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Nazir Naji abusing journalist


Jan 24, 2008
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Saw this on pkpolitics today. Nazir Naji who works for Jang group abusing another journalist on phone after he inquired about him getting a plot in Islamabad.

Nazir Naji Abusing Journalist | pkpolitics.com


I am doing a story regarding illegal allotment of plots to some journalists by the federal government. For this I called Nazir Naji yesterday (Friday - 17th April 2009) to take his version. Afterwards he called me back two times and abused and threatened me in the words I never heard in my life. plz see his real face

Attached are the three audio recordings. (see website URL above to hear those recordings)

1st is my call to senior columnist Nazir for taking his version on illegal plot allotement to him in Islamabad despite the fact he already got plots in Lahore.

2nd and 3rd are the audio recordings in which Nazir Naji called me and threatened and abused in a languge I never heard through out my life. Please hear this and tell your viewers about the real face of these “intellectuals”.


Ahmad Noorani
Sounds like you get info not available to all.

If you have the full story regarding the death of Amjad Islam & his father, Ghani Akbar, in Swat Valley, that you think should be in the public domain, I would love to read it.

I the UK some people are saying that it was all a conspiracy to make the Taliban look bad. A similar conspiracy has been hinted at on this very messageboard.

But all this ignores two points.
  1. 1 The villagers all testify that the father and son both remain very dead
  2. 2 The Taliban and all it's affiliates have proved that they do not need a conspiracy against them to make them look bad, stupid, violent, unreasonable, narrow-minded and believers in do-it-yourself-violent-justice on the basis that the ignorant and uneducated are closer to The-God (or Al-Lah).

So, is it all a big conspiracy?

I do not believe the journos of all the competing Pakistani newspapers would all, unanimously lie, in collaboration with the villagers and the family of Amjad Islam. But you could try to convince me, like another contributor here, that's it's all a government plot, or military plot, or an ISI plot, to discredit the already discredited Taliban.

Bl**dy students!!!!

Since when did "students", armed out-of-control-ignorant students who think they know more than their professors (apart from the odd charismatic nutty 'professor' who teaches little but inspires them with crazy, impossible dreams), since when did such students need conspiracies to discredit them?

Forgive me, I'm trying to make a joke out of what I believe has been (for the Amjad Islam family - and Pakistan) a terrible double-tragedy and outrageous injustice.

And this Nasir Naji, he is the sort of man who want's to split up Pakistan? From where I see things, if Balochistan goes, Pashtunistan will be next, playing off Pakistan against Afghanistan, then ... then what? Let's not think about it, just avoid it.

Do you have any more info, then?
I learned a few new word!!

Caught red handed.
I enjoy sting operations like this.:rofl:

Is this guy very popular?
I don't believe this is Nazir Naji, who is a soft spoken, oxford educated, intellectual, and one of my friends' fomer bosses.

Just listened to it again. There is a big difference bewteen the person in the first recording, and the second one...The voice is much heavier, and the Urdu accent is less punjabised...And the guy in the second recording is obviously tunn

It is a fake.
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I don't believe this is Nazir Naji, who is a soft spoken, oxford educated, intellectual, and one of my friends' fomer bosses.

Just listened to it again. There is a big difference bewteen the person in the first recording, and the second one...The voice is much heavier, and the Urdu accent is less punjabised...And the guy in the second recording is obviously tunn

It is a fake.

If you study in oxford, does that gives an automatic gurantee that person would be soft spoken. Mind you most of the basturds studied in foreign universities and it didnt change their attitude.

Infact I think otherwise.:pakistan:
I don't believe this is Nazir Naji, who is a soft spoken, oxford educated, intellectual, and one of my friends' fomer bosses.

Just listened to it again. There is a big difference bewteen the person in the first recording, and the second one...The voice is much heavier, and the Urdu accent is less punjabised...And the guy in the second recording is obviously tunn

It is a fake.

Whether the 1st one is original or all are fake, that is not what bothered me.
The point which made me upset is that this guy is being allotted two plots whereas he always takes a moral high ground and bashed all and sundry including Musharraf for their lies, deceit, lack of principles etc.

He can talk the talk but does not walk the walk.

Typical of most of our journalists but then sadly that is what passes for righteousness in many of our countrymen.
I believe in the first recording, he quite properly explained how it is that he can be allotted another plot, due to the fact that he's living in two cities.

Most people working in Islamabad, are not originally from there, so it makes sense.

If there is such a scheme, and he is one of Pakistan's top most journalists, let him have another friggin plot.
As for being an oxford graduate, I just pointed out to some of his achievements, not to use that fact as some sort of justification for defending him.

I've already stated, that the voice and accent in the second and third recordings, are not the same as the one in the first.

SEcondly, if he was going to get angry, he would have got angry when the question had first been asked. He obviously replied to it in a calm and logical manner.

There was nothing the journalist asked him that either riled him, nor did he not answer any of hte questions put forward to him. So I do not understand, why he would be so angry as to make the abusive comments in the other two recordings.

It is obviously some sort of campaign to malign the journalist, from a party with a vested interest. Probably some political party or person that he must have spoken or written about.
Nazir Naji......a respected journalist indeed. Certainly not caught in a good moment. Anyways, anyone got a link to his version of the story? Has he said anything?

(Here's another hilarious sting though unrelated. Everyone sounds tunn these days in Pakistan: [www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnH9VWfC7C0]YouTube - Lesbians in Cricket.)
I did not care for Nazir Naji at first. He was in the pay of Nawaz Sharif during the second term and was NS speech writer. However, from most of the columns written by Nazir Naji that I have read, he comes across as anti Taliban and against anti state forces, the forces adored by the bigots such as Hamid Mir, Irfan Siddiqui, Mujib ur Rahman Shami etc. I have therefore become partial towards Nazir Naji.

Only journalist who stood up and spoke against the Shariat Bill for Swat was Ayaz Amir. My hats off to him for speaking out despite wining the Chakwal seat on the rightist PML (N) ticket.

In another thread I have read a lot of hate mail against MQM. Despite never been an MQM supporter, my hats off to MQM for protesting against the passage of Shariat bill. Passage of this bill thru National Parliament signifies the defeatist mentality of our political leaders. They have handed over Swat and Malakand, to the worst bigots the Islam has had the misfortune to suffer, without a fight. No matter how one tries to fudge the issue, the fact is that Parliament has abdicated her own law making powers to unelected bunch of thugs who have captured a part of Pakistan thru the force of arms. I have no words to describe moral bankruptcy of such elected members of the people. Imagine Sufi Mohammad has already declared democracy as against Islam and a so called democratically elected parliament has happily surrendered to him!

I also believe that no doubt MQM is a terrorist party, but so are many other political parties in Pakistan specially the JI. (Is hammam main sub nangey). Therefore IMO, MQM stance against Talibanization of Pakistan makes them a worthwhile political force despite their ignoble past.

I have decided to declare myself a ‘Liberal fascist’ a term coined by the bigot Hamid Mir for the people who oppose Taliban. Any person, group or party who will stand up and speak against Taliban and their supporters, has my support.
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