada and heard many many White Christians criticizing Israel before and after 911, even one of My Jew Ex-Israeli Boss was so critical of Israel about their handling of Palestinians.

As far as Israel's right to bomb Palestinians for killing 3 Israeli teen, I just have one question and that is how many western countries bombed India for raping their superior race white woman by inferior race brown Indian?
didnt want o know about your social life, I was just saying that I have never heard even a tiny bit of criticism about Israel from a Hindu. I lived half of my life in US and Canada and heard many many White Christians criticizing Israel before and after 911, even one of My Jew Ex-Israeli Boss was so critical of Israel about their handling of Palestinians.

As far as Israel's right to bomb Palestinians for killing 3 Israeli teen, I just have one question and that is how many western countries bombed India for raping their superior race white woman by inferior race brown Indian?

I have another question for you. Why should europe care for Gaza? Give me a reason? A single one.
didnt want o know about your social life, I was just saying that I have never heard even a tiny bit of criticism about Israel from a Hindu. I lived half of my life in US and Canada and heard many many White Christians criticizing Israel before and after 911, even one of My Jew Ex-Israeli Boss was so critical of Israel about their handling of Palestinians.

As far as Israel's right to bomb Palestinians for killing 3 Israeli teen, I just have one question and that is how many western countries bombed India for raping their superior race white woman by inferior race brown Indian?
Simple, Western nations are not throwing bombs at us, neither are Indians throwing bombs at geographical boundaries of any Western nation(any nation except Pakistan for that matter).

And here - take it from me - I think Israel's policy of 'collective punishment' is excessive. Period. I wish they were milder even if they follow their collective punishment strategy.

However in that I truly admire how much they value each citizen of Israel. I wish my country valued my life so much as to go to war over me or a single Indian. Sadly, we dont. But we are getting there slowly. I loved how my country put so much time, effort and money in getting Indians out of Iraq. I like it how in the last decade, our Embassies globally have started acting as our benefactors, protectors...and backers, across the globe. This was not how it used to be, they acted like Govt departments earlier.

As Nations economic and military power rises, they value their citizens more and more.

For my country and Government - my life and life of a single Indian ideally should be worth 10 times more than the collective lives of the entire population of another nation. They should go to any lengths to give me and any Indian security and safety.

You being a Pakistani, might not get these things.
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Simple, Western nations are not throwing bombs at us, neither are Indians throwing bombs at geographical boundaries of any Western nation(any nation except Pakistan for that matter).

And here - take it from me - I think Israel's policy of 'collective punishment' is excessive. Period. I wish they were milder even if they follow their collective punishment strategy.

However in that I truly admire how much they value each citizen of Israel. I wish my country valued my life so much as to go to war over me or a single Indian. Sadly, we dont. But we are getting there slowly. I loved how my country put so much time, effort and money in getting Indians out of Iraq. I like it how in the last decade, our Embassies globally have started acting as our benefactors and protectors across the globe. This was not how it used to be, they acted like Govt departments earlier.

For my country and Government - my life and life of a single Indian ideally should be worth 10 times more than the collective lives of the entire population of another nation. They should go to any lengths to give me and any Indian security and safety.

As Nations economic and military power rises, they value their citizens more and more. You might not get these things.

how can i get these values which an average Indian hold dearly to their hearts for other Indians.
after all I live in the third world country where 50% of population falls below poverty and 60% live without the toilet, whereas you live in the highly developed recently riched first+ world country.

now coming down to real life on this real planet earth, Israel does this because Israel can because the human life valuing west close their eyes on what Israel does. India cannot do what it wants because it simply cannot, it could not take revenge of its beheaded soldiers (false yet they believe it), not because India doesnt want to but India fears back lash for starting war and India fears death of millions for revenge of one soldier. ITS ALL ABOUT COST BENEFIT, POLITICS IS A BUSINESS
how can i get these values which an average Indian hold dearly to their hearts for other Indians.
after all I live in the third world country where 50% of population falls below poverty and 60% live without the toilet, whereas you live in the highly developed recently riched first+ world country.
You cannot get these values because a majority of your population is yet to decide whether Pakistan is for Pakistanis first or Pakistan is for Islam.
If you put a Saudi Arabian and a Pakistani next to each other, drowning in a river in Pakistan. A majority of your people(maybe not you per se, or some enlightened people) will save the Arabian first if they are told who each is before they jump in.

