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New Russian UAV revealed

whats wing Loong??the same pterodactyl UAV that you've posted,right????

Chinese Pterodactyl Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle ~ Chinese Military Review

there is no info in here on induction by other countries,nor here,

Chengdu Pterodactyl I (Wing Loong)*Medium-Altitude, Long-Endurance (MALE) UAV / UCAV - History, Specs and Pictures - Military Aircraft

nor in any other defence site..post link if you've info,or stop the BS..there is no news on it is inducted,nor its been exported to other countries..that video is proof that its undergoing trials,but how come you say that it inducted into PLAAF,apart from the fact that its inducted into another country???

Cheapshot by typical Indian... Militaryfactory? How authentic is that when comes to China military.

Foreign buyers eye Chinese drones - China.org.cn

Technological advances have made unmanned vehicle an attractive deal

At least five countries are negotiating with China on buying its domestically developed Wing Loong drone.

"Wing Loong is quite competitive in the international market and we have delivered it to up to three clients," Ma Zhiping, general manager of China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corp, said at the 50th International Paris Air Show.

Ma's company is the biggest exporter of aviation defense products in China and has a strong presence in the military aircraft market. It belongs to Aviation Industry Corp of China, the country's leading aircraft manufacturer.

Established in 1909, the Paris Air Show is held every odd-numbered year at Le Bourget Airport in north Paris. This year's show started on Monday and will last through Sunday.

Ma said clients' feedback on Wing Loong is "very positive".

"They told us that they are satisfied with the drone's performance. Their uses of the Wing Loong have testified to its excellent combat capability, supreme maneuverability as well as convenience of maintenance," he said, quoting users as saying that the drone's actual performance has "surpassed its design specifications".

According to CATIC, Wing Loong was developed independently by China with full intellectual property to meet the requirement of the international market. The project was started in 2005 and its maiden flight took place in 2007. The drone's mockup was unveiled at the Zhuhai Airshow in 2008 and a production type was displayed at the same air show in 2012, drawing intense attention from aviation enthusiasts and foreign military observers.

It can perform a wide range of tasks such as precision strikes and long-duration, long-distance reconnaissance. In June 2006, the government gave the green light to its export.

In addition to military purposes, the unmanned aerial vehicle can also serve an array of civil and scientific purposes such as disaster assessment, environmental protection, and atmospheric and meteorological research, the company said.

The drone boasts a range of more than 3,000 kilometers and a payload of 200 kilograms.

All the techniques used on Wing Loong were developed by Chinese researchers without any foreign assistance, said Nie Haitao, deputy director of AVIC Chengdu Aircraft Design and Research Institute, which designed the drone.

"In the initial stage of Wing Loong's development, only nine researchers were designated to take part in this work and most of them were young professionals without much experience," he recalled. "Yet they succeeded and now you can see they have done a good job."

The United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan have introduced an unidentified number of Wing Loong drones, according to Kanwa Defense Review, a Canadian online magazine of defense affairs and weapon technology.

"Currently five to six nations in Africa and Asia have expressed their intention of buying Wing Loong and we are negotiating over that," Ma said.

He added several foreign countries have told his company that they want to introduce Chinese drones that are even more advanced than Wing Loong, but whether those types could be exported is up to government policy and political decisions.

"Of course we, as a defense products supplier, are willing to introduce more of our cutting-edge weapons to the international market. But it is the government that has the final say."
yet they didn't release a single pics or specs of any UAVs yet,let alone UCAV..anyway,jokes apart,only UCAV operational right now is of USA's..no other countries developed it yet(atleast didn't demonstrated it publicly,apart from first flight of France's NEURON)..

dunno why Russia release info/status of Mig-Skat...

Yes apparently it is a joke and sounds pathetic why russians are so backwards in this field while every little country has their own.

Obviously someone did not research well there are good number of picture and partials specifications on Chinese UAVs/UCAVs [not every information is released]
Yes apparently it is a joke and sounds pathetic why russians are so backwards in this field while every little country has their own.

