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New Base Year Ups FY'13 GDP by US$18 billion


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New base year ups FY'13 GDP size by $18 billion :: Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh

New base year ups FY'13 GDP size by $18 billion
Published : Wednesday, 04 September 2013
Jasim Uddin Haroon

The size of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) has gone up by more than $18 billion in the last fiscal (2012-13) to US$151 billion in nominal terms under the new baseline of the fiscal year (FY) 2005-06.

The figure represents a 13 per cent increase in size of the GDP of the last fiscal over that of the same year, measured according to the old baseline of 1995-96, officials at the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) told the FE Tuesday.

An inter-ministerial meeting will be held at the Bangladesh Parishankan Bhavan today (Wednesday) at 11 in the morning to approve the new size of the GDP estimated on the basis of the new base year.

Country's nominal GDP, or GDP at current prices, now stands at $133 billion under the old base year.

The BBS officials also said the size of the country's real GDP will be larger by at least 60 per cent under the new baseline.

The changes in size of the real GDP will be mainly due to the price changes between the two periods.

BBS officials said the new base year will give a more accurate picture of the economy's structure.

Earlier, a technical committee led by Professor Dr Wahiduddin Mahmud approved the Bureau's programme of making a new base year in July last.

The committee had approved the new base year of 2005-06 instead of 1995-96 with the revision of product and services basket.

Sources said it will also announce final GDP growth rate and size of 2011-12 fiscal year under the new base year.

The Ministry of Planning had earlier approved the new base period and GDP measurement.

Bangladesh's per capita income will go up in line with the increase in the size of the GDP.

It needs $1,006 per capita income to pull the country up to the middle-income group.

The technical committee sat on the issue with the Planning Minister AK Khandker on Thursday last at the Parishankan Bhavan in the city.

"We've finalised our calculation under the new base year, nominal GDP size has grown by 13 per cent over the old base year estimate while the real GDP size increased by 60 per cent," said a senior official at the BBS.

The new base, however, included nearly 150 new products and services.

The agriculture and forestry sector alone contributed 24 new crops to the GDP measurement.

In the financial intermediation sector, the new entrants are micro-credit, cooperative banking, Central Depository Bangladesh Limited, insurance agents and house building financing.

The BBS is now being guided by the system of national accounting (SNA)-1993 of the UN Statistical Commission, established in 1947, as the apex entity of the global statistical system and the highest decision making body for coordinating international statistical activities.

It has planned to adopt SNA 2008 of UN Statistical Commission to measure GDP.

A consultant of International Monetary Fund (IMF), Dr AC Kulshrestha, trained the BBS officials and put forward some recommendations for the statistics and informatics division in this regard.

Updating the base year through revising the GDP estimation has become essential for various reasons, including newer economic activities, progressive expansion and downsizing of different industries and economic sectors over the years.

In Bangladesh, the GDP base year, generally, is revised every 10 years. In India, it is revised every five years to improve quality and accuracy of data in an updated manner as far as possible.
Welcome back @eastwatch :).

So what is the Real GDP that they are talking about!! The GDP (PPP) one??? But I am disappointed. I thought the nominal GDP will see more growth. For the case of change of base year from 1985 to 1995 it increased by 30%.
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I think if we go by this new base year then Bangladesh has already elevated to middle income group or within a year or two it will be elevated for sure.
I think if we go by this new base year then Bangladesh has already elevated to middle income group or within a year or two it will be elevated for sure.

Is our GDP larger than superpower state Maharashtra's GDP (nominal) yet? We beat all other superpower states in terms of GDP (not per capita though).
Welcome back @eastwatch :).

So what is the Real GDP that they are talking about!! The GDP (PPP) one??? But I am disappointed. I thought the nominal GDP will see more growth. For the case of change of base year from 1985 to 1995 it increased by 30%.

Thanks for welcoming me back. $151 billion is not certainly a PPP figure. It is the real GDP in US dollar. But, 2005 base is also too old if it is thought that the country's economy is expanding very fast. BD GDP would be up by another 10% if the base year is taken at 2010. I hope, BD will grade up the base year to 2010 in the next one year.
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Is our GDP larger than superpower state Maharashtra's GDP (nominal) yet? We beat all other superpower states in terms of GDP (not per capita though).

Indian Rupee has lost its glamour which was based on the infusion of cheap foreign money from Europe and USA. It is more than 25% down, and so is its GDP figure. It is only $1.5 trillion at the current INR/Dollar exchange rate. By next April/May India will have to pay back $150 billion loan money to its creditors. INR will surely lose more glamour.

