This is a simplified illustration of the concept. The goal is not only a machine-to-human circle, but also full tactical integration within the joint force structure. In other words, air, naval and land systems will act as a whole within the same network in real time. For example, an ammunition fired from a naval platform will be guided by an air platform. Or Group B electronic warfare elements will be used against the structure that Group A engages. A very complex command and control, communication and combat tactical network is being designed. And all this infrastructure is being built as a network independent of NATO. This is one of the reasons for the current F-16 modernization want to be carried forward through ÖZGÜR. There are a number of projects going on in this regard, some of which I have shared in the forum. You can read the following thread as one of the main projects in this regard.
The KARTAL National Warning and Command and Control (K2) is a system that will meet the needs of the Turkish Air Force Command in this area, which is developed by HAVELSAN with national resources. It has been seen that there are important problems in assigning the Air Command and Control System...