Hello everyone, I'm Kitten
My interests are eclectic and varied. I enjoy all manner of things from exercising and I absolutely adore skiing, to good food (Central and South American cuisine is my favorite), to reading, learning about new cultures and customs, being around animals (cat owner) and a host of other activities. The list is much to long to list in its entirety.
What I do is compulsively organize every book, piece of stationary, pamphlet or brochure in my immediate vicinity, on top of practicing my many interests. I guess this'll make more sense in a moment.
I found this forum while searching for pictures of the Norwegian military. There are few good resources, but there is a great thread on this forum that was happy to oblige.
What interests me here? Well I can't eat the internet so I guess food is out. Looking at pictures of food doesn't quite match my interests since I can't cook to save my life and have no hope of replicating what I see. Ogling other people's culinary prowess only makes me jealous. Exercising and the internet are polar opposites, so no there too. Learning about cultures and peoples and their customs, norms and practices even if the internet is never an all encompassing tour into what makes a people unique? Yeah, I guess that does interest me. I like military stuff too.
My profession? Librarian
. It's not really a profession, but it's what I'm doing in the mean time.
I work at the Norwegian Air Force Academy in Trondheim (I took these pictures. Turns out the forum doesn't like 5000X3000 resolution, so sorry I had to crop them to be smaller).
I'm heading off to college soon, so I guess that's about it for my future plans at the moment. Where am I going and what am I studying you might be inclined to ask? RNoAFA to study cybersecurity.
And that's about it. I'm Kitten and this was a brief introduction into me.