Its just how you folks are educated and conditioned.
now coming down to real life on this real planet earth, Israel does this because Israel can because the human life valuing west close their eyes on what Israel does. India cannot do what it wants because it simply cannot, it could not take revenge of its beheaded soldiers (false yet they believe it), not because India doesnt want to but India fears back lash for starting war and India fears death of millions for revenge of one soldier. ITS ALL ABOUT COST BENEFIT, POLITICS IS A BUSINESS
Exactly. Where do I disagree with you here?
Therefore the goal, we must try to improve our country to an extent such that we can do it.

Israel can do it and they also have the willingness to go to war over a single Israeli. They know that more Israeli's may die, yet they do it.
Exactly the same reasons they care about Syria and Bosnia.

Its called profit orientated diplomacy. Nations have no friends, Just interests. It is in our interest when Israel is strong and palestine weak. At least at the moment. That can change.

Muslims are taking over New Zealand too. Time for India to give asylum to all the Hindus of New Zealand.
You cannot get these values because a majority of your population is yet to decide whether Pakistan is for Pakistanis first or Pakistan is for Islam.
If you put a Saudi Arabian and a Pakistani next to each other, drowning in a river in Pakistan. A majority of your people(maybe not you per se, or some enlightened people) will save the Arabian first if they are told who each is before they jump in.

Its just how you folks are educated and conditioned.

Exactly. Where do I disagree with you here?
Therefore the goal, we must try to improve our country to an extent such that we can do it.

Israel can do it and they also have the willingness to go to war over a single Israeli. They know that more Israeli's may die, yet they do it.

and believe you me so will majority of Indian, because that will give them a chance to get a job in ME.

Israel only does it against Palestinians, and just like US knew iraq did not have WMD Israel knows there are no weapons in Gaza but the few that they provide them to fire at Israel occasionally. Again cost and benefits, Israel couldnt and didnt do jack about Iran killing their diplomat. so this value of citizenry only goes as long as you know other cant fight

Muslims are taking over New Zealand too. Time for India to give asylum to all the Hindus of New Zealand.

Thats far from true. Infact Muslims take over nothing. Unfortunately muslims did chose to not participate with humanity anymore. Come back when you win a nobel price in any natural science.
Thats far from true. Infact Muslims take over nothing. Unfortunately muslims did chose to not participate with humanity anymore. Come back when you win a nobel price in any natural science.

Lol take it easy. That post was a small attack on a known Indian Islamophobe. Nothing against New Zealand though.
Did anybody commenting here notice that the "news" is several years old?

Thats far from true. Infact Muslims take over nothing. Unfortunately muslims did chose to not participate with humanity anymore. Come back when you win a nobel price in any natural science.
One Pakistani (Dr Abduus Salaam) has won the Nobel prize in physics (along with two others), and for a very significant bit of work. (The electroweak unification.) But Pakistanis consider him non muslim and non Pakistani, because he belonged to the Ahmediyya community.
I have another question for you. Why should europe care for Gaza? Give me a reason? A single one.

Europe(British crown and Germany) made Israel in the first place. That's why they should care. Germany had no right to kick jews out like it did in WW2. Jews were living there for several centuries. If Hitler's logic of kicking them out was right, then all Europeans from America, Australia, NZ, South America and South Africa should be kicked out. Not that I support such a thing.

My dear friend, I can assure you one thing. Israel has no interest in bombing Gaza. It is forced to retaliate due to the incessant incoming Rocket attacks. The Rockets stop, and the Israeli pounding will stop too. In this particular instance it is clearly the Palestinians who are the instigators. Why in hells name did they abduct and brutally kill 3 teenage Jewish boys?

You cannot go crying fowl when you are being driven against the wall, all because of your own doing.

If the Palestinians give up their weapons, there would be peace immediately, but if Israel gives up its weapons, there would be no Israel left.

Lol at the Portugal flag. "Oh I'm 1/32 Portuguese, so I should use a Portugal flag in my profile." Lol. Typical Indian self-hate.
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