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New cruise missile?


Feb 25, 2009
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United States
This from another forum: OP- Kunal Biswas.

This report is dated september 13 2010, Around the same time (8 Sep.) there was this report by Shiv Aroor...

Livefist: FIRST LOOK: India's Long-Range Cruise Missile Programme

Now, here are the facts that both these reports have in common..

1.The LRCM is a "super-sonic cruise missile - long range",

2.DRDO will complete the development of airframe integrated air intakes and controllers before 2012.

3.The engine development and engine test facilities are well underway but will be complete under the 12th Plan, i.e, between 2012-2017.

Here are the points where these two reports differ...

1. Range of the missile ---- LIvefist says more than 600km while this report says 1000km.

2. First test firing ---- Livefist says 2013-14 while this report says 2014-15.


BTW, here is an interesting slide from livefist about LRCM. Note that they have included anti shipping role as a part of the mission profile of this missile!:devil:

I wonder what the fascination of DRDO with liquid fuels.

Why don't they develope solid fuelled missile??
Yeah its an old article, however mystery is still out there, whether its an Nirbhay or a new missile ?
with mach 3.2 speed, range of 1000km.

target destroyed in 15.3 minutes.
its not Nirbhay because Nirbhay is subsonic this one is supersonic at mach 3.2
I know but i could be a simple mistake because these people have made much bigger mistakes....
I know but i could be a simple mistake because these people have made much bigger mistakes....

it cannot be Nirbhay because Nirbhay is supposed to be flight tested in 2012 according to VK Saraswat during Aero India 2011 this LRCM is going to be tested 2014-2015
Could you show the formula used ot reach that conclusion? What is the meaning or converison factor of Mach 3.2

ok yesterday I made a rough calculation, as you asked here it is. No need of formulas ok
we got the range and speed of the missile.....
range = 1000km
speed = 3.2 mach => 1225 x 3.2 = 3920 kmph ( the speed of sound is 340.3 m/s[3] (1225 km/h, or 761.2 mph, or 661.5 knots, or 1116 ft/s) in the Earth's atmosphere )

=> 3920kmph / 60 minutes = 65.333 kilometers per minute
we got the range right scale this 65.333 km to 1000 km you will get it which is

65.333 x 15.3 = 999.599 (nearly 1000)
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