this idea was in my thoughts since long time but i have not yet sheared here with you guys .so basically we know people in Pakistan become very short temper . we have so much of intolerance .we lack in economy we have poverty . we have terrorism issue we have crimes and so many kinds of hates in society . i think Pakistan need a place for humanity and freedom . Pakistanis need a city or area where they can go enjoy relax and have fun and food . we need a Goa of India or Dubai type city . a city with special lifestyle . a city welcomes foreigners and tourists a city can earn billions every years . a city where mosques and churches to be on side by side . an area which remove terror label from us . an area which earn so much money .
i think as gwadar is already here can we add new-gwader city ? a city or area near gwadar
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a city which will have so many good things that every Pakistani want to visit on vacations . a city where people go enjoy their freedom. a city which never sleeps . a city which have 24/7power city of lights which show to world our soft side a city attract tourists from all over the world a place where you are free unless you never harm anyone . a city which hate free .
few of the basic things in this city or area .
its should have own border guards to manage this area entry-exit
area have own police force like capital police
it having theme parks
its having resorts on beaches where public should be free what to wear
its having massive hotels for tourists
its having desert safari like Dubai
its having so many festivals almost monthly
its having music concerts and fasion shows opening cermonies
its having meeting spaces hotels so every big conference to be here
its having cinemas and bars dance clubs
its having very nice hospitals and ambulance services
its having own border guards too
its having open gambling places like las vegs and pubs
its having free-zone markets which will be tax free duty free
its having cultural centers and zoo
its having water parks
its having very big nice green parks
its having own water treatment plants which supply 24hours clean water supply
its having own power generation like wind and solar clean energy
its having sea supports zones like diving-swimming-boating zines
its having own TV channel which show 24/7 to world activities
its having stadiums so we should not rely of Dubai anymore
its should have visa free for every person of earth
its having weapons free zone no arms must be allowed to enter in this area
it should having racing stadiums and other games places which are not fimiler with Pakistanis
city having good high class aquariums and under water zones like restaurants etc
city having a biggest ever food court of world having almost every restaurant coffee shop of earth
city having own airport exit entry system may be in future own airline too . (only Pakistani citizens can enter with ID card remaining every human enter here with passport .
we must open our hearts and arms for world here even Israelis Indians can enter without visa in free zone
there must be a liberal laws here and police here implement law like any first world country .
there must be own judicial system which just give the punishment and then transfer prisoners to their own country.(there should be no jails but sub jails only)
this city having left hand driving like world class and all the best cars can be import here without any tax
it should not have any railway station or port these should be in old gwadar
this city must be industry and resident free
all the land here will be leased not to be sale so gov can decide better for future of city
as it will be next to Iran and i am sure thousands of Iranians will cross the border every weekend and come to enjoy here by road .
i am 100% if we did it we can earn 100 billions dollars from here every year .
پاکستانیو کب تک ہم ایک دوسرے کی ڈاڑھیاں کھینچنے والے جاھل ملاؤں کے چنگل میں پھنسے رہیں گے ؟ کب تک یہ جہالت ہم پر مسلط رہے گی
کب تک ہم منافقوں کی طرح ترقی یافتہ دنیا کو انجوائے تو کریں گے پر اپنے ملک کو ایسے تباہ حال رکھنا چاہیں گے ؟ آخر کب تک یہ خؤن اور کافر کافر کا راگ الاپتے رہیں ساری دنیا ترقی کررہی ہے ۔پیسہ آجکل کی دنیا کی سب سے طاقتور چیز ہے اگر ہم نے پیسہ کمانا سیکھ لیا تو کوئی شک نہیں ٹرمپ آج ایسے نا بھونک رہا ہوتا۔ ہم جو چاہتے خرید لیتے . زرا سوچو انڈیا نے 220 ارب ڈالر 2016 میں اس سیکٹر سے کمائے اور ہم سارا سال کپاس اگا اگا کر 13 ارب ڈالر?. ہماری موجودہ حالت میں ہم مقابلہ نہیں کر پائیں گے زیادہ دیر نہیں لگے گی جب ہمارے ہمسائے ہمیں بہت دور پیچھے چھوڑ جائیں گے ۔کیا ٹرمپ انڈیا کو کہہ سکتا ہے میں نے 33 ارب انڈیا کو دیے ؟ 33 ارب کیا چیز ہے ایک ملک کے لیے ؟ ۔ ٹورازم سے ساری دنیا اربوں کما رہی ہے ہم اپنے وہی شمالی 4 پہار پکڑ کر بیٹھے ہیں 70 سال سے ۔ ہمار 1 ہزار کلو میٹر گرم ساحل ویران پڑا ہے ۔ ہر چار پیسے والا دوبئی تو بھاگا جاتا ہے پر اپنے ملک کو دوبئی جیسا بنانا نہیں چاہتا آخر کیوں؟اب تو سعودی عرب جیسا ملک بھی نیوم کے نام سے ایسے شہر بسا رہا ہے ہم کب تک جاھلوں کی طرح پڑے رہیں گے ؟