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New Political System for Pakistan

Is this a sneer... or you are merely trying to have some fun in this serious discussion ???

Very pertinent observations and i agree that in any future political structure, we need to devise some deliberate strategy to counter these.

Agreed 100%

Mujahideen and batmannow, both of you have suggested a presidential system. I would support the idea but we have tried it before. Let me briefly analyse it for you so that we can come up with some answers about the deficiencies observed in that system.That system introduced by Ayub Khan was based on electoral college which elected the president directly. besides that there were national and provincial assemblies as well. the electoral college comprised certain number of basic democrats in each district who would vote for the choice of President. President had his handpicked cabinet which assisted him in the running of affairs.
Now, some problems, first and foremost is that the president is all powerful so if wrong person selected for the job, removing him will be a problem so a strong check is then required against such president. These basic democrats will have to be then selected according to a strict criteria to ensure to break the monopoly of feudals. The centre will invariably become very strong resulting in weak provincial governments.

Socialism is again a strong notion but hardly any example available of a government running it successfully. I believe that the global economic system would not be supportive and in addition government control of institutions as we have already witnessed will lead to endemic corruption and mismanagement. I believe privatization will ultimately lead to better econmic condition of middle and lower classes because the investor would make sure to run the business profitably and would give preference to talent. he would make sure that there is no corruption and would provide better and equal opportunities to all to excell. :cheers:

"Socialism is again a strong notion but hardly any example available of a government running it successfully"
IRAN, CHINA, VIETNAM, RUSSIA even ITALY are very cool example's of good modifiyed socialist democracies, all are doing well , CHINA came out very strong in the current financial crisis, OBAMMA is advocating for smart controll of financial affairs, & thts why he was called a "socialist"!
we have to mix things , or have to select different options smartly from socialism.
thn we have to see , islamic laws and have to adopt basic messages in them!
some where in between , with unity of scholrs,united on the most of points, i think we can reach somewhere better thn now?:agree:
Originally Posted by batmannow
mujahideen; sir
if you allow me ! to add a bit to your point"we need a Presidential system", yes! but with socialistic approch , with islamic in nature?
what do you think?

you mean to say iran system batmannow?
We inherited the British Parliamentary system of one man one vote. Having clung enthusiastically to this system for so long and having seen so many governments come and go, one is but compelled to think whether this is the system we want. Just look at the literacy rate and imagine that we leave our fate after every 5 years to the vote of this uneducated and unaware majority. This majority votes for its feudal lord unquestionably or votes on Biradari system without even knowing the position of that individual on national issues so in effect we elect these people based not on issues but local and personal interests of influential people. Just imagine, how many of our constituency have remained loyal to their feudal lords to the extent that they can get anybody elected from their constituencies.

Is that fair ??? Keep in mind the fact that this system continues and will continue to bring the same faces because under the existing system we can't expect to see the change. Politics is restricted to elite and common man only keeps getting frustrated at the indifference of these politicians to national and local issues. How many of them actually visit their constituencies after election ??? Now remember, we have tried some experiments in the past as well like presidential system or the electoral college and one unit etc.

This thread is for discussion on the most suitable political system for Pakistan based on internal dynamics which will really enable an elected government to claim being the representative of people and which will be accountable to people. You can come up with a new idea or suggest some existing political system of a country to be adopted as a model. Lets hear, what you have to say.... :pakistan:

ok good post but can you suggest some better govering system .:coffee:
I personnaly think American system will work here but we have to make our provinces as states with no interference from centre..i'm saying of making them states because these are four different nations with different cultures and language...and AJK,FATA,FANA will be Special Administration Regions(SAR's)
More than a new system, I feel the ppl of Pak need to change their mindset of the Army being the sole " benefactor" & saviour.

Once they realise the power their votes can carry & insist on accountablilty on the money spent things will change.

Ppl seem to lack faith in themselves. Education will help in bringing about the change.
Is this a sneer... or you are merely trying to have some fun in this serious discussion ???