Our living standard, since Pakistan time, has been always above the Indian one. Only a strong INR made the Indians brag about their hollow economy. However, I agree they are advanced in producing bus, trucks and cars. But, we are advancing also in these fields. We will make up the gap and catch up with that bragging India shortly.

Honda and another Japanese company will produce motor cycles. Walton and Mitsubishi will produce cars in BD. We will go above all other south Asian countries within the next few years. Power is more available now. Once the election is over, the companies will more invest in factories.
Thanks for welcoming me back. $151 billion is not certainly a PPP figure. It is the real GDP in US dollar. But, 2005 base is also too old if it is thought that the country's economy is expanding very fast. BD GDP would be up by another 10% if the base year is taken at 2010. I hope, BD will grade up the base year to 2010 in the next one year.

Thanks for the explanation but I dnt think the real GDP and nominal GDP is same if we see the following part of the report..

"We've finalised our calculation under the new base year, nominal GDP size has grown by 13 per cent over the old base year estimate while the real GDP size increased by 60 per cent," said a senior official at the BBS.
Thanks for the explanation but I dnt think the real GDP and nominal GDP is same if we see the following part of the report..

Thanks. I have checked the sentence. But, we have to understand that our news reporters are not that educated. So, they may make some mistakes. Note that the sentence you have referred to has no meaning at all. Seems it was written in a hurry.

I have posted another news on Muhith's statement. He was bragging of per capita $1044 for BD. This is what he said, "Sri Lanka with an annual per capita income of $2923 in 2012-13 tops the South Asian countries. India’s per capita income of $1527 may be somewhat eroded by the fall in the value of the rupee vis-a-vis the dollar, much the same way as Pakistan’s annual per capita income that now stands at $1380."
Per Capita annual income crosses $1000
Chief Economics Correspondent, bdnews24.com
Published: 2013-09-04 14:23:49.0 BdST Updated: 2013-09-04 14:25:55.0 BdST

Per Capita annual income crosses $1000 - bdnews24.com

Capping its stellar performance in the social sector, Bangladesh has achieved another economic milestone.

The country once written off by US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger as a ‘basket case’ has crossed the $1000 mark in annual per capita income.

On Wednesday, Finance Minister AMA Muhith told mediapersons that Bangladesh’s annual per capita income has risen to $1044 in 2012-13 from $23 a year ago.

The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics presented a projection on annual per capita income before the Minister’s announcement.

“Our social sector performance is getting better by the day and that is reflecting on the economy. That is why there is a rise in per capita income,” Muhith said.

The Finance Minister said the Awami league led government treats statistics as sacrosanct and has kept it ‘above politics’.

He said a new base year will be used to calculate Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – as has been done to work out the rate of inflation.

Instead of 1996-96 that has so far been used as the base year for these calculations, 2005-06 will be used as base year from now on.

Muhith said his government was aiming at a 7.2 percent GDP growth in the current fiscal – an ambitious but not unattainable target, he would imagine.

Sri Lanka with an annual per capita income of $2923 in 2012-13 tops the South Asian countries.

India’s per capita income of $1527 may be somewhat eroded by the fall in the value of the rupee vis-a-vis the dollar, much the same way as Pakistan’s annual per capita income that now stands at $1380.

India is the world’s fourth largest economy but ranks 94th in per capita income in the world.
i am wondering the same#

despite less than 4% growth, Pak GDP is expanding by around 20billion dollars each year.

You may have quoted an absurd figure. If the GDP is $220 billion and the annual growth is 4%, then the GDP will grow by $8.8 billion. In order to grow by $20 billion and the rate of growth is 4%, then Pakistan GDP must be $500 billion.

However, is Pakistan GDP really growing by 4% annually?
Thanks. I have checked the sentence. But, we have to understand that our news reporters are not that educated. So, they may make some mistakes. Note that the sentence you have referred to has no meaning at all. Seems it was written in a hurry.

I have posted another news on Muhith's statement. He was bragging of per capita $1044 for BD. This is what he said, "Sri Lanka with an annual per capita income of $2923 in 2012-13 tops the South Asian countries.

India’s per capita income of $1527 may be somewhat eroded by the fall in the value of the rupee vis-a-vis the dollar, much the same way as Pakistan’s annual per capita income that now stands at $1380."
@eastwatch Muhith was talking about per capita income. It is possible as last time I heard it was above 900 USD. But per capita income and per capita GDP are both not the same. Just wondering do you have idea what should be the minimum per capita income required to be elevated as middle income country???
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Is our GDP larger than superpower state Maharashtra's GDP (nominal) yet? We beat all other superpower states in terms of GDP (not per capita though).

Couldn't help yourself could you? This is what I talking about the other day, Bangladeshis can't help but drag India into every darned issue.
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