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Netanyahu's Red Line


Apr 25, 2012
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the UN that if Iran crosses the threshold of enriching uranium to 90% U-235 (1), Iran must be stopped from building atomic weapons by any means necessary, including military force. Since there is no known use for such highly-enriched uranium besides making nuclear weapons, enriching the radioactive metal to that level would be a sure sign that the Islamic Republic intends to make such a bomb. Netanyahu estimated that by the summer of 2013 Iran would have enough U-235 to make an atomic bomb, based on current rates of enrichment.

But how would anyone outside of Iran know if the uranium had been enriched beyond 90% U-235? Since Iran has refused to allow inspections of its nuclear facilities by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), this information is not public. Apparently Israel has spies inside Iran that are reporting progress on the nuclear project, but it is far from clear that accurate information on Iran's nuclear program is available to Israel or the United States now, or will be available by the time that a decision to attack would have to be made. Even if Iran would suddenly permit inspections of some uranium-processing labs, how would anyone know if other labs were secretly enriching uranium to weapon-grade levels?

Netanyahu would like the United States to join Israel in drawing the "red-line" for Iran, and lead the attack if Iran crosses it. This will not happen for several reasons:

1. Iran is no threat to the United States. Sure, the Iranians held our diplomats hostage for over a year (1979-1981) and call us the "Great Satan", but Iranian leaders have never threatened to destroy the US. Even if the Iranians acquire a nuclear weapon, they would need ICBM's to use it on American territory, and they don't have them. Iran would be no more a threat than North Korea, which is also hostile to the US and has had atomic weapons for several years.

2. A war in the Middle East would be disastrous for the US. We have bases in Afghanistan, Iraq and other Muslim countries, all of which would be vulnerable to terrorist attacks by pro-Iranian Shiites. World oil prices would skyrocket, which would hurt the US economy, as well as those of Europe and Japan. (Even if Israel attacks Iran alone, the US would still suffer some of these consequences.)

3. Uncertainty about Iranian intentions. The US made war on Iraq on the basis on wrong intelligence about weapons of mass destruction, which cost this nation about a trillion dollars and thousands of dead American soldiers. Although we have closed down military operations in Iraq, the prospect of another war in the Middle East based upon questionable inferences from secret sources is appalling. Barack Obama, who vehemently criticized then-President George W Bush for the Iraq War, would be loathe to wage a war of his own on the basis of an intelligence estimate, especially against a larger and more powerful adversary.

According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the nation's Foreign Ministry recommends another round of trade sanctions against Iran before military action is contemplated. This report, taken together with Netanyahu's estimate of nearly a year before Iran can produce a nuclear weapon, indicates that Israel will not hit Iran until next spring or summer, contrary to the prediction in our blog "Crunch Time in Iran." Iran has time to prevent war by opening all nuclear facilities to IAEA inspection without limit and placing its uranium under international control. But it does not have forever.

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^^^ this article is written by an enormous ignoramus.

If Iran acquire nuclear weapons it would proliferate nuclear tensions in ME and ultimately any Jihadist who wants to be the next Islamic hero could use it on any non-Muslim country with out hesitation.
^^^ this article is written by an enormous ignoramus.

If Iran acquire nuclear weapons it would proliferate nuclear tensions in ME and ultimately any Jihadist who wants to be the next Islamic hero could use it on any non-Muslim country with out hesitation.

Of course hypocrites like you will never admit that your so-called 'nuclear tension' has been triggered by the zionazi nukes!
I think Iran s nukes should be neutralized.
Why do they need nuclear energy when they have so much oil.

Of course hypocrites like you will never admit that your so-called 'nuclear tension' has been triggered by the zionazi nukes!

As long as Israel's neighbors stay calm and accept it's right to existence!
I think Iran s nukes should be neutralized.
Why do they need nuclear energy when they have so much oil.

Oil is a finite resource.

Nuclear energy could easily save burning up to 1 billion barrels of oil a year to generate electricity.

Iran has every right to develop nuclear power generation and also nuclear weapons if it chose to leave the NPT.
I think Iran s nukes should be neutralized.
Why do they need nuclear energy when they have so much oil.

I think the zionazi nukes should be dismantled. Why do they need nukes when the US has thousands of them and israel's neighbours have none, when israel has such superiority in conventional weapons?

As long as Israel's neighbors stay calm and accept it's right to existence!

It's the other way round, if a state like israel that lives on state terrorism can possess nukes, every single state has the right to possess nukes!
Since Iran has refused to allow inspections of its nuclear facilities by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), this information is not public

When I reached this sentence,I stopped reading this bs.
Iran is not allowing IAEA inspections?So who the hell are those people visiting Iran's facilities randomly and what are those cameras doing in nuclear buildings?Bunch of liars are gathered together and wrote this article.
I think the zionazi nukes should be dismantled. Why do they need nukes when the US has thousands of them and israel's neighbours have none, when israel has such superiority in conventional weapons?

Why Iran need nukes when Pakistan does? or would Iran mimic every Israeli move?

So long the Iranian superiority!

It's the other way round, if a state like israel that lives on state terrorism can possess nukes, every single state has the right to possess nukes!

Yeah and every other nation has the right to stop them by any means necessary!
Why Iran need nukes when Pakistan does? or would Iran mimic every Israeli move?

Does Pakistan or Iran form each others foreign policy? It's a normal relation, but israel basically forms the foreign policy of the US, so I don't see why they can't use the US nuclear umbrella. To a zionazi hypocrite like you it won't make any sense, but to normal people it makes a lot of sense!

Yeah and every other nation has the right to stop them by any means necessary!

You know very well that your 'every other' nation is comprised of only a handful of satanic states. Do we really need to name those states? I don't think so. If you think those satanic states have the right to use any means to continue their nuclear blackmail, don't whine about human rights and democracy when others use every available means to break your vicious cycle of tyranny, injustice and nuclear threats.

Does Pakistan or Iran form each others foreign policy? It's a normal relation, but israel basically forms the foreign policy of the US, so I don't see why they can't use the US nuclear umbrella. To a zionazi hypocrite like you it won't make any sense, but to normal people it makes a lot of sense!

According to your logic Pakistan and Iran do form each others foreign policy. So on does Israel and US. BTW it is not a good indicator for judge countries. US and Canada forms the same foreign policy. Does that mean Canada can have US nukes at their disposal?

You know very well that your 'every other' nation is comprised of only a handful of satanic states. Do we really need to name those states? I don't think so. If you think those satanic states have the right to use any means to continue their nuclear blackmail, don't whine about human rights and democracy when others use every available means to break your vicious cycle of tyranny, injustice and nuclear threats.

According to your logic Pakistan and Iran do form each others foreign policy.:P

What is that logic of mine, could you explain? If Pakistan had formed Iran's foreign policy Iran wouldn't have such a friendly relation with india. Actually you have nothing to say, so you talk about my 'logic'.

So on does Israel and US. BTW it is not a good indicator for judge countries. US and Canada forms the same foreign policy. Does that mean Canada can have US nukes at their disposal?

If you didn't know it, Canada and Germany do depend on the US nukes for their security, that's why they can afford not to have nukes! Grow up, see the world as it is, not the way you want to see it.
But how would anyone outside of Iran know if the uranium had been enriched beyond 90% U-235? Since Iran has refused to allow inspections of its nuclear facilities by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), this information is not public.

Iran has time to prevent war by opening all nuclear facilities to IAEA inspection without limit and placing its uranium under international control. But it does not have forever.

Very funny , If Iran doesn't allow the inspectors visit its nuclear facilities where the hell the agency finds its information and data about Iran? do they have telepathy? our some supernatural powers?
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