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"New Constitution" a "New System" for Pakistan after Coronavirus? | Pakistan New Change in 2020

It will come when the J-16 and FC-31 come... In pdf's dreams.
This not some unique quality of Pakistanis. Its a default quality of ALL societies. Somalis , Afghans Chadians Yemenis etc etc etc ALL have people who remain in those countries and fight for survival without giving up.


Somalis, Afghans and Yemenis u mentioned all have been destroyed into bits. Dysfunctional failed states. So surviving in those countries and surviving like Pakistanis is a vast differrence, you are comparing oranges with apple. Pakistanis resilience is when all sanctions were put on Pakistan it built Nuclear bombs and huge Missile capability. Even with corrupt Parliament Pakistanis 220 m survived better. you got to come to Pakistan the beauty, the style and comfort in Pakistan. Its so clean and surviving. Despite 20 years of war, bombs in every city to this day Pakistanis survive and take the war to the enemey.
Pakistan needs an Islamic Revolution. Let us change before we forget who we are.

And be not like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget themselves. Those are the defiantly disobedient.
Why do the threads die down when I post?

I would like to engage in conversations regarding where.our country is headed and where we as Muslims are headed...

The likes of Pankaj Mishra say we live in the age of anger, but when I saw this picture, I could not feel anything. I was not at all angry, I'm sure. . I don't care that he lied to our institutions to run out of the country. I dont care he plundered the people of Pakistan. I now strongly believe that he made the best he could of the system of Pakistan. He is now THE successful man in my eyes. I wish I could be half as calm, contented and satisfied as this man. Indeed he has won the game that is Pakistan's politics.

I have now realized that the only one to be blamed for the ills of this nation is the overall Established System of Pakistan. Now dont think that the picture of Nawaz has got be all hysterical and emotional. I can't be angry anymore. I think the time for the Pakistani people is to become as calm as The Nawaz and assess the situation in order to best exploit it for their own benefit. In order to properly assess the situation, understand that pictures like this just tell part of the story.

One must realize that the judiciary, the bureaucracy, the army and the political elite are all inevitably in this together
. They cannot help but exploit the people of Pakistan. It is becoming more clear, by the day. There can be no justice, safety from terrorists, legislation, representation, peace and equity as long as this system persists. Each and every institution is working to increase their own power without thinking about the people of Pakistan (judicial activism being the newest effort). PTI might present herself to be a noble and honest party , but PTI cannot even offer resistance to the already established system of exploitation in Pakistan. I understand the helplessness of Imran Khan and his workers. IK will die with his dream of changing Pakistan within this decade or the next.

