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Nawaz warns US of 'war on terror' review

Dear brother,

Mushy was over. Nobody in Pakistan respected him since he was appointed by village idiot Bush to turn your country into killing machine for Muslims.

I think Nawaz Sharif said the truth, sorry I wasn't having love for him since I was an Indonesian. Mushy also jailed an Indonesian student in local madrassah only revealed the guy ws brother of so-called "Jamaah Islamiyyah terrorist."

dear brother,

Since you are an indonesian, therefore you are unaware of ground realities of Pakistan.

It is not Musharraf that is killing muslims.... it is the extremists and fanatics who are killing muslims all over in Pak, in name of religion..... Musharraf only has to safe-guard his country against such terrorist. Read below, is this why MASJIDS should be used for?

Lal Masjid threatens suicide attacks

Lal Masjid threatens suicide attacks -DAWN - Top Stories; April 07, 2007

Formally announcing the establishment of a parallel judicial system, the pro-Taliban Lal Masjid administration on Friday vowed to enforce Islamic laws in the federal capital and threatened to unleash a wave of suicide bombers if the government took any action to counter it.

“Our youth will commit suicide attacks, if the government impedes the enforcement of the Sharia and attacks Lal Masjid and its sister seminaries,” Maulana Abdul Aziz, the in-charge of the mosque said in his Friday sermon.

Let your Islamic fervour not cloud the facts.

It is time that you dispassionately understood Musharraf!
Parliament to make all policy decisions, Gillani tells US

* PM tells Negroponte, Boucher development in Tribal Areas key to eliminating extremism
* Calls for ‘political solution’ to tackle terrorism​

By Sajjad Malik

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will make all key policy decisions through parliament, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani told US Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte and Assistant Secretary of State Richard Boucher on Wednesday.

During a meeting with the visiting US officials at Prime Minister’s House, Gillani said the new government was determined to fight terrorism in all its forms “democratically, economically and strategically”, because it concerned Pakistan.

Pakistan had been fighting terrorism consistently, he said, and had sacrificed a lot, including its leader Benazir Bhutto.

Economic development: The prime minister said economic development in the Tribal Areas bordering Afghanistan was key to address extremism in the region. He said the Reconstruction Opportunity Zones to be set up in the area would help boost economic activities and improve standards of living.

He said Pakistan wanted Afghanistan to progress, because a peaceful, stable and prosperous Afghanistan was in the best interest of Pakistan and the region. Gillani said he had talked to the Afghan president and the Indian prime minister on telephone, and they had re-affirmed their commitment to regional peace and prosperity.

He said Pakistan held its strategic ties with the US in high priority and desired to enhance the relations.

The people of Pakistan had voted for moderate democratic forces, he said, and the government would take all possible measures to come up to their expectations. Gillani said his government would announce a 100-day programme for immediate relief. The top agenda of the government was strengthening of institutions, free and vibrant media, and an independent Election Commission, he said.

Negroponte congratulated the prime minister on his election and assured him of complete US support to the new government. He hoped democracy would lead Pakistan towards progress. He praised Pakistan’s efforts against extremism and terrorism, and said America’s ties with Pakistan and its people were very important and not restricted to the war on terror. He said the US wanted stable and multi-faceted relations with Pakistan. The foreign secretary and senior government officials were also present.

Political solution: Prime Minister Gillani had told US President George W Bush during a telephonic conversation on Tuesday that Pakistan backed the US-led war on terror but a “comprehensive approach” that included political solutions was needed to tackle the problem.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Hopefully he does.

Time will only tell.

Already there is news items that the US is taking unilateral action to attack AQ camps within NWFP and FATA,

At least in Musharraf's time, it is believed they kept Pakistan informed!

Indeed, what is the plan of the democratic govt now?
Valid question indeed.

Timing is considered to be bad though it seems more like it that US is once again trying to send the same signal by intimidating the newly elected government: Either you're with us or against us!

I spoke to my cousin in Pakistan yesterday and he told me that current government will push for building a fence along the entire Afghan border and will try to implement 24/7 surveilliance to avoid cross border insurgency. In return US will have to prevent targetting millitants on our soil.

If true it will not go down well with either the US or the Afghans or even the NATO, they all believe that AQ's mainstay is in Pakistan and should be dealt with well inside our borders to eliminate the core and avoid regrouping elsewhere.
The top agenda of the government was strengthening of institutions, free and vibrant media, and an independent Election Commission, he said.

So what about the roti, kapra, Makan thing. Lol i thought that was the top agenda with basic needs such as the electricity, gas, water. A simple man doesnt care whether the institutions are free or the media or the election commission. If these things hold some significance, Musharraf would have never lost as these things apart from the institutions were never more free then during Musharraf's era specially the media and for the first time in the history of pakistan such free and fair elections. All people care is about the prices, and the basic life needs.
Anyhow i sliped away from the original topic, PPP during the era of BB were a strong supporter of this WOT. BB even went a step ahead and said that she would allow the US to enter pakistan and take military actions against the AQ. However the new government is a colation government and even with PP being the ruling party, still they cant much do without the consent of their fellow partners such as the PML-N, which by the way will strongly oppose such actions.
Things will indeed get interesting in the coming months and the new government will face some tough challenges, however for the first time, the final decision will take place from the parliment with the consent of everyone and that would indeed be good so that in the future no one could blame the other for doing the wrong thing. They will alll be equally responsible.
Fencing the border is a great idea, i just hope this idea could be implimented upon as soon as possible.:pakistan:
Guess what?

It was interesting to learn that the UAE has combat troops in Afghanistan and they are doing real well!

that current government will push for building a fence along the entire Afghan border and will try to implement 24/7 surveilliance to avoid cross border insurgency. In return US will have to prevent targetting millitants on our soil.

This fencing has been going on since one year now. It was announced by Musharraf in late 2006. In September 2005, Musharraf shared the idea with President Bush, who publicly endorsed it. Karzai's rejection of fencing further confounds the issue of the undefined border between the two countries.

Since then above 30 km has been fenced.

Afghan troops have torn down part of a new anti-Taleban fence being erected by Pakistan on the border between the two countries, officials in Kabul say. They say the move led to fighting between Afghan and Pakistani troops.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Afghanistan 'border fence' clash

^^^^In my opinion I think it is impossible to seal the border with Afghanistan. We must fence in areas it is possible, put mimes, put troops on the border, try to get local help in preventing border crossing.
Any future deal with the tribals must also say that the tribals will not allow shelter to any Afghan. We must make the lives of Afghans misrable in Pakistan, this might stop them from comming into Pakistan.
Indeed, Nawaz has no credibility and US still consider Musharraf to be "their man".

But I do agree that our US policy needs to be reviewd, for once be a partner in WoT instead of slave with better returns.

Nawaz may not have credibility, but what is important to note that unless he is taken along by Zardari and friends, the longevity of the current govt may become suspect, leading to great chaos.

In fact, whole subcheez does not look very comfortable.

Though democracy is a much better thing to happen for any country, yet the democratic jigsaw that has come into place does inspire confidence that it will be of the same genre as that of Musharraf's.

As far as Afghans tearing down the fence is concerned, one can presume that they feel that it would be a de facto recognition of the Durand Line, which they apparently don't want to do.
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