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Nepal reclaims lands from India

Actually the Greater Pakistan borders will reach the borders of West Bengal and the borders of Greater Bangladesh will now include all of West Bengal and also the Seven Sisters. So there will be two Muslim Empires side by side. :azn::cheers::yahoo:

hallucinations !!... Empires !!!!
Actually the Greater Pakistan borders will reach the borders of West Bengal and the borders of Greater Bangladesh will now include all of West Bengal and also the Seven Sisters. So there will be two Muslim Empires side by side. :azn::cheers::yahoo:

Wow. And here I was thinking that no, Mr. Munshi does not have expansionist wet dreams, especially since I had once posted an article on "Greater Bangladesh" on this forum, but Munshi here had forcefully denied that the article was worth something.

And here, we have, a few months later, Mr. Munshi dreaming of "Two Muslims Empires side by side". Jesus Christ.

Dream on Munshi Sahib. Dream on. But from now on, really, your continual wailing about the unholy objectives of the RAW carry no weight whatsoever.
I have had an email correspondence with him so he most definitely exists. He is even on Facebook.

He may exist. But he is a fake. His page was deleted from Wiki. He is definitely not "Research scholar, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University".
Each and EVERY neighbor of India has a problem with India.

India has disputes with China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, Nepal, and Bangladesh.

If only the west knew India's true colors.

And what would that be??? pink??? Pls enlighten me.??? dont ramble about something that has been thought by some extrimists India's True Color BS!! every country have its own issues and disputes. You have a problem with us and afghanistan, your two neighbours of the four,you have.. and you are obedient with china becoz thy are a super power and is a counter to india.. even..willing to give away your own..hmm well(our land) to them.. so dont give me bs... hmmi know its off topic but this constant and un logical india bashing pisses me off..!!! Grow up friends...!!!
Each and EVERY neighbor of India has a problem with India.

India has disputes with China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, Nepal, and Bangladesh.

If only the west knew India's true colors.

If you think about it, India's situation with her neighbors is similar to the Israeli's. They are surrounded by unfriendly nations. I think that's why we call them our natural partner. :)
What stupidity is this. Then who wrote the articles. Writing articles is a difficult task. I write them and it takes me a day to complete one with 3 pages. Now why wud someone else write an article and give credit to someone else instead?

And do remember there are many people who use different names to register themselves and different names to be called. Nationalists here for example follow this tradition. We have 2 names or more. One by which we are registered. Also it is a brilliant technique as it saves a person from death threats and exposing the real details. I am talking from my own experiance as a writer.

There are people who have met colachal and there is an interview available on the net so please stop this little propaganda campaign.

We all know the reality and if an Indian chooses to expose it then it should not be denied. Colachal is my favorite writer. Brilliant man really. Also i will do an article to finish off this propaganda cammpaign u guys are running and explain the reality.

Well this guy colachal ofcourse would be a person..!! and would be talented in writing..well but i guess he would shine more in novels or fictions..!! Well i have read some of his articles.. and he have views.. may be strong views.. of a moderate problem.. his views majorily illogical for any moderate thinking person.. and is written through only one glass i.e islamist and pro pakistani glass.. so his views of india and all the parties here are that india is anti islamists which every free sprit of india would disagree.. !!! and his signing off line says DR.ABDUL RUFF Colachal
Columnist & Independent Researcher in World Affairs, The only Indian to have gone through entire India.. i would say the only indian who had gone anti indian..if ever he is an indian..!!!
If you think about it, India's situation with her neighbors is similar to the Israeli's. They are surrounded by unfriendly nations. I think that's why we call them our natural partner. :)

All of Israel's neighbors are Arabs, they all are the same people.

While Pakistanis and Bangladeshis might be considered the same people by some, China, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Burma are also India's neighbors and have problems with India. A wide variety of people have problems with India..so if so many variety of neighbors have problems with a country, that means theres something wrong with that particular country thats seen as a nuisance in its neighborhood.
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All of Israel's neighbors are Arabs, they all are the same people.

