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Netaji papers stolen from Russia

Skull and Bones

Jan 29, 2011
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KOLKATA: Clinching documents that could have proved without doubt that Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose had been present in Russia post-1945 had "mysteriously vanished" from the Russian archives before the Mukherjee Commission went there for its probe, said Rathin Maharaj, the in-charge of the Ramakrishna Mission's Moscow chapter, in an exclusive interview with TOI on Thursday.

The monk feels the inquiry might have lost its sting without these papers.

Earlier this week, the monk had said that he had knowledge of the fact that the leader had spent his last years in misery in a Siberian prison.

"These documents were there in the Russian archives and had been examined by researchers," the monk said. "One of the researchers, who interacted with me regularly in Moscow, was convinced that they pointed at a conspiracy theory, apart from the fact that Netaji had been lodged in a prison in Siberia. When the Mukherjee Commission went through the documents, the papers had vanished. They had been taken out."

A particular Russian researcher who had "strong evidence" of the leader's presence in Russia after 1945 — after the supposed air crash in Taihoku — refused to appear before the commission in Moscow , the monk said. "This gentleman is a veteran scholar and a long-time Netaji researcher. I have seen his articles in a Moscow newspaper and they were enlightening and full of startling facts. But he refused to appear before the commission ," said the monk, whose monastic name is Jyotiranand Maharaj.

What makes him disclose these facts several years after the Mukherjee Commission closed its inquiry? The monk says he is keen to ensure that the mystery surrounding "India's bravest son" is solved. "It is sad that successive inquiries proved nothing. Even more disheartening is the attempt to hush things up," said the monk, who returns to Moscow on February 8.

He added he might not have spoken up had he not been asked to speak on Netaji in Karimganj, Assam, last week. "The local municipality had organized a Netaji Mela, which I was asked to inaugurate . I thought it would be prudent to say a few things. I have interacted with researchers over the years and several of them confirm what I have revealed . I am not a politician and I have no other agenda," he explained.

Russian researcher Liliana Malkova, now in Belur Math, agreed with him though she didn't subscribe to the Siberian prison theory. It was a possibility, but chances of Netaji actually being lodged in a prison were remote, she said.

"Other than an undated and an uncaptioned photograph at the Moscow state archive, there is no record of Netaji's presence in Russia. No prison record has his name. So, I believe Netaji was either killed in Russia or managed to escape, went into hiding somewhere and spent his last years in disguise," said Malkova.

Researchers, she added, had gone through Russian archives and KGB secret files extensively between 1987 and 1996. "That was the post-Perestroika period , when files were thrown open. Even though it is impossible to scan all of them, some like Purabi Roy have worked on them intensively. But they have drawn a blank so far as clinching evidence is concerned," she said.

Netaji researcher and author Anuj Dhar said Rathin Maharaj should be made to appear before an inquiry commission . "Every bit of information is important for this is India's biggest mystery ," Dhar said.
Members of the Bose family, however, believed that the monk's comments wouldn't make a difference. "He is still speaking on hearsay. It carries little weight," said D N Bose, Netaji's nephew. Researcher Purabi Roy, on the other hand, said she had interacted with Rathin Maharaj on a number of occasions and she believed he was privy to classified information. "He has had the chance to interact with researchers over the years. They would open up to him and reveal facts which they wouldn't otherwise. His comments can't be ignored," Roy said.

The Ramakrishna Mission distanced itself from the monk's comments. A spokesperson said Rathin Maharaj's comments were "his personal views" , which the mission did not endorse.

Netaji papers stolen from Russia - The Times of India
The government knows something which it is not sharing with 1.2 billion people .
Maybe netaji might have said that i have served my country to the fullest and in return i want a favour that i may be dead in papers from now on or maybe he was the casualty of a conspiracy theory .
Whatever is the issue i just want the secret to be revealed about the greatest Indian ever born .
It's a shame that even after 70 years or so, our leaders do not have the courage to produce the truth in front of Indians. But point is people who have read the accounts of his close associates don't believe in his "death theory" in 1945 and this will continue to haunt the Government in future. The remark of a Ramakrishna Mission maharaj is billion times more authentic than the foolish theory spread by Sugoto Bose and Govt.
This is the greatest mystery in Indian History.. I hope we can unveil the truth!! He would have been the greatest Prime Minister India ever had... Alas!!!
CIA report on INA is already available though

