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Netherlands cancel landing permit for turkish foreign minister

I find this hilarious. The people in Europe give a shit about Turkey. What they vote there or not.

Since Turkey have over 5 million citizens and voters in Europe it's actually quiet normal. Some European countries making it a really big deal for nothing. If the voters were in African countries like Nigeria, Kenya thus politicians would go there so Europe has no significant importantance here. As always they are overestimating themselves. By the way Turkey gives not a bigger fvck about the Europe, believe me.

They help "YES" votes to increase by doing this.
I did not know Hillary Clinton stands for election in Italy?

I think you dont get it. It is a diplomatic taboo to bring your internal politics on the soil of another country. Cavolsoglu is welcome in the Netherlands to promote Rutte or Wilders. He is not welcome in Netherlands to bring turkish interior politics on dutch soil.

Beside that the turkish Foreign minister openly said he can go whereever he wants and threatened the Netherlands with sanctions. With that he insulted the dutch sovereignty.

The Netherlands have teh duty to protect their citizens against this and they did so. I applaud that. Erdogan may have to know that the Netherlands are not a turkish province. Germany isnt a turkish province. Austria isnt a turkish province and Switzerland isnt a turkish province as well.

Turkey has zero power there and evry action they want do there must be supported by the local government.

Austria banned any turkish politicians to perform any campaign on their land. Switzerland did so as well. In Germany the various communal cities did ban such events and now Netherlands did go a step further and teached Mr Cavusoglu something about international law and sovereignty.

Mr. Cavusoglu btw seems to see the turkish people in the Netherlands as his private property because he said now that "I have send them there to help the dutch economy".

A commentator of RAI TV said today that what we see here is an "Imperial way of thinking without an Empire".

It is important to show up the red lines. Turkey didn´t understood this in the past and has to learn that now.

Mr. Cavosoglu and President Erdogan are free to hold their campaigns in Turkey.

But they should spare Europe this smear comedy. Their family minister was banned in the german town Essen today and now travels per Train to the Netherlands.

There is not much room to the bottom anymore. I have never seen any other government before that acts that pathetic.

In the end it just shows that this comedy may end soon. The dutch landing ban pushed thhis further so we hopefully can have a clear cut soon.

Or as another commentator on RAI TV said:

"What we witness here is the most pathetic smear comedy in the last 200 years. We watch in horror as we see this Horror Movie Picture Show. Filled with low class actor, slimy nationalism, cheap despotic nonsense and teh doors are locked. We cant get out and have to keep watching. May god help us"

@flamer84 @Vergennes @Nilgiri

Look I would generally agree with your opinion that no foreigners should be allowed to run political campaigns in the host country.

But the porblem are the double standards these very countries are setting when applying those laws. For example, it is acceptable (even encouraged) for Kurds to run not only political campaigns against Turkey in almost all European countries but some known Kurd terrorists (read militants) are even protected by the very same countries. It is an open secret how these Kurds are funding PKK terrorists in Turkey.

So this kind of double standards do not really help. At the end of the day every country is looking after her own interests. These fancy terms like "human rights", "democracy", "principled moral stance" and so on are just hog wash.

PS. regarding example of Italian politician running campagin for Hillary, I did write in my post that if you wish I can dig deeper and I am more than sure that I'll find examples where Italian politicians have run campaigns in foreign countries.

PPS: Israeli politicians are often seen running campaigns in USA and European countries.
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I find this hilarious. The people in Europe give a shit about Turkey. What they vote there or not.

Over 80% of the dutch said they dont want turkish politicians do campaigns in their lands. Wilders strongly shouted against this. Monday is election in Netherlands. Rutte did what his people WANT him to do.

Same in Germany, where almost 90% want that turkish politicians are BANNED from doing this on German soil.

This may be news for turkish people, but politicians in Europe have to serve their people first. This stands above evrything. And the result of an election in turkey may interest the elites but not the people in Europe.


In restrospect i see this now as positive thing. We lived in a delusion. Its good this is cleared now once and for all.

I also think a further escalation in this case is positive as well since it helps to break up this rotten situation.
You are so obsessed with Turkiye :lol:
I find this hilarious. The people in Europe give a shit about Turkey. What they vote there or not.

