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New team to take Pakistan out of economic crisis : Asim Munir and Ishaq Dar

The new non-political COAS is holding talks with the leading businessmen of the country in company with Mighty Dollar Dar to assuage their concerns. This shows Hafiz despite his FA pass credentials knows more about the economy than other economists who are needlessly blaming Dar. Good to see the two biggest touts of Maryum Nawaz on the same page in the face of enemy propaganda.

New investments coming in IT and Agri from Friendly countries. Billions of Dollars !!!

Hafiz-Dar Gang Zindabad !!!

the perfect dream team...

the army generals.. who lose war from india and mr Darr who always loses to the dollar... what could go wrong ?
Interesting take away from this whole shosha, the estab backs these economic policies, and is now a guarantor of sorts of things.

So much for not interfering in governmental affairs.
Interesting take away from this whole shosha, the estab backs these economic policies, and is now a guarantor of sorts of things.

So much for not interfering in governmental affairs.
Establishment bought a criminal back in
PAF airplane.
If they don't want to hold elections and Army generals are the one who have brought down the elected government of Pakistan to full fill their own/foreign agenda and hence broken the constitution. Breaking constitution carries the death penalty and if our courts are so weak or part of the conspiracy then nation will take matters in their own hands and start putting bounties on these generals heads. Let IK to fight his own war while people can take law into their own hands to show these above the law generals their rightful place like Turkey did.
This is not the 1971 when they screwed up the country as Bhutto was part of the problem and they got away with it, this time round they will be held accountable and nation can't be swayed by their patriotic songs. Pakistan was created for the Muslims so our nationals can live, prosper and enjoy the freedom not created for these 2 cents incompetent generals who have lost all the wars to blackmail, kidnap and kill their employers with smug faces. They are not acting and behaving like one of us instead they are doing the things like Pakistan is under the occupation.
Idiots don't even know the role they are hired for. Meeting the business community, in what capacity they are sitting in those meetings? Are they businessmen, economist, industrialists, traders or parliament have created any such role for them? Self appointed buglols till they meet their end.
If they don't want to hold elections and Army generals are the one who have brought down the elected government of Pakistan to full fill their own/foreign agenda and hence broken the constitution. Breaking constitution carries the death penalty and if our courts are so weak or part of the conspiracy then nation will take matters in their own hands and start putting bounties on these generals heads. Let IK to fight his own war while people can take law into their own hands to show these above the law generals their rightful place like Turkey did.
This is not the 1971 when they screwed up the country as Bhutto was part of the problem and they got away with it, this time round they will be held accountable and nation can't be swayed by their patriotic songs. Pakistan was created for the Muslims so our nationals can live, prosper and enjoy the freedom not created for these 2 cents incompetent generals who have lost all the wars to blackmail, kidnap and kill their employers with smug faces. They are not acting and behaving like one of us instead they are doing the things like Pakistan is under the occupation.
Idiots don't even know the role they are hired for. Meeting the business community, in what capacity they are sitting in those meetings? Are they businessmen, economist, industrialists, traders or parliament have created any such role for them? Self appointed buglols till they meet their end.
For decades our mullah and politicians gave the theory of " will of Allah" ... whatever goes wrong ...will of Allah ........ bass ji Allah ki jo marzi ... we accept failures, tyranny, oppression, death, disaster .....all goes to Allah ..... but never strive to correct ..
Just open Hafiz Whiskey brand in Pakistan. That will generate enough employment and revenue
The military cannot impose a naked martial law as it won't be acceptable to their foreign masters.
How do you know? IMF may be hesitant to make a deal with civilian governments because it knows they are weak and won't keep their end of the bargain. If there is a change of government, obviously the agreement is dead.
Please help me explain, the alleged discussion may have gone as below:
Alvi: AM help the country in holding elections.
AM: Mr Alvi I would like IK and SS to meet.
Alvi: IK saab please meet SS.
IK: Why dont I just meet AM?
AM: I cannot be part of politics!

I mean brokering political meetings, discussing economy with businessmen- and yet not in politics? Someone needs to edit webster, or help me understand neutrality.
For decades our mullah and politicians gave the theory of " will of Allah" ... whatever goes wrong ...will of Allah ........ bass ji Allah ki jo marzi ... we accept failures, tyranny, oppression, death, disaster .....all goes to Allah ..... but never strive to correct ..
If self correction is left to a corrupt custom official do you reckon he will change? He will only change if he had the deterrence of getting caught, losing his job and getting a stick on his back side.
First line of self stopping is the morality, teaching of religion (i.e regardless who ever follows which ever) and society norms.
Second is the environment he/she works in and lastly the laws and the implementation.
If a police official can be bought with few thousands rupees and a judge with few lakhs then laws are not much worth the paper written on. Thats why same people behave like animals inside the Pakistan while abroad there behaviour is like a sheep. As far as mullahs are concerned, come on look at there education levels and the environment they are taught and by who? Thanks to All Mighty Allah, Quran is a written book and no one can amend, change or alter it otherwise think what Zardari's, Nora's and Fazlu's like people could have done.
We need French revolution or Saddam like man to put this country at the right path starting with the generals, judges, media anchors, land mafia and police officials. Generals have hijacked the country, judges interpret the laws according to the criminals status, media is used by the anchors according to the size of the brown envelope, its a party time for the land mafias and police is using the stick according to the size of the wallet.
In the Pakistan there are far too many chiefs and too few Indians and every one pocket is like a pit to be filled before anything can be done and there are no laws sanctity.
I mean brokering political meetings, discussing economy with businessmen- and yet not in politics? Someone needs to edit webster, or help me understand neutrality.

Neutrality is only what they say it is, and only for as long as they say, just as Gen Zia's claims of being a momin and Gen Musharraf's of being enlightened. But the real fools are the ones that ever believed it, think that now, or will fall for it in the future. I have never believed that, nor do I believe it now, nor will I ever believe it in the future, unless I can see actual evidence of it, and not just what they claim. You can decide for yourself what to believe now or in the future. It is up to you. I can only decide for myself.
Did Asim Munir really say this or we’re jumping on a tweet bandwagon again here?
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