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New wave of well-off Pakistani women drawn to conservative Islam

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When Arabic because the language of Islam, english didn't even exist in current form :lol:

Besides, the "gay" part is just an example, but point being, all languages develop differently, you and I don't know if the word "don't" suddenly comes to mean "park" 200 years later :lol:

Great example: "Razakar". Urdu for volunteer yet Bengali for "traitor"....

And I don't get that "evolve part"...what do you mean God doesn't want people to evolve...?

I like your way of thinking; that's how it should be. You don't find verses in the Quran saying force people to wear so and so; it's merely a guideline for "believing women" to cover their head and dress modestly.
Then Tamil has a litrature of over 3000 + years of existance, so is the clasical languages, why did the God not chose Tamil or other languages that predated Arabic to spread ISLAM or to give QURAN to human kind
As far as Hajib, Barqa, etc are concerned, I think humans are born to have different tastes and the taste for color, food, clothing, cosmetics, etc change very often and if it does not then there is no thril or ammusment and wearing the same black or gray cloth day in and day out will just make the women loose interest in their own life.
Life has to have change to evolve and if people do not accept this then its their problem not mine/

OK , so we are evolving , please be my guest and be ready to accept marriages with animals (coming to a theatre near you very soon) this evolution is going into a gutter. Do you know how many women got raped in USA last year , 180000. Thats 20 per hour. Thats a big price for evolving if you care to think about it. Do you know how many alocohal realated crimes happen in USA ? are you kidding me , you need brakes rather sliding into blind evolution , you will end in a gutter
Some one from Paksitan in the earlier post told that his grand father let a grand child to tough the fire to feel what fire is. I just don't blindly follow any religion just because it has any thing new to offer. The quest for every thing has answers in every ones sub concious mind all you have is to think and think over to get it right, Its not that you get the answer in a book.

interesting - I am not Dr Deepak Chopra yet , and honestly one cannot talk his way out of accepting the truth by relying on "sub-concious" , anyway I thing we're done here !
OK , so we are evolving , please be my guest and be ready to accept marriages with animals (coming to a theatre near you very soon) this evolution is going into a gutter. Do you know how many women got raped in USA last year , 180000. Thats 20 per hour. Thats a big price for evolving if you care to think about it. Do you know how many alocohal realated crimes happen in USA ? are you kidding me , you need brakes rather sliding into blind evolution , you will end in a gutter
you have to define rape as per the US, the very same girl goes and sleeps with some one and the next day she says that he was raped, this is what is accounted as rape in the US. any sexual relationship with concent of both the male and female involved should not be termed as rape. You are just going by the number of cases registered or is it some estimate given by some independent body
YOU tell me have you met any girl that had a positive view on hijab or burqa? My record is zero. And don't BS with me because we all know most of the girls that do have a positive view are brainwashed since childbirth... This is not Islamic, why should we continue?

:lol: Who would force anyone to wear a miniskirt it's common sense.. Besides Pakistan was never a Arabic country we don't have Arabic traditions why should our women wear this medieval clothing?!

how are they brainwashed? there are many women in the UK who didnt even wear the hijab when they were children but wear it now as adults because they want to, how do you explain this? also whos to say that people who hate hijabs havent been brainwashed into thinking this?
Then Tamil has a litrature of over 3000 + years of existance, so is the clasical languages, why did the God not chose Tamil or other languages that predated Arabic to spread ISLAM or to give QURAN to human kind

Suppose Tamil was given that honour...then you would see Arabs crying why they're language wasn't made holy. You'd see the Greek and Chinese crying as well, as I heard they're language is even older.
interesting - I am not Dr Deepak Chopra yet , and honestly one cannot talk his way out of accepting the truth by relying on "sub-concious" , anyway I thing we're done here !
who is this Deepak Chopra?
its up to you weather you want to use your brain to find the sollution to your lifes problem or rely on a book to find verses to justfy why the problems are there in your life.
I am of a different breed, I think and find ways where i might have been wrong to get in to the mess i am in and find ways to solve them with out harming others.
You mean to say:

1) That our clothing is only meant to serve as a weather resistance covering.
2) Sexual thoughts awakened in a man because of improper dress of a woman means something wrong with the man.