Over 80% of the dutch said they dont want turkish politicians do campaigns in their lands. Wilders strongly shouted against this. Monday is election in Netherlands. Rutte did what his people WANT him to do.

Same in Germany, where almost 90% want that turkish politicians are BANNED from doing this on German soil.

This may be news for turkish people, but politicians in Europe have to serve their people first. This stands above evrything. And the result of an election in turkey may interest the elites but not the people in Europe.


In restrospect i see this now as positive thing. We lived in a delusion. Its good this is cleared now once and for all.

I also think a further escalation in this case is positive as well since it helps to break up this rotten situation.

French presidential candidats came in Tunisia, Algeria and Morrocco for meetings with their fellow "expat" citizens... for the incoming election... (They went on Local Radios and newspapers... ) :)
It's a right, and should be granted.

And you numbers are false... since the "blockade" didn't come from discontent from the pop, but as a result of economical threat from Turkish PM. the Dutch didn't like it so they did it...

Have Fun
The European secret service says Turkey supported ISIS. I hope you have viable prove, that european nations support PKK.

As i said we need to face reality. What we need is a complete break. The leaders of Europe still dont go that step. But the people want it. Merkel in Germany for example is under hard pressure to openly ban any Erdogan events.

@Attila the Hun

Italy profits enormous from this current situation. While turkish tourism collapses we have record visitor numbers. Spain as well. I´m in the youth group of Forza Italia and you should read our party paper. Our leaders say that it is in our best interest if this problems continue.

Erdogan has problems. We know it. You know it. The Economy prospect is bad. Tourism collapsed. Rising conflicts in Turkey with the kurds.

Its no secrete that both great cruise corporations MSC and COSTA stopped to go Turkey last year at the first signs of turmoil there. Both are italian.

What we currently see is that a competitor who created headache for us in the past is taken out of business.

In that sense you can be assure that we shout a loud "EVET" towards our turkish friends.

It is not a right. It is a privilidge my friend. If the nation blocks it it can do so.

And we have alot fun right now.

It's called diplomacy... and not a priviledge since it's was ok for both sides...
Anyway, Erdogan is winning the battle with his referendum... and that's what is the most important for him... He don't really care about TR-Dutch relation for now...
And + Erdogan get to put the Dutch with few millions who may want to vote otherwise :)

And let's be Honest little Boy... Far rights jumping in Power is a blessing for Turkey and the rest of the world, mostly MENA and RU :)
In The End, it wasn't Democracy who was the Ottoman Empire Ally... in Europe :)
Have Fun

And pls remember that your key companies are under Arab shares... like your 2 biggest airline owned by Qatar and Emirates... :)
The European secret service says Turkey supported ISIS. I hope you have viable prove, that european nations support PKK.

As i said we need to face reality. What we need is a complete break. The leaders of Europe still dont go that step. But the people want it. Merkel in Germany for example is under hard pressure to openly ban any Erdogan events.

What evidence do you need more? I have myself seen all those PKK / Kurds going ga-ga in Germany with all those rallies and they were always allowed. They openly talk about collecting funds and sending them back to "Kurds".

ISIS is a CIA/MI6 creation and is still being supported by them against Asad. Turkey might have played along in the beginning, I am not sure about that.

Now you'll also ask me to show you the evidence that "Mujahideen" aka today's Al-Qaeda (including OBL) were created and nurtured by CIA?!

Dude when you have a discussion on these matters, do keep an open mind and don't let yourself be blinded by your right wing extremism.

As I said, I support your opinion that foreigners should not be allowed running political campaigns in the host countries, but do implement it universally. Do not be hypocrite by closing your eyes to one set of foreigners and going ga-ga about others. Because if we talk about law, it should be the same for everyone!
The European secret service says Turkey supported ISIS. I hope you have viable prove, that european nations support PKK.

As i said we need to face reality. What we need is a complete break. The leaders of Europe still dont go that step. But the people want it. Merkel in Germany for example is under hard pressure to openly ban any Erdogan events.

@Attila the Hun

Italy profits enormous from this current situation. While turkish tourism collapses we have record visitor numbers. Spain as well. I´m in the youth group of Forza Italia and you should read our party paper. Our leaders say that it is in our best interest if this problems continue.