I have been thinking a lot about Pakistan's future in the long quarantine that I have placed myself into, and I have realized a few things.
  • First, Pakistan is now a permanently failed/stuck state. A stuck state means that the political environment in the country is such, that no progress in economy, welfare and provision of justice justice can be made due to very powerful hurdles. Hurdles being regionalization of national political parties in all provinces, the introduction of the half baked 18th amendment, Battle of power between the judiciary, army and the parliament, amoung many other reasons. There has been no legislation in the country since IK took oath and I dont expect any further legislation even after the next election. The Indian, Afghan and Iranian machinations to hurt Pakistan will also overpower Pakistan because they exploit along the already fragile ethnic and sectarian lines.
  • Second, for the young people of this nation, there is no future. They wont be able to generate wealth, raise families happily, get their children good education, and will suffer in this system. I believe that, specially after the COVID-19, every educated person who has a degree is as useless as expecting Pakistan to change for the better. The only people who will survive will be the ones who know skills and craft.
  • Third, In the future, I see that the ethnic borders between the provinces will be inflamed due to increased competition of resources, lack of Pakistani action with regard to Indian water terrorism and climate change. The PPP will keep alienating the population of Sindh while they will still keep voting PPP to retain a Bhutto legacy while in Balochistan, India and Iran will continue their cooperation to bleed Pakistan. The chances of a failing Pakistan in the far future have increased specially after the pandemic. Everyone saw the lack of central authority during the pandemic. The pandemic showed that Punjab does not need Sindh, and vice versa. KPK does not need Punjab and Sindh and vice versa. And we don't talk about Balochistan.
  • Fourth, If one has to survive the anarchic nation of Pakistan, one has to make his way into one of the four institutions I mentioned above namely: The Army, Bureaucracy, Politics and the Judiciary. With a good position in one of such institutions, one places himself in a good position to exploit and plunder the people of Pakistan. My message to fellow youngsters, if you do not do that, some one else will do it to you. A strong recommendation to the youngsters reading this write-up is to sit for the government exams or try for Army instead of becoming bank managers, engineers and doctors.
  • Fifth, I see that in this decade (2020-2030), Pakistan will face a huge brain drain. Every engineer, doctor and service provider will crawl out of Pakistan to have a chance of living a reasonable and respectable life. This is because the lack of industrialization, failing institutions and a failed economy. According to a very recent record from THE top engineering university of Pakistan, 66% of their students (batch 2017 and 2018) have left Pakistan with no intention of working in Pakistan ever.
With all these problems racing towards us, the viability of Pakistan as a state or at least as a functional nation is in grave danger. I do not see any way to avoid the problems as it would require changing perception of different ethnicities, sects and views. How can one do that without breaking the country up? Will all this happen without a war within? Will the people of Pakistan become "Angry" one day? Will that "Anger" break Pakistan into pieces or will it make it into a strong state? The reaction of the people of Pakistan to the failing system in the coming few years will decide whether Pakistan sustains a place on this map, becomes a unified nation under a single authority ( unlike today where everyone is running after power) or a failed state. However, the chances of a fragmented Pakistan have drastically increased after the Pandemic and the 18th amendment.
Why Pakistan need a "New Constitution" a "New System" after Coronavirus | Must require to make some real decisions | End the useless abusing Parliament
  • Since 1947, Pakistan made a parliamentary system on lines of British and American democracies, which then it brought many Islamic System, governance and principles into a so-called Islamic Democratic system to run a country. This system is now absolute, unable to deliver and failing clearly.
  • Look at the current Senate, Parliamentary system, and the parliamentary sessions we see in Islamabad, total fail, no policy agreement, third class abuses, illogical comments, totally irrelevant to what Pakistanis of 220 million want. Look at useless MPAs, MNAs.
  • Every-time the parliamentary session has walkouts, nobody listens, false blame games, lack of in-depth knowledge, accusations of selected PM, MPAs, MNAs by Army, ISI, and the Establishment.
  • No decisions are even made on Kashmir, Indian Occupied Kashmir, Covid-19, economy, manufacturing development, social uplift. What Pakistan has plans to take its own territories of Indian Occupied Kashmir, What is Pakistan Army plans? Policy directions? new avenues? or just talk and talk.
  • China has suddenly come with force at world stage facing multiple gangs of countries, with its communist government, look at the gang of USA, Britain, Canada, Europe attacking China. Even India is abused and used by USA.
  • Where is Pakistan standing? Where are its polices? Why is Pakistan not carrying out operations to grab land which it belong, Lands of Wakhan border, Indian Occupied Kashmir, Jammu, Sir Creek, Junagarh. It has to even intervene in Ladakh. Not a single Pakistani see any concrete long-term policy by Pakistan Government, this Parliamentary system, PPP, PMLN goons, and even Army, ISI etc.
  • Pakistan need a new system, a new governance system, a Presidential system with the help of China and Islamic principles for another 20 years of solid policy and governance in future. Look at the changing world around, and it is time to get ahead, take initiative, own ourselves, Pakistan is standing on its feet clearly, all alone. Make clear decisions along China the real brother standing by it. Pakistan must come up and make strong strategic moves, complimentary moves which benefit Pakistan. Not yet talking, media discussion, do some real long-term concrete economic and game changing moves. An example is giving Afghanistan economy boost, Afghan transit trade through Gwadar Deep seaport is a massive strategic move, which wins Afghans hearts and gives a massive economic boost to Pakistan as well.
  • In all essence these double standard players last 200 years, America, Britian, Europe are dying, weakening economies, 100% USA, UK, Israel will never support Pakistan stance at world stage, these countries are going to support India over Pakistan in real sense.
Pakistan is all on its own now, in real sense, its destiny, its expansion, its ideology, its leaders to become historic figures, its Armies to be remembered, its economy to become global, its geo-strategic location maximum use. Pakistanis 220 millions have to come up, take a step forward, assert, grabs its territories, make big decisions, quick decisions and decide the final system. 220 Million Pakistanis FATE is in your own hands.
Pakistan have only one constitution witch belong from its birth witch is (QURAN & SUNNAH) nothing more nothing less...:pakistan:
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