While Pakistanis and Bangladeshis might be considered the same people by some, China, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Burma are also India's neighbors and have problems with India. A wide variety of people have problems with India..so if so many variety of neighbors have problems with a country, that means theres something wrong with that particular country thats seen as a nuisance in its neighborhood.
Bangladesh has problems with pakistan
India "" "
Afganistan"" "" """
Not to mention countries which are far away from pakistan (USA,UKetc) also have problems with pakistan..
And all these countries consists of wide variety of people.. Thanks
Conclusion :People living in glass house should not through stones on others" thanks..
Bangladesh has problems with pakistan
India "" "
Afganistan"" "" """
Not to mention countries which are far away from pakistan (USA,UKetc) also have problems with pakistan..
And all these countries consists of wide variety of people.. Thanks
Conclusion :People living in glass house should not through stones on others" thanks..

Bangladesh and Pakistan are friends now, theres no problems between us anymore, and we are not neighbors.

Afghanistan and Pakistan have lived next to each other peacefully since Pakistan got its independence, after foreign forces invaded Afghanistan in 2001 we started seeing problems in Afghanistan not to mention India made its prescence in Afghanistan making all kinds of evil plans toward Pakistan.
Pakistan never had a single war with Afghanistan.

As for US and UK they live thousands of miles away from Pakistan, they dont share a border with Pakistan and they are no where near our neighborhood.

The only country Pakistan has problems with is India but we are not alone, ALL of India's neighbors have problems with India.
India is seen as a nuisance in South Asia by all of its neighbors.
Actual incident which was presented differently by so called Mr.
ABDUL RUFF Colachal.

An anti-India group, which has accused New Delhi of encroaching into Nepalese territory, has demanded the establishment of 'Greater Nepal' by inclusion of four Indian states.

Some 25-30 people linked to the little-known group 'Unified Nepal National Front' had gathered in front of the Indian embassy in the capital and staged a noisy demonstration on Republic Day.

The group demanded the merger of Indian states of Sikkim, Darjeeling, Uttaranchal and Siliguri into Nepal for the creation of 'Greater Nepal'. They accused India of "occupying" some Nepalese territory.

It also handed over a memorandum to the embassy seeking the ban on screening of the film 'Chandani Chowk to China', which has sparked a row after it allegedly suggesting that Buddha was born in India, contrary to the fact that his birth place Lumbini is situated in western parts of the Himalayan nation.

Indian film producer Ramesh Sippi had already apologised for hurting sentiments of the Nepalese people.
Nepali group seeks formation of 'Greater Nepal'- Hindustan Times
hallucinations !!... Empires !!!!

You Indians are soooooooo serious ........

The idea of two Muslim empires side by side seems quite appealing though ..... :yahoo::)

Maybe not a wet dream type of appealing that would require L.K. Advani or Bal Thackeray converting to Islam and becoming citizens of either of the Muslim empires. :woot:
If you think about it, India's situation with her neighbors is similar to the Israeli's. They are surrounded by unfriendly nations. I think that's why we call them our natural partner. :)

Actually, nothing of the sort is true. The only unfriendly nation is Pakistan.

You get the wrong perception because these defence forums are usually populated by the small minority ultranationalist types who think that their own country is perpetually suffering at the hands of foreigners.
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India never involved in war with banladesh,nepal,srilanka,bhutan ,burma in its history .never attacked neibouring country.
While pakistan not older than 62 years all ready attacked other countries three times..have nuclear bomb,involved in terrorist infra..presently fighting wot..
it does not require a scholar to analyse where poblem lies..

You really got to stop thinking from your back side.

First of all India is just as new as Pakistan, today's India is not the same India of the British empire.

Secondly India didn't attack any neighboring country? What are you smoking? Did you forget 1948, 1965, 1971? All the wars you had with Pakistan? And also the war you had with China in 1962. Pakistan didnt have any war with any country except India.

Indian troops are the real terrorists who are killing innocent men, women, and children in Indian Occupied Kashmir for the past 61 years now.

You Indians wonder then why you are the most hated in your neighborhood.

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