Erdogan has problems. We know it. You know it. The Economy prospect is bad. Tourism collapsed. Rising conflicts in Turkey with the kurds.

Its no secrete that both great cruise corporations MSC and COSTA stopped to go Turkey last year at the first signs of turmoil there. Both are italian.

What we currently see is that a competitor who created headache for us in the past is taken out of business.

In that sense you can be assure that we shout a loud "EVET" towards our turkish friends.

It is not a right. It is a privilidge my friend. If the nation blocks it it can do so.

And we have alot fun right now.
The tourists we lose will not go to Italy..they will go to Greece, Cyprus and maybe Spain.
Italy doesn't have what we have to offer to tourists. You are not in competition with us. :)
Istanbul for example and the Aegean coast will ALWAYS attract tourists. Then you got Cappadocia. and other regions slowly catching up with tourism potential.
The tourists we lose will not go to Italy..they will go to Greece, Cyprus and maybe Spain.
Italy doesn't have what we have to offer to tourists. You are not in competition with us. :)
Istanbul for example and the Aegean coast will ALWAYS attract tourists. Then you got Cappadocia. and other regions slowly catching up with tourism potential.

And besides if Italians like this dude keep p!ssing off Germans by comparing them with Hitler (Berlusconi to Martin Schluz), they might end up losing a lot (!) of German tourists. A major chunk of their tourism income comes from Germans and back in the day there was a serious debate in Germany of boycotting Italy for holidays.

But fortunately most of the Italians I have met so far are quite reasonable people and not right wing fundos like this dude.
Netherland is a tiny puny country 100% reliant on exports. Erdogan can kick put a few Dutch companies and everyone the tiny country will feel the pinch.
Netherland is a tiny puny country 100% reliant on exports. Erdogan can kick put a few Dutch companies and everyone the tiny country will feel the pinch.

How comes that this tiny puny country Netherlands has a larger economy than Turkey?

Netherlands GDP: 856 billion $

Turkey GDP: 822 billion $
I hope he is winning amigo. Its the best that can happen for us. And we do evrything in our power to grant him sucess.

Our two biggest airlines make constant red numbers and Qatar and Emirates earned not one cent with them. I dont see a problem with that Hannibal. And its not the topic here

Well they wanted the codeshare... more than the investment in it...
But it was an image to show you that whatever regime come into power, it will always benefits us.
The only who should fear Far rights parties, are the citizens of thatpeculiar country. Biz is better done when the other side has more power in his hand... Democracy is stopping it...
And a lot among you think that if Far rights take power, they will send back Immigrants... but Remember that Far right don't really care about the "ppl" , what they care is to say in power, so they will do whatever they can... and it's those Arabs/MENA/TR and else who are "buying" your stuff... So those in power, will just accept the fact to let those immigrants inside, to please those "clients".

Anyway, Great Day incoming... :)
And besides if Italians like this dude keep p!ssing off Germans by comparing them with Hitler (Berlusconi to Martin Schluz), they might end up losing a lot (!) of German tourists. A major chunk of their tourism income comes from Germans and back in the day there was a serious debate in Germany of boycotting Italy for holidays.

But fortunately most of the Italians I have met so far are quite reasonable people and not right wing fundos like this dude.
Italy is close to Germany and other Northern Europeans. they will always have a high flow of tourists.
But we are not in anyway competition with Italy for our tourists.
Italy is close to Germany and other Northern Europeans. they will always have a high flow of tourists.
But we are not in anyway competition with Italy for our tourists.

And Italy gets less tourist from the EU side... while those from MENA and RU are increasing...
Then please explain why we have record numbers of tourists in 2015 and 2016. Italy is far more expesive than Turkey, yet we attract far more people.

I really don't know why Italy had record numbers in 2015. I really couldn't care about Italy. Our main competition is with Greece, Spain, Morocco etc.
And Italy gets less tourist from the EU side... while those from MENA and RU are increasing...
To be honest. I have no clue where Italy get their main tourists from. My guess would be Germany, UK, Holland etc.
Turkey is..Russia, Germany, UK....
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