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New Administrator on PDF

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Awesome. He is busy with some personal commitments. We thank him for his role on this website, he is my idol :)

He was a moderator before right? I remember seeing him on a red tag....... btw should suggest @Spring Onion for a mod :)
Awesome. He is busy with some personal commitments. We thank him for his role on this website, he is my idol :)

We had a chat about you and your new role and he had hold you in high regards and your abilities, which is a good sign.
We had a chat about you and your new role and he had hold you in high regards and your abilities, which is a good sign.

Yea we communicate quite often.

I thank him for having a positive opinion of me.
Welcome @Aeronaut as your new administrator on PDF.

Aero will switch from the moderating role to more of a technical and management role. Managing the site of this size is not an easy task, so Aero will now be assisting in that regards.

Me and him also have some difficult and challenging plans ahead but i think together with the in-house Think Tank and management team, we can use PDF to its true potential. We hope to continue to set standards and build a membership that is unmatched.

I want to thank Aero for his services in the moderation role. We will be soon adding more firepower to enforce rules as we find suitable candidates. If you have suggestions regarding new mods: your input will be helpful. (Contact Us, dont post here)

Congrats Aeronaut good keep going by the way how you guys connect with each other when you never have met ? @Aeronaut @WebMaster
He was a moderator before right? I remember seeing him on a red tag....... btw should suggest @Spring Onion for a mod :)

Awesome came a long way :) when members like me were NOT even in knowledge of what "forum" actually is, he was there as member on other known forums.
:P his firstever avatar was RETARDED :D oye awesome you remember?

As far as me being MOD well NO dear am happy throwing cuss words occasionally.

When you become a mod you have to curb your own freedom .
Welcome @Aeronaut as your new administrator on PDF.

Aero will switch from the moderating role to more of a technical and management role. Managing the site of this size is not an easy task, so Aero will now be assisting in that regards.

Me and him also have some difficult and challenging plans ahead but i think together with the in-house Think Tank and management team, we can use PDF to its true potential. We hope to continue to set standards and build a membership that is unmatched.

I want to thank Aero for his services in the moderation role. We will be soon adding more firepower to enforce rules as we find suitable candidates. If you have suggestions regarding new mods: your input will be helpful. (Contact Us, dont post here)

Thank you webmaster.
So, change my color to red, and under it, instead of "Moderator", write "Khushbo Laga Kay"....... the title alone will shut them up! :D

P.S. Emperor is with an uppercase E, and it's "The Emperor" o_O
Why not Khushbo lagay kay phonchoun? :angel:

That would freak anyone out...like night time monsters :rofl:
No, he was our Administrator. He does still have an advisory role.
Awesome was one of the pdf gems.He has always taken decision wisely and boldly.We will always remember him.
I don't keep grudges, i spill them out. I keep my own opinions and my duties separate, like the wife and a secret girlfriend. :D

@Joe Shearer

What a VERY pleasant surprise!

Congratulations, and I am sure you will live up to the high hopes that we all have of you.

I am personally very pleased, needless to add.
What a VERY pleasant surprise!

Congratulations, and I am sure you will live up to the high hopes that we all have of you.

I am personally very pleased, needless to add.

You know how much this means to me. People like you are the true treasure of this website. I hope that you could give us more of your input.

What a VERY pleasant surprise!

Congratulations, and I am sure you will live up to the high hopes that we all have of you.

I am personally very pleased, needless to add.

:) Sir where you have been.
Webby is running short of firepower, it's good time for coup. :ph34r:

Congrats Aero -

After some time, I've come onto PDF, thanks to being sent a message that someone I like a lot had been elevated, and found myself going through this thread from the beginning.

@LoveIcon, PDF would be a much duller place without your irreverent interventions! Fortunately, the administrators quite clearly have a sense of humour, so you survive to entertain us all and brighten our days. More power to your elbow.

This is not to belittle the sharp, witty but sorted out point to your interventions. They always contain their quota of sense. I should know: I've been the victim at the working end often enough!

:) Sir where you have been.

Sadly, in and out of hospital, dear lady. Tempus fugit...
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