A single man, after his army was defeated, his hopes shattered, managed to give the slips to British intelligence and Indian police and is presence is still a mystery is a great reminder to his greatness.
During Independence British made an agreement that Nethaji must be handed over to them if he was caught. And India agreed :hitwall:
This forced to spend the rest of his life in exile. But where he spent, where he got funds is still a mystery. I believe he breathed his last in Japan.
I brought up this controversey to Sergi yesterday. Yet he sounds a typical brainwashed lad. You must always question your govt. YOu must always keep your govt on its toes. Power is very intoxicating. Nehru would never ever want to give it up. Just look at how his family has positioned itself after Independence. Tell me in what Democracy is dynasty politics allowed? Only false ones! Wake up. I have been posting information on this for a while. Even his wife supposedy rejected Pranab Mukherjee push to get her to sign off that he was dead. Congress has the bigges tmotive to suppress such data. Ask yourself why KK. Chettur, the ambassador to Japan had numerous questions about Netaji Bose's first and second in command knowldege of Bose's death. They were in good company with Nehru and he avoided telling the bloody ambassador why they were visiting Japan without his prior knowledge. Why the secrecy? These jokers were asked to bring back to India some of the INA treasures. The record states 1 trunk was brought back, but a British cable in Hong Kong noted 2 trunks were sent from Japan to India. What happened to the other trunk? What was in it? It's a known fact that Bose's 2nd in command became wealthy overnight in Japan according to the Indian residents living in Japan at the time.

As for the Netaji issue,

Blast from the past | Sasankasekhar Sanyal

On August 3, 1977, Sasankasekhar Sanyal, the MP from Jhangipur, went hammer and tongs against Netaji's political rivals in the Lok Sabha.

I will tell you that in 1946-47 when the top leaders of the Congress were hatching the conspiracy of partition against our election manifesto, myself and Sarat Bose were MLAs isolated from the rest of the Congress leaders. Myself and Sarat Bose were against partition; Gandhiji was conniving at partition; others were clamouring for partition....

The Nawab of Bhopal charted a plane from taking Jawaharlal Nehru to Singapore where Lord Wavell was; he was then Viceroy; General Auchinleck, Commander-in-Chief of the war was also there ....

Lord Mountbatten who was at the head of the Southeast Asia Command at that time was summoned to Singapore base and Jawaharlal Nehru was given certain questions by Lord Mountabatten. He said: Look here; Scotland Yard has not yet written off Subhas as dead or gone disappeared never to come. If that is so, if Subhas comes back to India, will you be the Prime Minister or Subhas will be? That was question No 1. Question No 2 was, supposing the country is not partitioned, will Bengal contribute the Prime Ministership or will UP contribute the Prime Ministership. The hint was very clear and the vacillating great leader agreed to partition. This matter I wrote in a Bengali journal Yugawani long long ago. Nobody contradicted.

There are a bunch of stuff just cick on articles from this site.

Articles | MissionNetaji.org

Im not questioning the fact that he is dead. I question the factual evidence behind it all. You have to read behind the lines and take everything with a bit of salt. Who stands the most to loose, if Netaji came back? I think he died in Russia. Even his wife believed it and was annoyed by Pranab Mukerjee. Something to think about it.
Netaji was not killed in any plane crash. He reached his intended destination, only to be captured by Stalin & put in labour camp in Russia as per Nehru's cunning plan. I'm sure Russia had all the documentary evidence prove this clandestine event.
nehru was an incompetent leader. Not even a leader rather was british arse licker who always wanted a second or 3rd party to decide India's future. Every time when the nation faced problem he used to leave the country and and beg at UN. He made India the weakest.
It is reported Kruschev offered to bring back Netaji to India within 45 days. The Indian govt declined. Taiwan has denied any such plane crash on their soil. Why does our govt make no effort and tries to suppress such info. Why does the PMO still have classified info that it states cannot release due to the harm it may cause to a foreign relation to a particular country? What is more important than one of our own freedom fighters?
russians are another bunch of liers exactly like us desi people.. lol.

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