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Nejad greets Hamas on ‘victory’

Few American? 58200+ is few?

Yes, in comparison, it's not a big figure. Millions of Vietnamese died, now compare the figures and you'll understand what I meant. If you go by these figures, definitely the US won the war, but you know which side won the war, don't you?
Few American? 58200+ is few? Huh....... If there were not China and Soviet Union. So don't compare Vietnam War with Palestine.

On Topic
Main cause why innocent Palestinians were killed is Extremism of Hamas and conflict in between Fatah, moreover people like President of Iran declaring cease Fire as Victory! I don't think they will win anywhere because they haven't unity.

compare it with Vietnamese causalities ...


till Israelis have these much supporter between Arabs and Wahhabis , they will continue their crimes ....
People who fear death can't win wars.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Terrorists using machismo to compensate for their fear

Chief Lebanese terrorist Hassan Nasrallah betrays his fears - and overcompensates for them by using bluster and threats:

As reported by Ya Libnan:

Nasrallah warned Israel that any Israeli attack against Lebanon would be met with far-reaching retribution.

“How will Israel, which was shaken by a small number of [Palestinian] rockets, be able to sustain the thousands of rockets that will be launched over Tel Aviv and other cities, in the event of an attack against Lebanon?” Nasrallah asked.

He was referring to the war in Gaza during which Hamas fired hundreds of rockets including the Iranian made al Fajr rockets which reached as far as Jerusalem and Tel Aviv .​

But this threat was meant to cover up his fear, as shown elsewhere in his speech:

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned the Arab countries during the commemoration of the Shiite holy day, the Day of Ashura , against “befriending” Israel and regarding Iran “as an enemy.” A possible reference to the growing distrust of Iran by the Arab community over its behavior towards the uprising in Bahrain versus the Syrian uprising.
Nasrallah knows that if Syria falls, so does his supply line of missiles and other weapons from Iran. It would also significantly injure Iran's own hegemonic plans, of which Hezbollah is a key component.​

If Syria falls, Hezbollah's perceived power in Lebanon would also be greatly diminished.

So, yes, Nasrallah is very nervous.

Similarly, Hamas' reaction to Israel's decision for a cease fire rather than a ground war is nothing more than machismo. Check out this poster on the Al Qassam site:


It says "Gaza won! They (the Israelis) are weak and delusional, they don't have resolve in war, they are like a spider web when faced by a gallant/noble(man)."

If you know you won a war, why do you have to work do hard to convince your people that you won the war? It should be pretty obvious, shouldn't it?

The harder Arabs try to appear strong, the weaker they really feel.

(h/ t MEMRI, Al Gharqad)
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Yes, in comparison, it's not a big figure. Millions of Vietnamese died, now compare the figures and you'll understand what I meant. If you go by these figures, definitely the US won the war, but you know which side won the war, don't you?

Bring death to millions and stand on dead with victory flag is not a success but shame and so bombing brutally and chemical defoliation to kill innocents deliberately and silently and then say that we won because we are strong is not a success but shame.

So it can be fit on this issue too.
Nejad greets Hamas on ‘victory’

If victory leaves you in the same condition you were in before you started, only with more dead people and your terrorist infrastructure blown to pieces, a sane person would call it a defeat.
compare it with Vietnamese causalities ...


till Israelis have these much supporter between Arabs and Wahhabis , they will continue their crimes ....

Here is start your downfall when you can't define the courage of support but blaming because they are not with you. People who itself divided on one core issue need nothing, no support, no sympathy and no wise talk because they are blind. It was far better for Iran not to supply ammunition which brought death of 80 innocent lives but efforts to bring both parties close and under one flag. It is called damn support.
Here is start your downfall when you can't define the courage of support but blaming because they are not with you. People who itself divided on one core issue need nothing, no support, no sympathy and no wise talk because they are blind. It was far better for Iran not to supply ammunition which brought death of 80 innocent lives but efforts to bring both parties close and under one flag. It is called damn support.

With this logic , great prophet shouldn't spread Islam in Mecca because Kafir would harm who become muslims ... .with this logic , Criminal have right to continue their crime and kill innocent people and take their land and innocent shouldn't response them back because they can attack civilian , because innocent people have no great weapon ....

well , didn't Zion killed thousand of Palatinate before Iran giving them even one bullet !?

don't blame us , if some Arabs don't fear Zionist and help us to arm some group like Hamas and Hezbollah , they will finish Zion in less than 10 years ....

don't hide yourself behind some fantasy words , if you don't defend your right with all of your mean , then someone will take it from you ....

you are in Russia , right !?

Why Russia fight back against Nazi !? Why they didn't use the same idea that you have about Palastinan and surrender themselves to Nazi , after all Nazis had strong army and when Russian ( Sovit ) fight back against them , they killed millions innocent !?

with your cowardice logic , Soviet should surrender themselves to Nazia ...
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