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Dec 29, 2008
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We do have 100+ nukes and missilies but we still feel week against out so called ally. The reason is unless we can hit them back hard; we can not feel safe.

The issues I want to raise.

1. Is there is any plan to made ICMB. We should do it secretly but we do need it.

2. In new cold war; India,USA and Isreal will be one axis. China and Russia will create the alternate power center. Where we are going to stand? Russia is so advanced in millatry technolgy; why we dont create strategic partnership with Russia.

3. Our so called friends do have blue prints to send F-22 (Raptor) (I assume) if such time come to neutrilize our launchers. How we are going to safe our missile launchers against F-22. Ideally we need a sub-marine for second strike policy. What is our deterence in such scenerio?
1. Is there is any plan to made ICMB. We should do it secretly but we do need it.
Why...do you want your missiles to circumnavigate the earth twice before striking India :rofl:

Russia is so advanced in millatry technolgy; why we dont create strategic partnership with Russia.
If you have money to throw around no reason why such a thing should not happen

But the sorry fact about your country is that your economic condition is such that the quantum of Pakistan's total forex reserves is lesser than some of the deals struck by Indian companies...go figure

3. Our so called friends do have blue prints to send F-22 (Raptor) (I assume) if such time come to neutrilize our launchers. How we are going to safe our missile launchers against F-22.

Why just the F-22, did you forget the Zumwalt-class destroyers, UCAS, YAL-1

"Blue print" of all these systems can be had [if one applies your logic]

Reporting this post - too frivilous
Well slugger!

No country is invincible. I also think that countries with comparable strenth never directly fight with each other like Russia and USA. It is aways strong against weak.

As for economy; Just see example of Russia. Even USA has 10-15 times more defence budget but Russia is still as dangerous if it comes to deternence because of technology legacy of Soviet Union.

Pakistan should be able to deter India for atleast 20+ years and if our economy does improve, I dont see any reason why we can not deter giants.

As I live in USA and have Indians friends , I dont believe Pakistan and India are natural enemies like Isreal and Arabs are or Chinnese and Americans. Pakistan and Indian war is always an unlikely phenomenon unless India play into hands of others.

What I asked to my fellow experts(I am naive software engineer) that how a county with smaller economy but with technology in hands can still maintain a deterence against giants so it can still ptotect its existenz.
Hello strategist:-
you statement is "Pakistan and Indian war is always an unlikely phenomenon unless India play into hands of others."
pls take review Indo-pak war you come to know that never India stared the war...
so pls dot blaim on India play hand of other... on the other hand Pakistan playing on the hand of other...
..... Take a look Pakistan is ally of USA for terrorism and killing self country men
..... In current circumstances Pakistan is only country which always ask(bag) help and money from other country. for there internal problem.
pls refer you politician statement after USA influence.
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Helo Sha123.

The geo political situation is changing rapidly and USA is more interested in keeping India as "principal ally" in region even at cost of Pakistan if it comes down to this.

There are two reasons. One is that they need a base to counter red dragons in north( China +Russia) and other resaon is outsoucing to India in software sector.

It is very obvious from current Mumbai crisis when India asked USA to press Pakistan even our foreign minister was in India.

What I will advise to my Indians friends is not to repeat mistake of Pakistan. It is beneficial to have good relations with USA as they have money; but not at cost of its relations with neighbours( both Pak and China) which sitting next door. We did played into hands of imperial powers in old cold war and we are in tough situation now because of that legacy.
Helo Sha123.

The geo political situation is changing rapidly and USA is more interested in keeping India as "principal ally" in region even at cost of Pakistan if it comes down to this.

There are two reasons. One is that they need a base to counter red dragons in north( China +Russia) and other resaon is outsoucing to India in software sector.

It is very obvious from current Mumbai crisis when India asked USA to press Pakistan even our foreign minister was in India.

What I will advise to my Indians friends is not to repeat mistake of Pakistan. It is beneficial to have good relations with USA as they have money; but not at cost of its relations with neighbours( both Pak and China) which sitting next door. We did played into hands of imperial powers in old cold war and we are in tough situation now because of that legacy.

Hi, you observation is very nice, If We view Indian relationship with other country in totally We know that India is one of the rare country How has good relationship with USA, Russia and Israel with good Image in the eyes of Uk and Europe too. India is getting directly and indirectly benefit of It...
Take Exp:-
Indo-Us nuclear deal without signing on NPT Treaty,(with lot of country support)
Indo-Russia technological development ie. BrahMos Missile, PAK-FA,
Indo-Israel New technological development partner in radar system,
India has supported by International level in case of Mumbai attack...

India-china relationship If you look these country you find that both are fastest growing country in the world So it very common these are directly and indirectly competition with each other. So there is no such direct conflict with each other. Till India is not ally with USA what may create problem for China..

In case of Indo-pak relationship all we know since independence. It is not new in current circumstance India can easily manage..

With the help of Good relationship India is silently and fastest getting lot of benefit in all aspect such as Economic, Technology, and defense...
So why India would bounded him self by making ally with one or/and two country. and left benefit which he is getting from other.

As per my view India will maintain relationship with other countries... :smitten:
Hi, you observation is very nice, If We view Indian relationship with other country in totally We know that India is one of the rare country How has good relationship with USA, Russia and Israel with good Image in the eyes of Uk and Europe too. India is getting directly and indirectly benefit of It...
Take Exp:-
Indo-Us nuclear deal without signing on NPT Treaty,(with lot of country support)
Indo-Russia technological development ie. BrahMos Missile, PAK-FA,
Indo-Israel New technological development partner in radar system,
India has supported by International level in case of Mumbai attack...

India-china relationship If you look these country you find that both are fastest growing country in the world So it very common these are directly and indirectly competition with each other. So there is no such direct conflict with each other. Till India is not ally with USA what may create problem for China..

In case of Indo-pak relationship all we know since independence. It is not new in current circumstance India can easily manage..

With the help of Good relationship India is silently and fastest getting lot of benefit in all aspect such as Economic, Technology, and defense...
So why India would bounded him self by making ally with one or/and two country. and left benefit which he is getting from other.

As per my view India will maintain relationship with other countries... :smitten:

very well said brother

1. Probably some thought would have gone into the matter, dont think Pakistan needs it tho, you wana nuke the US?

2. I dont see cold war, the worlds economies are too intertwyned nowadays for there to be a classic cold war. Russia has close ties to India, they arent going to be happy if it looks like Russia abandons India for Pakistan.
I reckon it would have depend on the situation, to ask where Pakistan would stand would be impossble to answer, who knows maybe India and Pakistan will team up and attack USA.lol.

3. Thats what i reckon would be the hard part. The missiles as i understand take some time to fuel, at which time they are vulnerable to an attack. I dont see the sub as an option either, you can bet it would be tracked every second of the day. The best strategy is the one in place now, the ability to scramble a supersonic jet with a nuke at a moments notice.
Well freeman!

Me and my whole extended family lives in USA, so I don't want any country to nuke USA.

But on other hand, USA is trying to bully the world and I share the vision of multi-polar world instead of a single cow boy ruling the world.

I am not suggesting same kind of cold war as it happened before between West and Soviet union but I do think that if you look up quick millatry build-up of China +Russia it is obvious they are upto something.
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