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New India-China agreement to avoid army face-offs

Peace will be permanent when you guys are back behind the inner wall. Far away from the non Han buffer zones.

That day is not far.
Wrongly put there, better you guys retreat from AP and turn it into buffer zone.
Nuts! Nuts! Nuts! the full on Nuts and Idiots;

what does mean They also decided not to tail each others patrols in areas where there is no common ground on the LAC.
Good Chinese brains keep Indian Babus and Congress union (gandhi and singh) in to the dark, make them absolute fuool.

we indian welcome you chinese to do the Patroling anywhere in Arunachal Pradesh and not only 600 meter inside of border. and show this section that oursoldiars can not stop you as we can not interfere others patrol. what the loss to china, we unnecessary welcomed than in whole Arunachal pradesh.

Kill the Monster Congresses forever. only devils who know only corruption and tell them politician, which type of this politicians are, Nuts politicians.
You are an extremist, non of your idea will be adopted.
What you are looking for friend is non existant. It takes experience to know which program is chest thumping and which is serious. Media in India will be like that, they don't hate you but feel threatened. Normal people have no issues and if you look at how things are progressing we are getting better by the day. That day is not far when we will be like India US relationship is now. Humble request ignore the media, I actually admire China but then some of you come agressive on US on PDF. I think Chinese are also emotional like US.
USA try to contain and topple China all the time, they force us to fight back. Just looked back how USA humiliated you in 1970s.
The last several years I have read many postings on Time of India, Economic Time and other publications including pdf by the Indians.

Their stand was give back Aksai Chin and we will talk.

You call that negotiation?

Well guess what. Do you think the Chinese will cave in to your silly demand? Do you think the Chinese are eager to settle the boundary dispute?

The longer the dispute drags on, the more advantageous are to the Chinese. The Chinese are now sitting pretty for the revolt in Arunachal Pradesh when China achieves developed nation status. When the disparity of wealth between India and China becomes so great, the Arunachal Pradesh people will want to break off from India and join China. And if India uses force to contain the revolt, China will come in with a legitimate reason to fight India.

Chinese will not actually negotiate the land with India in a hurry. They can wait.
India and China should sit down and talk, talk about the economy and improving people's living standards,
Why confrontation.
What the hell is that fool Li Keqiang doing?
Liberal fool.

We need to crush India and humiliate them once again.

CPC is run by a bunch of softies these days.

We need a hardliner like Chairman Mao that deal with these Indians and squash them like bugs.

Chinese do not learn history too well. 100 years ago, 8 nations invaded China. Now China has opened up to them. At the end it doesnt matter because once they go weak a stronger government will take over.
Just think of the CCP like the Song dynasty.
The last several years I have read many postings on Time of India, Economic Time and other publications including pdf by the Indians.

Their stand was give back Aksai Chin and we will talk.

You call that negotiation?

Well guess what. Do you think the Chinese will cave in to your silly demand? Do you think the Chinese are eager to settle the boundary dispute?

The longer the dispute drags on, the more advantageous are to the Chinese. The Chinese are now sitting pretty for the revolt in Arunachal Pradesh when China achieves developed nation status. When the disparity of wealth between India and China becomes so great, the Arunachal Pradesh people will want to break off from India and join China. And if India uses force to contain the revolt, China will come in with a legitimate reason to fight India.

Chinese will not actually negotiate the land with India in a hurry. They can wait.
People living in AP are forgetten all the time by India goverment, i'm sure AP residents wanna go for China in the future.
People living in AP are forgetten all the time by India goverment, i'm sure AP residents wanna go for China in the future.

No they don't . They are living as free citizens in this country .
India shall give AP locals the right to vote which side they want to stay with.
India shall give AP locals the right to vote which side they want to stay with.
There are many members from Arunchal Pradesh on this forum who would rather die then be considered Chinese. Also the largest religion in Arunchal Pradesh is Hinduism so they mostly have no connection with China at all.
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