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New Delhi Seeks Heavy Machine Guns For F-INSAS

no offence but ur HMGs and LMGs are ancient.....

They ar old but we still use it for thier brute force...the new insas lmg is now used by the army and the paramilitary forces
watch this video and see how good is this weapons not to mention the almost no recoil..mind you the gun was being operated by a civilian

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the new bullet proof PATKA (top included)

---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 AM ----------

why cant we sir....?
because am not seeing any kind of all out war that will use our airforce and navy , because once that situation reaches it will end with nuclear calamity for sure [thanks to our neighbour for their first to use policy]

i can expect only proxy wars and at maximum kargil like misadventures from our neighbour , so who is going to fight for us it defenetly not AF and navy it will be our army..... in that case

1:are we going to fight with our artillery that purchased in 80s..?
2:still our army is going to carry 10kg Bullet prrof jackets in the mountains.?
3:are we going to use our INSAS as primary weapon in our future....?
4:are we going to use the same old mortar that used in WW2..?

still our MOD dont have a clear roadmap for our army modernization...

i know FINSAS is coming , but i can not see any improvements and deadline for that project

despite silly robot

Key words: High cost of force protection

How much can we afford to spend on each trooper.

We don't such deep pockets for equipping our troops to such levels as the Americans.

Even if we did , i would rather have some of that money spent on Pensions for our veterans . Which is a necessity.

Back to topic our modernization program is vast but it also a has budget

Need to work hard to reach at that level:cheers:

Indeed , we should never aim lower , but we have to consider the logistical limitations of the present. And plan so for the future

And wrt to rest of the future soldier programmes from the world, India's F-INSAS programme is very advanced and futuristic as well.

Key word is most.

Exception being the US.

Most nations have a comparable defense budget to India, but The US budget is like 20X ours.

I expect F-INSAS to live to to similar standards in Israel , and Europe.

There is cost to force protection , how much can we spend on each solider.

Why you think like that? F-INSAS is very similar to US Land Warrior.

Except in budget .

All of these systems are underway for F-INSAS as well by 2012/13 we will see vast number of Indian soldiers with such gadgets and by 2020 all the soldiers, though I am expecting two to three years of delay. Atleast two futuristic rifles also under development for F-INSAS programme.

There is a lot to expect , we shall see how much of it , the army lives up to.

As of now expectations are good

expect at lease 10 yrs. delay on this program...indian army is the most corrupt and slow paced part of armed forces..

One thing we don't need is thinking like that.

You might as well go say that to the Jawans on the border.

This is the Insas Excalibur it has auto and semi-auto mode but the army is going for a new weapon and this one could be used by para-military forces

Lets have a reality check

Over all the INSAS rifle is mediocre rifle.

In the end it shoots- fairly accurately and with reasonable reliability but its plagued by disappointing quality.
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Except in budget .
OK, forget about budget. Their development and production costs also much more. I just wanted to know which systems are there in US Land Warrior that are not in F-INSAS or those are better in Land Warrior?

There is a lot to expect , we shall see how much of it , the army lives up to.

As of now expectations are good

YouTube - DDRO develops Human Soldier Weapon System.

I have seen that video hundred times and that is old. Just one part of F-INSAS. F-INSAS is a very old programme. All the DRDO labs along with 150 industry partners working on it. I don't see the reason for not meeting the expectations. There may be delay but they will do it step by step, just like Indian Army has projects to become a network centric force.
despite silly robot

Key words: High cost of force protection

How much can we afford to spend on each trooper.

We don't such deep pockets for equipping our troops to such levels as the Americans.

Even if we did , i would rather have some of that money spent on Pensions for our veterans . Which is a necessity.

Back to topic our modernization program is vast but it also a has budget

Indeed , we should never aim lower , but we have to consider the logistical limitations of the present. And plan so for the future

Key word is most.

Exception being the US.

Most nations have a comparable defense budget to India, but The US budget is like 20X ours.

I expect F-INSAS to live to to similar standards in Israel , and Europe.

There is cost to force protection , how much can we spend on each solider.

Except in budget .

There is a lot to expect , we shall see how much of it , the army lives up to.

As of now expectations are good

YouTube - DDRO develops Human Soldier Weapon System.

One thing we don't need is thinking like that.

You might as well go say that to the Jawans on the border.

Lets have a reality check

Over all the INSAS rifle is mediocre rifle.

In the end it shoots- fairly accurately and with reasonable reliability but its plagued by disappointing quality.

the manikin is wearing a russian type helmet ..right?
OK, forget about budget. Their development and production costs also much more. I just wanted to know which systems are there in US Land Warrior that are not in F-INSAS or those are better in Land Warrior?

We cant ignore ground realties or the situation. I am not talking about R&D here. I am talking about the cost per solider for these systems.

Key words: High cost of force protection

How much can we afford to spend on each trooper.

We don't such deep pockets for equipping our troops to such levels as the Americans.

Even if we did , i would rather have some of that money spent on Pensions for our veterans . Which is a necessity.

You cant tell me we can possible afford the same cost per trooper as the Americans.

May be we can attain a cost effective system in the same range as Israel of France. which is more reasonable.

We have 1 milllion plus troops.

It takes the Americans $10,000 + to equip their troops currently.

Any future solider system is easily $20,000 + .

So a Million plus soldiers , each costing how much for equipment.

They can simply afford more that then we can.

I have seen that video hundred times and that is old. Just one part of F-INSAS. F-INSAS is a very old programme. All the DRDO labs along with 150 industry partners working on it. I don't see the reason for not meeting the expectations. There may be delay but they will do it step by step, just like Indian Army has projects to become a network centric force.

Well , find me a better video,

This is the only F-INSAS teaser i ever found.
the manikin is wearing a russian type helmet ..right?

That is a DRDO system.

I don't know how you have reached the conclusion that it is a Russian HMD.

In fact the DRDO rep clearly says multiple systems are being developed by various lab's. His own lab developing the Multi-caliber rifle.


Gen X warfare, DRDO develops human soldier weapon systemsan soldier weapon systems
By: Subroto Roy
Date: 2009-03-05 Place: Pune

The system will aid soldiers to emerge as weapon systems

According to several people associated with India's Defense Research Development Organisation (DRDO), numerous strategic weapon systems especially the human soldier system was refused to India by all the countries leading in the technology.

However, the rejection has motivated the 10 armament research laboratories under DRDO to develop these technologies, including the soldier weapons system.

Shubhananda Rao, director of High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL), said, "They (nations that have strategic weapon systems) will not give us the strategic military technology." Several heads of armament lab echoed his statement.

Likewise, A M Datar, director of Armament Research and Development Establishment (ARDE), said, "As no nation would give us the strategic technology in mines, missiles and ammunition, we ourselves have developed the human soldier weapon system, which will prove to be a boon in times ahead."

He added that the Gen X system, which is being developed by the laboratories under the DRDO, has a system that would assist the human soldier weapon system in unknown terrains.

The soldier will be equipped with individual protection, anti-splinter goggles, anti-mine shoes, communication system, helmet with display and water source.

Satish Kumar, director of Ballistics Research Laboratory (BRL) in Chandigarh, said, "We had to keep the collective weight of all these equipment below 27 kg as a soldier can't carry more than that.

He added that with this development, a soldier would also be able also carry a multi-caliber weapon with grenade launcher."
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