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Need to wake up for 25-30 hours


Apr 21, 2012
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Hello people.
Okay, my life system is fooked up, I sleep at 9 or 10 AM and wake up at 5 or 6 PM.
I need to change my life system. I woke up today at around 6:30 AM. It's 1:07 AM here now, and I'm gonna need to wake up till like 6 or 7 PM and then sleep and hopefully wake up at 6 AM or something.
As I've never stayed up this long before, I need suggestions on how to do it without getting falling asleep or getting a nervous breakdown from lack of sleep.
same as me... i woke up for a whole day ...went to swimming,watching movies,meeting with friends and alot of sleep in my eyes... and slept very comfy tht day..........good luck........its 4:15 am here..and i better sleep...
Typical; you're not the only one. I've seen plenty of people who play MMOs have a similar lifestyle. In this case, it's probabily PDF that's causing your abnormal sleep patterns.
Do you have a job that mixes up your sleeping schedule? Besides, I don't see how you can sleep in the day as sunlight causes your brain automatically to wake up. I think your nervous system is thinking of your sleep as naps. I'd suggest sleeping at night, because if you keep this up - then your body will get used to it.
It happens to me when I am stuck in my work and can't sleep for 24-40 hours before crashing automatically. But the easy way to cure is not by waking up all day so you could sleep during the night but actually waking up early for one day and disturbing your sleep.

What I mean is, you sleep around 10AM and wake up at 5PM... so ask your family member to wake up you after 1-2 hours of your sleep and that will give you enough energy to last for another 10-12 hours. So by the time night falls you will be feeling sleepy already so clear up your mind, switch off your mobile, laptop and go to sleep again. Put the alarm on your mobile to wake you up around 6AM-8AM of the next morning or whatever you prefer and sleep during the next night again. Follow it for couple of days and you will be ok
take sleeping pills i guess??

I think he should not take any medicines and not try to wake up until night so he could sleep during the night. He needs to sleep little bit to ensure he will not be fighting with his body to keep to continue waking up until night
you are right, medication has always side effects, but what more can i say, im not doctor or health advisor, doctors on strike too nowadays lol
Typical; you're not the only one. I've seen plenty of people who play MMOs have a similar lifestyle. In this case, it's probabily PDF that's causing your abnormal sleep patterns.
Lol nah, my life system was fooked up since a day when I stayed up too long on PC video games. Ever since I couldn't get it back.
Do you have a job that mixes up your sleeping schedule? Besides, I don't see how you can sleep in the day as sunlight causes your brain automatically to wake up. I think your nervous system is thinking of your sleep as naps. I'd suggest sleeping at night, because if you keep this up - then your body will get used to it.
As for the job thingy, no.
About sleeping at night, I really wish to sleep at night. But I try and never sleep.
this is a sign of depression
I don't think I'm depressed hehe
Thanks all for suggestions.
Edit : Thanks, Zakii. The problem is I'm a heavy sleeper and I already asked a family member to wake me up after like 4 or 5 hours, but I refuse to wake up lol.
I might try the 1 or 2 hour thingy, I think it will be easier to wake me up after a short time as I'd not have had gotten into a very deep sleep.
Edit : Thanks, Zakii. The problem is I'm a heavy sleeper and I already asked a family member to wake me up after like 4 or 5 hours, but I refuse to wake up lol.
I might try the 1 or 2 hour thingy, I think it will be easier to wake me up after a short time as I'd not have had gotten into a very deep sleep.

As the old saying goes "laaton ke bhoot baaton se nahi maante" (urdu)

Somebody need to kiss your a** if you don't wake up after the first attempt. They might need to throw some water on your body or fold your bed etc

The solution is same for everybody but the implementation process may vary
Get married- get layed- and then sleep like a donkey-
Its not good to forced yourself to be awake or sleep..

Get married- get layed- and then sleep like a donkey-

so that the rest of his sleep will gone also lol

If single peoples cannot find time for sleeping then dont expect they will get more time for sleeping after marriages..
Being a game addict is not good at all. Don't take any medicine but rather try to reduce your obsession for games. May be consult a good psychiatrist. Maintain a healthy diet do some work out / exercise everyday before sunset which will make your muscles tired and help you sleep at night.
It will take time to overcome this cycle that you have created.
If single peoples cannot find time for sleeping then dont expect they will get more time for sleeping after marriages..

when there is a wife waiting for you in bed- you find time- postpone all the assignments- and go to bed- after that a good night sleep- Only recently married or happily married people might understand this- :angel:
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