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Need suggestions & ideas.

  • Indian Military Watch
    [*]Chinese Strategic Affairs
    [*]Afghanistan Conflict
  • International Strategic Affairs (US, Europe, Russia, war in Iraq etc.)
I like this too. We have a sizeable Indian population on the forums now, I think a venue for Indian military watch would generate activity too.

The Chinese are going to have a regional affect for decades to come, though we don't have more than a handful of Chinese on the forum, our own Pakistani interest from Chinese affairs can't be excluded.

Afghanistan's grouping with South Asia makes sense because they are in Saarc, but quite frankly thats about it. The conflict there and the constant ebb n flow of the situation there would be a nice way to build up this issue specific forum.

And again, I would definitely merge the religion forum into the Social and Internal Political Issues, and perhaps partner with a well-organized popular quality Pakistani religious forum to exchange members who have an interest in both religion and Pakistani defense issues. I may have bias as a non-religious person, but I personally that religion does not have a place on a military forum, which IMO should be secular.

Religion is going to play a very strong role in Pakistani politics. Most of our politics is based upon settling the conservatives vs liberals vs centrists/moderates issues. It could be taken into the social fold but there are just going to be so many issues based upon current events that would keep popping up. We are going to make some changes to it, since it was never meant to be some sort of Preaching grounds.

And I thank Asim for his idea of expanding the issue-specific forums to include more subjects... it's on the backburner right now but it's something we're going to be taking a closer look at in the near future.
Hey cool, I thought that was shot down! I just think when you have that many threads coming up all the time you need a forum for it. Afghanistan and Kashmir being the contentious issues of our region have been attributed predictions of the cause of the 3rd world war, the next nuclear war...

Thanks again for your input.
Ahsan... feedback is always appreciated and it goes both ways.. however I believe if the regional forums were made more specific and relevant to Pakistan, you would see increased interest and activity than general regional forums would muster... as a matter of fact I've been thinking of switching the format in the regional sections on WAB myself... it would require alot of mulling and consultation, but this forum is quite young yet and you can afford to toy around with format a bit.

I like this too. We have a sizeable Indian population on the forums now, I think a venue for Indian military watch would generate activity too.
Yes, but not just as a forum to attract Indian participation, but also as a dedicated forum where there is timely news and discussion about Indian military developments by Pakistanis.

The Chinese are going to have a regional affect for decades to come, though we don't have more than a handful of Chinese on the forum, our own Pakistani interest from Chinese affairs can't be excluded.
Which is why I included it :). China's strategic outlook and military developments has an effect on Pakistan, whether directly or indirectly.

Afghanistan's grouping with South Asia makes sense because they are in Saarc, but quite frankly thats about it. The conflict there and the constant ebb n flow of the situation there would be a nice way to build up this issue specific forum.
Of course, Afghanistan can be considered part of South Asia but Afghanistan threads are going to be lost in the rest of the forum... the question I suppose is does PFF want itself to be instantly recognized as a Pakistani forum where Afghanistan issues are given a level of prominence? I think it would be beneficial.

Religion is going to play a very strong role in Pakistani politics. Most of our politics is based upon settling the conservatives vs liberals vs centrists/moderates issues. It could be taken into the social fold but there are just going to be so many issues based upon current events that would keep popping up. We are going to make some changes to it, since it was never meant to be some sort of Preaching grounds.
Than this would just be a difference in culture... in that case if religion were to be discussed on PFF, I would restrict it to Islam (but welcome other religious topics in the general discussion forum), and set it up as a debate forum where the role of religion in Pakistani government, military, and society can be discussed and debated. Setting such a tone would help people identify PFF as a forum where the role of religion in various facets of Pakistani society can be debated, and I believe it would help increase activity and interest, instead of a lovey-dovey everybody's welcome general religion forum.

Hey cool, I thought that was shot down! I just think when you have that many threads coming up all the time you need a forum for it. Afghanistan and Kashmir being the contentious issues of our region have been attributed predictions of the cause of the 3rd world war, the next nuclear war...
No, enough arguments were put forward to convince me to keep it in place and perhaps expand the issue-specific category.
The changes are good but now tell me where to discuss socio-political issued ?
as it seemed more military specific
The changes are good but now tell me where to discuss socio-political issued ?
as it seemed more military specific

Put it in the global defence forum, or social & political issues if its Pakistan related. I dont think its that hard.
Put it in the global defence forum, or social & political issues if its Pakistan related. I dont think its that hard.

There is no such provision at GDF :angry:

The old PFF sections were good
anyway now all is being amulgamated in one section here :angry:
There is no such provision at GDF :angry:

The old PFF sections were good
anyway now all is being amulgamated in one section here :angry:
There is!

You can talk in Member's Club and Social/Political Forum

Yeh and you are the owner of this site right !
He is a friend of the board, Jana. Be nice. I'm sure you'll like him.
Yeh and you are the owner of this site right !

Jana, show some respect for god sake. He has come out to help us, its really nice of him. Just cause your banned on WAB, dont mean you gotta act like that. Put your acts together.
Jana, show some respect for god sake. He has come out to help us, its really nice of him. Just cause your banned on WAB, dont mean you gotta act like that. Put your acts together.

Oh come on webby such a childish comment.

i do respect everyone here.i damn care im there or not.

im feeling you dont me here right ?

i felt he was behaving like Admin of the site. and only admins or mods can dictate members right? or not?

even thn if u think it was disrepectful than sorry to him.

BTW where were u all when there is dirty language on the board.

or is it like Guys are allowed to say anything cuz its a forum only for guys.

And last copy-cating others wont help.
Who did we copy?

The Duke merely pointed what this site IS. Read the thread title we are ASKING people that we "Need suggestions & ideas".
Who did we copy?

The Duke merely pointed what this site IS. Read the thread title we are ASKING people that we "Need suggestions & ideas".

u go on searh and u will find.

BTW this site also have some rules where are these ?
u avoide replying to my other comments.

Asim no doubt u have the powers.

I dont think so PFF only needs members, we had a quality site before too when there were not much members.

I think its not fair to get more at the expense of those already there much before.
rest u have the powers so keep enjoying whatver u want.
u go on searh and u will find.

BTW this site also have some rules where are these ?
u avoide replying to my other comments.

Asim no doubt u have the powers.

I dont think so PFF only needs members, we had a quality site before too when there were not much members.

I think its not fair to get more at the expense of those already there much before.
rest u have the powers so keep enjoying whatver u want.

She's got the point:tup:

I am with her.......:pff:
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