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New US missile can hit Pak, Iran nuclear sites

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Why are people paying so much attention to an article specifically worded to be inflammatory? It is also riddled with technical inaccuracies and assumptions that have no basis in fact.
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But entire pakistan is in range of US, don't forget it.US cannot hunt down hidden Taliban, but it will not be the case for Pakistani Army.
And as yr ISI is playing double games with US, i am afraid above scenario can be happen in near future.
ooh we are afraid ...... but mind it pakistan army is not a sweet dish for any one thats why USA has to beg for our help to give it a safe side in afghanistan.
Russia with all its nukes and missles could not save itself from American butchering and disintegrated.

Every paraoh has a Mousa.
and why US should attack Pakistani Nuke Installations..?
But how would Pakistan retaliate (nuclear) in case US does that.. You dont have the means to reach US mainland via missiles or Planes??

Godforbade, but if time comes, the world will see!! :pakistan:
you dont know what happens next? this world's politics is so dynamic that anything can happen.

Well it will make History, one nuclear armed country attacking another one.

Wonder what Pakistani nukes gona target in case of a defeat :undecided:

Any guess any one? :smokin:

1. India
2. Burma
3. Nepal

Make a wild guess :devil:
Stupid fear mongering article. The fact that the US CAN launch missiles, on Pakistani nuclear facilities has been true even before Pakistan started its nuclear program. For that matter anywhere in Pakistan.

Of course, it can never really get each and every warhead, since it obviously cannot know where all our mobile warheads are.

This is probably true with US attacking anywhere in the world. The US and the gang however, clandestinely are engaged in efforts in training for a situation where they can go in, steal the warheads and bring them out of Pakistan. THAT won't be so simple.

For that matter, the US CAN blow up all of Pakistan - even most of the world.

There is no point to this fear mongering.
Well It is indians wet dream to see USA invading Pakistan.Too bad this ain't happening.They can't touch Pakistan themselves so they pray USA does it for them.Idiots.
you dont know what happens next? this world's politics is so dynamic that anything can happen.

US may threaten Pak..with a floatilla of aircraft carriers & tomahawks--and may even pressurize it to do whatever it wants---Pakistan will have no options then---Look at US AARAMS sale to pakistan THIS IS TO CHECKMATE INDIA's Su30's & pak's overdependance on China--US power games !!!
question/possibility no 1:

why would US bom pakistan when pakistan is their biggest ally in war on terror?

the US supply depends upon integrity of pakistani military, if pakistan is wiped out Godforbid, is there not a possibility that pakistan will before being wiped out, fly a few nukes around... :smokin: various options as being pointed out in recent replies :smokin: including of course the precious , budding IT industry india

can computers withstand radiation? oh wait.. can IT professionals withstand some o that good old radiation, i bet u cant use a computer if u have 7 crippled fingers for tens of coming generations?

question/possibilty no 2:

if we hypothetically assume, which a lot of people would like to including me that the US has forces stationed just around kahuta and other sensitive areas in pakistan and the US is already controlling pakistani nuclear facilities ( the assumption seems likely due to overwhelming submissive attitude of pakistani establishment towards the US )

even then if the US boms pakistan, people dont understand the mentality of pakistani people, we have nothing to lose haha
nothing at all....

do pakistani people have anything to lose?

and still, pakistan is not just a country, its an ideology, some try to take it towards the left but dont understand that its not about pakistan, does the US and India really think that the taliban are gona spare india? well talibs might not have air craft carries but im sure india pees in its pants when it thinks about them invading india

plus india has tons of internal problems. why does india still keep 5,00,000 troops in kashmir?

question/possibility no 3:

what if pakistan stop this american war? and allies them with the afghan taleban? then?

US boms pakistan, pakistan boms or not boms india or american fleets, who cares? we dont lose anything but india does right?

just chill out people, if ure gona die tomorow, ure gona die tomorow, just on a closing personal/sentimental note :blah:

buck up india, beef up army as much as you can. good job. *thumbs up* inserting emoti now: :tup: the conventional war is a FAIL. and you know it, dont rule out the LET insurgents, if you knew pakistan has started suporting them again. prepare, u dont mess with pakistan in a *proxy war* lol:flame:
Well It is indians wet dream to see USA invading Pakistan.Too bad this ain't happening.They can't touch Pakistan themselves so they pray USA does it for them.Idiots.

Why after one good post your anti India channel is always switched on..
Can US hit Pakistan ?
This question should asked to Parliamentarian's,
Because they always says,
Pak+US alloy. But ordinary peoples don't think so.
So be careful.
Why are people paying so much attention to an article specifically worded to be inflammatory? It is also riddled with technical inaccuracies and assumptions that have no basis in fact.

Because our journalist goes to super kindergarten and usually cant make it to 3rd grade as they fail the second but whats even more surprising is people who are listening to it and reacting.

I love how Indians are drooling over this and flaming it more as they will be able to stop this missile if Americans decided to neutralize India with it.
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