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New atheist map of the world

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May 18, 2011
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New 'atheist map' of the world dominated by China where half the country's population describes themselves as non-believers

Gallup International surveyed more than 50,000 people across 40 countries
Around 47 per cent of people in China describe themselves as atheists
This is compared to an average of just 13 per cent worldwide

China has the highest amount of atheists living in a single country with nearly 50 per cent of its population describing themselves as non-believers, a new survey has revealed.

Around 47 per cent of people living in China describe themselves as atheists compared to an average of 13 per cent across the world.

A 2012 poll by WIN/Gallup International surveyed more than 50,000 people across 40 countries whether they considered themselves 'religious', 'not religious' or 'convinced atheist'.


It is perhaps not surprising that China has the highest amount of atheists as its republic government was officially atheist when it formed in 1949.

All temples temples and religious relics were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution of 1967 to 1977

But the country did relax its religious policy with the 1978 Constitution of the People's Republic of China guaranteeing 'freedom of religion' in Article 36

he policy regarding religious practice in China states that 'no state organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens because they do, or do not believe in religion.'

Since the mid-1980s there has been a massive program to rebuild Buddhist and Taoist temples.
In recent times, the government has expressed support for Buddhism and Taoism, organizing the World Buddhist Forum in 2006 and the International Forum on the Daodejing in 2007. The government sees these religions as an integral part of Chinese culture.

There are five religions recognized by the state, namely Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, and Protestantism.

But these figures appear to suggest that much of the skepticism surrounding organized religion in the country has survived.

Whereas in Japan, where a post-WWII taboo still remains, with 31 per cent still atheists.

One of the most surprising figures in the Islamic country of Saudi Arabia where five per cent of the population described themselves as atheists, despite this being considered a crime.

This compares to just one per cent in both Iraq and Afghanistan who describe themselves as atheists.

And in Italy, the home of the Catholic Church, support is still strong with nearly three-fourths of Italians consider themselves religious, which is actually up on 2005's figures.

Earlier this week Pope Francis has said atheists who are good are redeemed by Jesus in a homily urging that people of differing beliefs work together.

WIN/Gallup notes that religion is strongest among the poor and the less educated, which correlates among the most religious countries.

In Ghana, Nigeria, Armenia and Fiji, more than nine in 10 people say they’re religious.

Read more: New 'atheist map' of the world dominated by China where half the country¿s population describes themselves as non-believers | Mail Online
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in saudi arabia too??:woot:
Wow!! Saudi Arabia has more atheists than my country?:what:
Wrong map. There are no atheists in Saudi Arabia.:angel:
Half of china is kafir? Muslim Kafir Bhai Bhai!!
Atheism is the only way forward for the world. There is no harm retaining cultural practises drawing from religions, but believing in a big man in the sky is simply silly.

Flame shield up.
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