Obviously someone did not research well there are good number of picture and partials specifications on Chinese UAVs/UCAVs [not ever information is released]

my bad..we discussed a lot after that...by the way,thanx for quoting...
well all i can say is that pakistan always shoots itself in the foot for the fear of wrong and misplaced assumptions it did it when it made an enemy owt of India then it made an enemy owt of russia and befriended saudies and americans for small time favours but paid a very very heavy price and still is paying

any way good luck

It may have made an enemy out of Russia (which is not the case anymore), but not India. Before starting and improving relations with China, Pakistan offered India a chance to set aside differences, but India rejected them. I'd say that both sides are to blame.
LOL. Looks like remote control plane which you can buy at toy store. How big is this?
care to explain how Israel and USA are working on UAV tech for last two decades after they came up with stealth even though stealth itself was a russian concept which USA mastered with the help of defacted russian scientists and its own money and technology israel helped them with there manpower and both are reaping the benefits while china is just reverse ingenearing what ever it can lay its hands on so much so SU- 25 copies made in china and there helies and J10, Jf 17 & 5th gen plane uses russian engines and china still wants to buy SU35 for its latest radar & avioniks and even now and all its AA , SA , SS ASM or any other missiles are glorified reversed engeneared copies of russians please care to explain how russia is far behind than china

or is it that since pakistanies are getting free wepons from china and russia refuses to do the same china is considered more advanced thjan the russia

please care to explain SIR
Incorrect. Low radar observability, aka 'stealth', was NEVER a Soviet/Russian idea. NEVER.

Please do not bring up Ufimtsev. I have the good doctor's text book on my shelf. It does not remotely resembling any thing like a how-to or a cookbook on creating a low radar observable body, and that was the reason why the Soviets never took it seriously and allowed it to be publicly available.

In the Soviet Union back then, the emitters that make possible a microwave oven would be immediately classified state secret and that is why something as ordinary as a microwave oven was never possible in the Soviet empire. If I can cook with fire or electrical heat, there is no need for me to use a radar emitter, so what point is it to publish this concept to potential enemies that their soldiers could have portable radars in the field?

What Ufimtsev did was mathematically demonstrate the behaviors of deflection and diffraction of EM waves off structures and how to predict those behaviors. It may have been esoteric enough to give the impression that the math may yield some potential weapons, but it was also so dry, as in boring, that not even Ufimtsev himself was aware of its potential. So he was allowed to publish to the international community.

Scientists figures out the universe and posits principles on how the universe supposedly work, but it was and will always be engineers who will creatively take those exposed principles and make new things for us to use. And that was what happened at Lockheed. An engineer named Denys Overholser who was tasked of designing a shape that would reflect as little as possible of any incoming radar. We already knew of reflections and diffractions. We just never had any formalized explanations of it and that was how Ufimtsev contributed to the development of 'stealth'. Ufimtsev himself never had any direct involvement with the F-117.

Ufimtsev had one goal: To explain deflections and diffractions and therefore how to predict those behaviors.

But there was never an eventual goal from the Soviets that would exploit what he did. The Americans gave his work (not him) that eventual goal.

Low radar observability, aka 'stealth', is an American creation. Never Soviet's.
Low radar observability, low RCS, stealth is a German invention.

The first low RCS (30% lower than any other warplane of that era) was the Horten Ho 229



The top stealth bomber of the US air force, the B-2 is directly inspired from this design, plus recent technologies of course.


Low radar observability, low RCS, stealth is a German invention.

The first low RCS (30% lower than any other warplane of that era) was the Horten Ho 229
Debunked a long time ago.

The flying wing was already well known, as in before WW II, to be good for long range and load carrying capability. The downside was that the design was difficult to control, particularly in the yaw axis. Every aero-engineer know this from the first year.

What was also known in WW II was that certain material have certain effects on radar and there were submarine snorkels with absorbing paint...

