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New Generation of Pakistani and Bangladeshi

I was born in 1989. Since my childhood i was fed anti-pakistan sentiment through story books and text books and media.... Because of this continuous mind washing every bangladeshi school kid developes an idea that hating pakistan is part of patriotism.. Anyway with time i started to understand india is our real threat, not pakistan. I grew a soft corner for them. Anyway still i hate those pakistanis who committed crime in 1971. Now i have adopted Caliphate ideology. To me Istanbul, Baghdad, Islamabad, Cairo and Dhaka all are same. When Bangladeshis out of nationalism abuses pakistan i try to support Pakistan. And when pakistanis attack my country without knowing ground reality i oppose them. Simple..
i dont think Pakistanis have any animosity......older generations, maybe some.

Pakistanis are people who prefer good neighbourly relations and don't prefer any issues of contention or even petty confrontation. I think most have good will towards Bangladesh and would like to see improved ties. Obviously being a Muslim majority country as well, there would be feeling of closeness (despite what happened)
I was born in 1989. Since my childhood i was fed anti-pakistan sentiment through story books and text books and media.... Because of this continuous mind washing every bangladeshi school kid developes an idea that hating pakistan is part of patriotism.. Anyway with time i started to understand india is our real threat, not pakistan. I grew a soft corner for them. Anyway still i hate those pakistanis who committed crime in 1971. Now i have adopted Caliphate ideology. To me Istanbul, Baghdad, Islamabad, Cairo and Dhaka all are same. When Bangladeshis out of nationalism abuses pakistan i try to support Pakistan. And when pakistanis attack my country without knowing ground reality i oppose them. Simple..

Well general public of east and west pakistan were not the criminals. It is the political leaders. Even bengali origin soldiers and officers gave their life for former west pakistan in 1965. But One thing I must say that there could be very strong brotherly relationship between Pakistan and Bangladesh if Pak recognizes its killing, raping, plundering bangladesh and ask for forgiveness. As in our islam Allah will solve problems between any two muslim groups afterlife. I hope pak bros don't take it as an insult. Prophet Muhammad (S) once took handful of sand and said muslims will be like this sand meaning there will not be any unity among muslims. But we can delay that disunity by being like true brothers. It is up to you Pakistan!
Well general public of east and west pakistan were not the criminals. It is the political leaders. Even bengali origin soldiers and officers gave their life for former west pakistan in 1965. But One thing I must say that there could be very strong brotherly relationship between Pakistan and Bangladesh if Pak recognizes its killing, raping, plundering bangladesh and ask for forgiveness. As in our islam Allah will solve problems between any two muslim groups afterlife. I hope pak bros don't take it as an insult. Prophet Muhammad (S) once took handful of sand and said muslims will be like this sand meaning there will not be any unity among muslims. But we can delay that disunity by being like true brothers. It is up to you Pakistan!

How many times should we say sorry to Bangladeshi people and apologize to them? Why your memory is so weak? Our last president Musharraf made apologies to you people. And brother forgiveness and appologies works both way, What mukti bahini did to civilians and Biharis at that time is also condemnable

Latese Generation of Pakistan fully recognizes and blames the political and military leadership of west pakistan at that time. It was the Drunkard General Yahya, the Cunning Zulfikar Ali bhutto, were main culprits from our side and mujib and Indians were just the catalysts.

Latest generation of Pakistan didnot deny the killings of bengali at the hand of Mukti bahini. They are ashamed of their and are equally ashamed those responsible of 1971 debacle were not put on trail.

They just want bangladesh to admit Mukti bahini violence too. What made Pakistani army berserk duing those days were the continuous sabotage, killing of biharis, looting and destroying the Bihari business, frequent attacks on Pak army by Mukti bahini.
Well general public of east and west pakistan were not the criminals. It is the political leaders. Even bengali origin soldiers and officers gave their life for former west pakistan in 1965. But One thing I must say that there could be very strong brotherly relationship between Pakistan and Bangladesh if Pak recognizes its killing, raping, plundering bangladesh and ask for forgiveness. As in our islam Allah will solve problems between any two muslim groups afterlife. I hope pak bros don't take it as an insult. Prophet Muhammad (S) once took handful of sand and said muslims will be like this sand meaning there will not be any unity among muslims. But we can delay that disunity by being like true brothers. It is up to you Pakistan!

General perveez Musharaf when president of Pakistan accepts Bangladesh....the relation between the two countries since then.
Pakistan was made serious mistakes in 1971 and accepted by majority of people now that we had made mistakes and some of the bengali leaders were too at that time.
Apology is not a good idea. There are many reasons behind this. Such as apologizing means recognizing genocide by PA. if any Govt. do this Pakistan Army will not like it. So its a bad idea for any Pakistan Govt. 2. Pakistan will seek apology in return for Bihari killings which Bangladesh will not do. 3. Actually apology will never be granted. Awamileague has to live on anti pakistan sentiment... If pakistan apologise, they will simply reject it by saying a real Bangladeshi cant forgive his father's killer brother's killer..... I observed it somedays ago when i experimentally took Imran khan's name among some Awami minded people. So apology will never work...
If bengladeshi people want apology again then i wish pakistani leader should go and have a press conference with the bengladeshi counterpart and asked for the forgiveness to the bengladeshi people.
@ pakistani on this forum, We can apologies to bengladeshi people again but this time with the people of the bengladesh because it will have a massive response on the people.
How many times should we say sorry to Bangladeshi people and apologize to them? Why your memory is so weak? Our last president Musharraf made apologies to you people. And brother forgiveness and appologies works both way, What mukti bahini did to civilians and Biharis at that time is also condemnable