No I am serious. It is a radical idea, but it would fit Pakistan very easily and it would also stop military take overs.
is there islamic political system explean plzz who pak bring islamic system?
There is, the Islamic System is called the Khilafah or Caliphate in English...and it is the responsibility of Muslims to bring it forth in action. The methods of bringing the Caliphate must be peaceful - according to Allah in the Quran - and we must follow the example of the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him through the Sunnah.
To bring a return of the Khalifah or Caliphate has been the project of the Hizb-ut-Tahrir group which has been banned in many countries. Is this really a realistic proposition today?
Its not realistic, even the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt said that much and they started the whole modern Islamic revival thing. And I dont like socialism either, think of thing else...;)

More than a new system, I feel the ppl of Pak need to change their mindset of the Army being the sole " benefactor" & saviour.

Pakistan Army is a benefactor and savior of the Pakistani people, do the people of India not have the same view about the Indian Army?:crazy:
Your hypocritical standards dictate that if the Pakistani people are proud of their institutions, they are ignorant? As far as I'm concerned, it’s the Indian people who offer woefully ignorant veneration to their army despite ground realities (thanks to mindless crap like bollywood). The Pakistani people question and criticize and belittle the Pakistan Army's conduct in war and in peace much more than Indians ever do with their armed forces. Encouraging distrust and contempt for our national institutions is hardly the way to fix Pakistan, unless by 'fixing' Indians to mean divide, pacify and weaken it permanently...which has been a cherished ambition to them from the start.
Its not realistic, even the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt said that much and they started the whole modern Islamic revival thing. And I dont like socialism either, think of thing else...;)

Pakistan Army is a benefactor and savior of the Pakistani people, do the people of India not have the same view about the Indian Army?:crazy:
Your hypocritical standards dictate that if the Pakistani people are proud of their institutions, they are ignorant? As far as I'm concerned, it’s the Indian people who offer woefully ignorant veneration to their army despite ground realities (thanks to mindless crap like bollywood). The Pakistani people question and criticize and belittle the Pakistan Army's conduct in war and in peace much more than Indians ever do with their armed forces. Encouraging distrust and contempt for our national institutions is hardly the way to fix Pakistan, unless by 'fixing' Indians to mean divide, pacify and weaken it permanently...which has been a cherished ambition to them from the start.

I do not wish to derail the thread but so long as ppl think the way u do..status quo will remain.

The benefactor of India is its institutions of which the armed forces are a part of and not any single orgnisation. The others being the Judiciary, the Parliament, State legislatures & so many more.

You may or maynot recall ( or be aware) that in the 70's when Indira Gandhi was at the peak of her power ( as Zia & Mush were in their hey days), a judge of the Allahabad High Court ruled her election to be null & viod on grounds of electoral malpractices. She lost her job. You saw what happened to the CJ & the Pak nation when he ruled against Mush ?

Similarly , the Election Commission does not take instructions even from the PM on the conduct of elections & has the courage to even disqualify the PM if need be.

Such is the impact of institutions. the constitution cannot/ should not be bent for anyone... even a dictator.The laws of Governing the country are sacroscant.Thats when & how institutions develop and ppl have faith in the state.

Pls do not misinterpret this as a " I am better situation", but in soiciety as in our body each limb & organ has a definite task.

You may have a pair of dexterous hands but they cannot do the job of the feet. If they do it will be lop sided.
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Or Islamic Socialism like in Libya and Gaddafi's Green Book.

Dear MBI Munshi; bhai
more advanced & more refined than that, some thing like ! what IRAN is having now, but more open, more restricted, i guss?
you are quiet a great thinker in my book, along with NEO, pakpatriotic, imran khan, muse, mujaheedin & fatman17 sir's.
i would like to see you guys come up with something great, good luck:tup::D
We inherited the British Parliamentary system of ...

This thread is for discussion on the most suitable political system for Pakistan based on internal dynamics which will really enable an elected government to claim being the representative of people and which will be accountable to people. You can come up with a new idea or suggest some existing political system of a country to be adopted as a model. Lets hear, what you have to say.... :pakistan:

Please; the universal "Self-balancing political system" :wave:

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