Radar-absorbent material - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...a coating used in Germany during the World War II for the snorkels (or periscopes) of submarines, to lower their reflectivity in the 20-centimeter radar band the Allies used.
The Horten Brothers already knew of radar's effectiveness so when they created the Ho-229 with its long range design, they installed the only known attempt to counter radar into the design: Ferrite particles in the paint. Just like submarine snorkels have. The flying wing was already a low radar observable shape but the Horten Brothers did not know that. They chose the flying wing because of its long range capability.

What make the American 'stealth' program to be an American creation is that low radar observability became a distinct discipline in EM studies starting with the F-117 and its shaping. The Horten Brothers did not study the flying wing as a shape under EM bombardment but only as an aerodynamic structure. On the other hand, the B-2's flying wing was studied under high computer directed precision specifically for EM shaping. Northrop had a flying wing aircraft: YB-49, and the first flight for that shape was in 1947. In other words, to be 'stealth' it must be deliberate, not accidental and/or fortuitous. The word 'fortuitous' here mean slap on something and hope it works, just like what the Horten Brothers did with the Ho-229.

And please spare me the charge that Northrop 'stole' the idea from the Horten Brothers. The flying wing as an aircraft, or at least potentially an aircraft, was known since 1915...!!! Jack Northrop was an accomplished engineer and just like all other aviation pioneers, he knew of it before the Horten Brothers created the Ho-229.

Jack Northrop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While working at this company, Northrop focused on the flying wing design, which he was convinced was the next major step in aircraft design. His first project, a reduced-scale version tested in 1940, ultimately became the giant Northrop YB-35.
The Ho-229's first flight was in 1944. Boris Cheranovsky started a secret flying wing program sponsored by Stalin in the 1920s.
Low radar observability, low RCS, stealth is a German invention.

The first low RCS (30% lower than any other warplane of that era) was the Horten Ho 229



The top stealth bomber of the US air force, the B-2 is directly inspired from this design, plus recent technologies of course.


I wonder how WW2 have turned down, if Germans were able to finish their stealth plane on time.
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Debunked a long time ago.

The flying wing was already well known, as in before WW II, to be good for long range and load carrying capability. The downside was that the design was difficult to control, particularly in the yaw axis. Every aero-engineer know this from the first year.

What was also known in WW II was that certain material have certain effects on radar and there were submarine snorkels with absorbing paint...

Radar-absorbent material - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Horten Brothers already knew of radar's effectiveness so when they created the Ho-229 with its long range design, they installed the only known attempt to counter radar into the design: Ferrite particles in the paint. Just like submarine snorkels have. The flying wing was already a low radar observable shape but the Horten Brothers did not know that. They chose the flying wing because of its long range capability.

What make the American 'stealth' program to be an American creation is that low radar observability became a distinct discipline in EM studies starting with the F-117 and its shaping. The Horten Brothers did not study the flying wing as a shape under EM bombardment but only as an aerodynamic structure. On the other hand, the B-2's flying wing was studied under high computer directed precision specifically for EM shaping. Northrop had a flying wing aircraft: YB-49, and the first flight for that shape was in 1947. In other words, to be 'stealth' it must be deliberate, not accidental and/or fortuitous. The word 'fortuitous' here mean slap on something and hope it works, just like what the Horten Brothers did with the Ho-229.

And please spare me the charge that Northrop 'stole' the idea from the Horten Brothers. The flying wing as an aircraft, or at least potentially an aircraft, was known since 1915...!!! Jack Northrop was an accomplished engineer and just like all other aviation pioneers, he knew of it before the Horten Brothers created the Ho-229.

Jack Northrop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ho-229's first flight was in 1944. Boris Cheranovsky started a secret flying wing program sponsored by Stalin in the 1920s.

The Germans have worked on stealth technology for fighter airplanes since 1912.
Like I said, we will know everything about it when it flys.
It's nothing. No one can take away from Russia "ultima ratio regis" - missiles with nuclear warheads. And believe me, this man has the guts to use them. :butcher:
fuk me :woot: !!!!!!

is he really riding a wild bear or its a pet ????

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