impact of world biasing over nuclear technological acquistion and consequences
My vote goes to this topic, but with a slightly different focus. If I were conducting research, I would investigate the political, economic and social aspects affecting emerging nuclear powers and their place in the world. I would also focus on how the world treats these powers, and why current nuclear nations want to keep the club so exclusive. Some questions I would ask are; Who decides who is allowed to pursue a nuclear future? Why is it that certain countries are allowed to boast their nuclear accomplishments, while others are shunned and sanctioned? What consequences does this have? How does the system work to bias the international population against a particular emerging nuclear nation? Who runs this "system"? You can discuss India and Pakistan, and how nuclear technology has worked to create a balance of power in the region, thus avoiding war despite many spurts of tension. You can discuss Israel and Iran, and how severe power imbalance has created a near playing field for Israel to continue its bullying attitude, how this imbalance could possible be eliminated if Iran were allowed to develop nuclear technology. There is just so much you can dive into here, it's not even funny. It could well be turned into a PhD thesis, always a plus point.
The topic will be a controversial one, but it will stand out in the eyes of your professors and peers alike. When you defend it, you will need to argue on many different levels. You will have to become an expert on the subject, because if you go about it the way I would, you will come under a lot of heat from both right and left minded Westerners.
But, seriously bro, how can you leave something this important to the last minute? It's just irresponsible.