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Need some guidance

sean S.


New Recruit

May 21, 2020
Reaction score
United States
Hello everyone,

Im a dual citizen of Pakistan and America and ive recently moved to Karachi, Pakistan. Ill be living here for a few years before going back (ive spent a majority of my 25 years there and moved here in December). I want to get my hands on a gun and a gun license but the laws here are more confusing than I thought and I keep getting inconsistent information on the process.

Heres a little background about me:

Both my parents are from hangu,
My family has a lot of guns, pistols, Assault rifles both fully auto and semi, and shotguns among a few special types, a majority are not registered
My grandfather passed away and left me some guns but aren't registered
People have told me I need connections and I think I have some with the military as a very large part of my family are in the military and some are officers including a brigadier.
Im NOT rich, im a student

What I want:

I want a gun, one that's good for home defense, concealed carry and is good in terms of reliability as well if possible. If not, I would like to know which ones are good for either as well as their price
I also like guns, and would like to be able to register my grandfathers weapons (including the unregistered AK) if possible.
Training, I want a gun mainly for protection and want to know how to use it properly to do just that, so a range as well as some places that offer lessons would be appreciated
Understand the laws when it comes to weapons, concealed carry, and self defense
If what im asking for is too much, then simply put,
im 25, a dual citizen, and want a pistol and a shotgun as well as a license for each and to be able to carry the pistol with me, want recommendations on the guns, prices, and how to get a license.

I should also note, that when I go to local gunshops a lot of them want me to pay 40,000-50,000 rupees to get a license. I heard it was only 10,000, I asked why and they said they would get it for me guaranteed and quickly. Also when im looking their selection their prices for Turkish pistols were 300,000 - 500,000. This surprises me as back in America you can get a top of the line ar-15 for 150,000 - 300,000 rupees. I think when I speak English (I don't know Urdu but I speak a little Pushto) they inflate the prices drastically and expect me to bribe my way to a license. I don't want to do that, nor do I want to be taken advantage of.

Sorry if im asking for a lot, I just have a lot of questions.
My thanks to anyone who is willing to give me some of their time to help me solve or figure any of these issues out.
expect me to bribe my way to a license.
as far as I know that is a normal practice there, you should also be aware that when I was there in late 70s/early 80s you had to pay a yearly bribe for 'renewal' of the license. and there was no conceal carrying license unless you were some very important person. also you were never allowed to carry firearms and roam outside of your own areas
as far as I know that is a normal practice there, you should also be aware that when I was there in late 70s/early 80s you had to pay a yearly bribe for 'renewal' of the license. and there was no conceal carrying license unless you were some very important person. also you were never allowed to carry firearms and roam outside of your own areas
thaaats unfortunate
Interesting, what made you wanna come back to Pak and where in the states you are from
Hello everyone,

Im a dual citizen of Pakistan and America and ive recently moved to Karachi, Pakistan. Ill be living here for a few years before going back (ive spent a majority of my 25 years there and moved here in December). I want to get my hands on a gun and a gun license but the laws here are more confusing than I thought and I keep getting inconsistent information on the process.

Heres a little background about me:

Both my parents are from hangu,
My family has a lot of guns, pistols, Assault rifles both fully auto and semi, and shotguns among a few special types, a majority are not registered
My grandfather passed away and left me some guns but aren't registered
People have told me I need connections and I think I have some with the military as a very large part of my family are in the military and some are officers including a brigadier.
Im NOT rich, im a student

What I want:

I want a gun, one that's good for home defense, concealed carry and is good in terms of reliability as well if possible. If not, I would like to know which ones are good for either as well as their price
I also like guns, and would like to be able to register my grandfathers weapons (including the unregistered AK) if possible.
Training, I want a gun mainly for protection and want to know how to use it properly to do just that, so a range as well as some places that offer lessons would be appreciated
Understand the laws when it comes to weapons, concealed carry, and self defense
It does get confusing, can you answer below questions so I can guide you appropriately, you may have mentioned few things but still it's confusing. Like you mentioned you moved to Karachi but weapons are in Hangu, thats totally a different province so bringing those weapon to Karachi means a different strategy....so please answer few of my questions:

  • City, Province where you will be residing & require license for
  • Type of weapon you are looking for: Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun
  • Calibre: 9mm, 12g, .223, Ak47?
  • Weapon required for Personal Carry in vehicle, Purely Home Defence / Range Use?
Interesting, what made you wanna come back to Pak and where in the states you are from
Ive moved around a lot, lived in a lot of different states. Ive spent the majority of my time in the mid south and also north east.

ive come back to further my education while also helping my father with some business here.

It does get confusing, can you answer below questions so I can guide you appropriately, you may have mentioned few things but still it's confusing. Like you mentioned you moved to Karachi but weapons are in Hangu, thats totally a different province so bringing those weapon to Karachi means a different strategy....so please answer few of my questions:

  • City, Province where you will be residing & require license for
  • Type of weapon you are looking for: Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun
  • Calibre: 9mm, 12g, .223, Ak47?
  • Weapon required for Personal Carry in vehicle, Purely Home Defence / Range Use?
Hey, yes thanks your your help.

Ill be living in Karachi for a majority of the next 5 years or so, so I would need a license for Sindh. (I would only leave to visit my family in either Peshawar or Hangu during vacations/breaks)

Im looking primarily for a handgun to carry (9mm) for self defense (I heard getting a shotgun is easier though? if it is I might just buy one purely for the sake of leaving it at home and possibly using it at a range for practice and not carry it around)

The Ak47 is just something my grandfather passed down to me and I would like to use at a range for fun and have it with me as a keepsake, its not necessary though and I can use it whenever I want while visiting my family back in hangu.

Sorry for the late reply, been busy with a few things.
so ive been doing some research and daudson's armory seems like a good local made arms company that I can go to buy a pump action shotgun brand new. Problem is its in KPK and im not. Also I still need a gun license.

@Foxtrot Alpha
or anyone else who can help me.
so ive been doing some research and daudson's armory seems like a good local made arms company that I can go to buy a pump action shotgun brand new. Problem is its in KPK and im not. Also I still need a gun license.

@Foxtrot Alpha
or anyone else who can help me.
I will get back to you later today....
I will get back to you later today....
so its been a few days,

Found out I can get a license for 14k? for all of Pakistan. going to buy the shotgun from daudsons. ill find a pistol later.

Only problem I ran into is everything seems to be closed because of the lockdowns when it comes to me wanting to get a license.
so its been a few days,

Found out I can get a license for 14k? for all of Pakistan. going to buy the shotgun from daudsons. ill find a pistol later.

Only problem I ran into is everything seems to be closed because of the lockdowns when it comes to me wanting to get a license.
who will be the issuing authority for this license?
getting lic is not an issue, getting a genuine lic is the problem....from where you are going to buy DSA shotguns?
who will be the issuing authority for this license?
getting lic is not an issue, getting a genuine lic is the problem....from where you are going to buy DSA shotguns?
Hi, can you guide me to the prices for a quality 9mm and a shotgun. I’ve applied for the licenses but due to the lockdown there is very little activity, I hope that the ministry will start work again soon. However, in the mean time I wonder what the prices are these days..?
Thanks in advance
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