Latese Generation of Pakistan fully recognizes and blames the political and military leadership of west pakistan at that time. It was the Drunkard General Yahya, the Cunning Zulfikar Ali bhutto, were main culprits from our side and mujib and Indians were just the catalysts.

bro one of my pakistani friend said sorry. It is the government, who represent the whole pakistan, should apologize officially to Bangladesh. Just put yourself in our shoes and you will feel the pain. Pervez Musharaff whatever expressed unofficially and that is why most bangladeshis doesn't know it. I hope you understand official and non-official. Also the former west pakistani army personelle who commited these crimes should be punished.
Apology is not a good idea. There are many reasons behind this. Such as apologizing means recognizing genocide by PA. if any Govt. do this Pakistan Army will not like it. So its a bad idea for any Pakistan Govt. 2. Pakistan will seek apology in return for Bihari killings which Bangladesh will not do. 3. Actually apology will never be granted. Awamileague has to live on anti pakistan sentiment... If pakistan apologise, they will simply reject it by saying a real Bangladeshi cant forgive his father's killer brother's killer..... I observed it somedays ago when i experimentally took Imran khan's name among some Awami minded people. So apology will never work...

Brothere musharaf already apologies to the bengladeshi people and due to this we have very good relations with you people in recent years. I think we can do this time again under the awami league so that it will help us to see what reallt awami league has given to you or want to give you.
I was born in 1990..... Never read anything about bangladesh... except the PTV dramas based on the lives of National Heroes of 1971... like Rashid Minhas etc.......... hate the traitors like ZAB and Mujib....Never met a bengali in person... dnt know abt their culture...Dnt hate bangladesh except the ones tht hate my counter......and im against any apology to bangladesh.... was interested in the caliphate concept... not anymore.. dont believe it.

Wish Bangal becomes a part of Pakistan... some sort of federation... maybe like UK..
bro one of my pakistani friend said sorry. It is the government, who represent the whole pakistan, should apologize officially to Bangladesh. Just put yourself in our shoes and you will feel the pain. Pervez Musharaff whatever expressed unofficially and that is why most bangladeshis doesn't know it. I hope you understand official and non-official. Also the former west pakistani army personelle who commited these crimes should be punished.

That is why i am saying we should do this again in front of people of bengladesh. i dont mind doing this and i will be very happy by doing that. As far as punishment is concerned the culprits of 1971 already died like yahya khan and Bhutto. What next we can do? Punish the graves???
I think punishment part is useless.
Brothere musharaf already apologies to the bengladeshi people and due to this we have very good relations with you people in recent years. I think we can do this time again under the awami league so that it will help us to see what reallt awami league has given to you or want to give you.

good idea. We really need to know Awami League's.
I was born in 1990..... Never read anything about bangladesh... except the PTV dramas based on the lives of National Heroes of 1971... like Rashid Minhas etc.......... hate the traitors like ZAB and Mujib....Never met a bengali in person... dnt know abt their culture...Dnt hate bangladesh except the ones tht hate my counter......and im against any apology to bangladesh.... was interested in the caliphate concept... not anymore.. dont believe it.

Wish Bangal becomes a part of Pakistan... some sort of federation... maybe like UK..

i wish bengladesh and pakistan will unite....
General perveez Musharaf when president of Pakistan accepts Bangladesh....the relation between the two countries since then.
Pakistan was made serious mistakes in 1971 and accepted by majority of people now that we had made mistakes and some of the bengali leaders were too at that time.
Jamatis think Pakistan didn't need to apology. BNP has no problem with Pakistan and doesn't bother seeking apology.... Its only Awami and hindus who demand apology.... I know lighting fighter's intention. He wants a brotherly relation which will open through apology... I already said it apology is not a good idea... And Musharaf did it but unofficially. He meant official declaration. I suggest if official declaration is necessay- then form a committee including everyone from UN, pak, jamat, awamileague, india and go to every village of Bangladesh, go to biharis, pakistanis to gather info on 1971. then come to a conclusion agreed by all the party on number of deaths rape. Then apologise...
Sir, with due respect it is Pakistan who is under attack right now. It would be sufficient for Pakistan army to defend the nation form both external and internal threats as our army has shown in the last couple of years like the Swat operation. Bangladesh and Bangladeshi people are just like our brothers and sisters. Of course there are still some misunderstandings between the two nations but i strongly believe that these differences will soon be resolved. I love Bangladesh and my prayers will always be there for its people.:wave:

These hypocrite Politicians always played double game with Army and with peoples of paksitan. They used army to create and fight along with talibans and now they are using Army to fight along with NATO against Taliban. These politicians are liars as they were speaking against drone attacks but at the same time provided bases to USA for drones attacks. I think they are real enemy of Pakistan and paksitani peoples.

Secondly you cannot kill voices of peoples with brutal military operation and there should be a political solution for all such conflicts within a country. Genral Tikka khan was from my tehsil kahuta but i dislike him for what he did in east pakistan. Why they could not keep Bangladesh even after using military power. What they gained? Nothing. Instead they lost as well as taken so many lives during all this process. I hope they don't repeat the same mistake in Baluchistan. It is the responsibility of central government to treat all its ethnicities/provinces fairly and equally . There were some reasons if Muslims wanted separate land for themselves instead of living with united India. There were also reasons for Bangladeshi to ask for independence and same is true for few who is demanding same thing in Baluchistan. If central government and leaders will not tackle these reasons then you will not get any positive result.
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