Well, to point 1 my answer is "Dude......you are so lost" and to the second point my answer is "Fault actually lies in any man who does not get ideas when he looks at a woman in bikini or other revealing clothes as this is our most primal, most basic instinct or animal instinct that any 'normal' man is born with"

1) clothing is mostly for weather protection, not only for that. the other objective is to look attractive , in accordance to the society the person is living in. you are simply in the wrong if you try tying it up with morality.

2) i have explained it in another post. mere attraction by itself does no harm. however people here are blaming women for looking attractive. that is just as illogical as blaming the man for being attracted. however what is surely unacceptable is when these men dont restraint themselves and then blame the woman.

The message you have posted in regards to dress code and freedom of choice is pur BS, it's impractical and unacceptable as a response. If this is the path of your discussion then I cannot continue.

lets leave that part out then

Correct, but this is why we argue, because we want a true Islamic Society.

and true islamic society is one in which women are not allowed to show any part of themselves as that might attract the men?
I had compared ideal islamic and ideal communist societies because neither can exist. they require people to act and think in ways that is natural.
now if you say for a civilised society one has to act in ways that are natural, then people can stop lusting after a woman in bikini and respect her.

What exactly do you mean by 'evil' here?

rape and molestation. idiots rape women and then blame the woman saying 'she was asking for it by wearing those clothes'. precisely the same argument that is being given here for women not to wear bikinis, "it attracts men"
Suppose Tamil was given that honour...then you would see Arabs crying why they're language wasn't made holy. You'd see the Greek and Chinese crying as well, as I heard they're language is even older.
and finally GOD is biased to give honors to one language and discriminate the rest. I don;t know what material GOD is made off to have such double standards.
Do you know what Quran is? Do you know how much information there is in that book? Do you expect me to go and look for that information just to please you when you should be doing the act instead of asking me. But you are not sincere in your search, you would rather challenge everything then look for it.

when you make an assertion the burden of proof is on you. when you say something is in the quran you better back it up with the correct verses or whatever you say is just gas.
you have to define rape as per the US, the very same girl goes and sleeps with some one and the next day she says that he was raped, this is what is accounted as rape in the US. any sexual relationship with concent of both the male and female involved should not be termed as rape. You are just going by the number of cases registered or is it some estimate given by some independent body

A quick google search for 2005:

According to United States Department of Justice document Criminal Victimization in the United States, there were overall 191,670 victims of rape or sexual assault reported in 2005.[18] 1 of 6 U.S. women and 1 of 33 U.S. men have experienced an attempted or completed rape. (according to Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault)[19] The U.S. Department of Justice compiles statistics on crime by race, but only between and among people categorized as black or white. The statistics for whites include hispanic and non hispanic whites combined. There were 194,270 white and 17,920 black victims of rape or sexual assault reported in 2006.[20]

when you make an assertion the burden of proof is on you. when you say something is in the quran you better back it up with the correct verses or whatever you say is just gas.

it is clearly mentioned in Qur'an, but you have to Arabic :no:
and finally GOD is biased to give honors to one language and discriminate the rest. I don;t know what material GOD is made off to have such double standards.

I don't know how this discussion diverted to languages but let me tell you that No human beings is superior or inferior to each other as per the Islamic Law. Same is true for languages and other stuff

Language is just a way to communicate with each other, nothing else :)

Muslims recommend to learn Arabic language so they could understand the language of Qur'an. The Holy Qur'an was revealed in Arabic language so the people of the Prophet could understand it... Arabic is a very rich language and you can catagorically say a lot of things in short sentence unlike many other languages where you would have to write the whole paragraph to make a point.
I don't know how this discussion diverted to languages but let me tell you that No human beings is superior or inferior to each other as per the Islamic Law. Same is true for languages and other stuff

Language is just a way to communicate with each other, nothing else :)
Some one was talking about Arabic being the devine language thats where it all went off topic.
Sorry even i was too carried away but it was a good thogut provoking converstation.
I don't know how this discussion diverted to languages but let me tell you that No human beings is superior or inferior to each other as per the Islamic Law. Same is true for languages and other stuff

Language is just a way to communicate with each other, nothing else :)

Muslims recommend to learn Arabic language so they could understand the language of Qur'an. The Holy Qur'an was revealed in Arabic language so the people of the Prophet could understand it... Arabic is a very rich language and you can catagorically say a lot of things in short sentence unlike many other languages where you would have to write the whole paragraph to make a point.

I think enough diversion on topic - enough has been said. Time to close the thread sir.
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