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New Kashmiri Weapon Against India

The high turnout is a slap on the face of the separatists.

They always clamor for poll boycott. They got their answer.

What could not be won by bullet and by terror would not be won over the table. Plain and simple.

It's a rejection of violence, not a rejection of separatists, nor the demand for deciding their own destiny.
The high turnout is a slap on the face of the separatists.

They always clamor for poll boycott. They got their answer.

What could not be won by bullet and by terror would not be won over the table. Plain and simple.

The Kashmiri leaders were put behind the bars; they were imprisoned in houses and stopped from holding protest rallies. There is no fairness in these Indian staged elections rather it is selection.
Earlier Mufti Saeed was installed and this time much before election drama Farooq Abdullah has been chosen to be installed.

Indian government is scared enough to start communication system between Held Jammu and Kashmir and Azad Kashmir or any other part of Pakistan.
Pakistanis can make calls to other held Kashmir but there are no such facilities in held Kashmir.
It's a rejection of violence, not a rejection of separatists, nor the demand for deciding their own destiny.

It is a rejection of violence and the separatists.

The separatists gave a call for poll boycott and were rejected. This is as clear as it gets.

It may not mean that all the people who voted would not join an anti-India rally. It does prove the standing of the separatists without the gun to back their writ.
If Pakistan stops supporting terrorism in Kashmir, the troops can eventually go home, and the anti-establishment feeling will change over time.
If Pakistan stops supporting terrorism in Kashmir

pak army fight islamist terarrst until today

pakistan is 1st victom of terarr

who many indian die in war on terarr see and who many pakistani??????

if until now you think we sport them then you only indian because only india think this.last 7 years we kill 2500 tearrst see who many india kill????????
It is a rejection of violence and the separatists.

The separatists gave a call for poll boycott and were rejected. This is as clear as it gets.

Indians are good at spreading lies. There was complete curfew clamped in Kashmir valley and voters were drawn at gun points, Kashmiri leaders were arrested then how can poll boycott can be materialized.

It may not mean that all the people who voted would not join an anti-India rally. It does prove the standing of the separatists without the gun to back their writ.

Biggest contradiction. If writ of freedom fighters was backed by guns then why would those who voted for Indian staged fake polls would join protest rallies?
If Pakistan stops supporting terrorism in Kashmir, the troops can eventually go home, and the anti-establishment feeling will change over time.

If India stops state terrorism in Kashmir, thousands of Indian troops can eventually go home and the issue can be solved through dialogue.
Indians are good at spreading lies. There was complete curfew clamped in Kashmir valley and voters were drawn at gun points, Kashmiri leaders were arrested then how can poll boycott can be materialized.

It is a routine practice to make sure that anti-social elements don't create problems in letting the people exercise their free will.

Those goons would have forcibly prevented people from voting. The people had to decide for themselves not by the threats of these "leaders".

Biggest contradiction. If writ of freedom fighters was backed by guns then why would those who voted for Indian staged fake polls would join protest rallies?

These people can assemble a crowd but do no more. There have been many instances where the Kashmiris have proved that they don't care for them.
It is a rejection of violence and the separatists.

The separatists gave a call for poll boycott and were rejected. This is as clear as it gets.

It may not mean that all the people who voted would not join an anti-India rally. It does prove the standing of the separatists without the gun to back their writ.

I disagree - participating in the elections does not indicate an acceptance of the status quo, it only indicates that while continuing to argue for the right to self determination, the Kashmiris also want to better their lives and the lives of their children.

But if India actually believed that the Kashmiris did not want to separate, she would have no qualms over conducting a plebiscite to resolve the dispute with Pakistan.

I have quoted the example of Quebec before, and it applies here as well - despite peace and development and integration, Quebec came very, very close to independence in a referendum held there. The error made by Indians in analyzing Kashmir is ascribing the separatist sentiment entirely to some sort of 'anti-establishment' sentiment or lack of development, when the dispute is ideological and one of competing nationalism - Pakistani vs Indian vs Kashmiri.
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It is a rejection of violence and the separatists.

The separatists gave a call for poll boycott and were rejected. This is as clear as it gets.

It may not mean that all the people who voted would not join an anti-India rally. It does prove the standing of the separatists without the gun to back their writ.

If indians are that confidence...why not have a refrendom dude....let them decide with whom they wanna go...

simple solution to the simplest problem..:argh:
The high turnout is a slap on the face of the separatists.

They always clamor for poll boycott. They got their answer.

What could not be won by bullet and by terror would not be won over the table. Plain and simple.

Great, now hold a plebecite and see how high the turnout is. :rofl:
Good Thinking If something Does not work out Try something Different
Having Referendum in Kashmir is agreeing on re-emphasizing Two Nation Theory. I dont need to go in the details why Indians wont swallow this pill after 60 years.
If indians are that confidence...why not have a refrendom dude....let them decide with whom they wanna go...

simple solution to the simplest problem..:argh:

Not possible because the conditions that prevailed during 1947 are not the same now. There is large resettlement of population in Pak-administered Kashmir.
The high turnout is a slap on the face of the separatists.

They always clamor for poll boycott. They got their answer.

What could not be won by bullet and by terror would not be won over the table. Plain and simple.

did u even read the whole article??:crazy:
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