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Nawaz Sharif’s mother passes away in London

I share your sentiments but bro let Allah judge her rather then us mortals. Now question is Nawaz and his two sons who love their mum and grand mum so much are they going to come to Pakistan and give their shoulder to her coffin? Possibility is this corrupt mafia will show love for the money and use the path of self preservation and bury her in the UK.

I agree. Allah SWT will judge everyone, including me. I have no doubt about it.

That's why I have so much fear in me. I don't want to be judged. But Judged I would be like everyone else by the Mightiest Judge of "All".

So why these people didn't have fear of Allah SWT!!

Allah SWT has given us the brain to judge between right and wrong. Holy Quran is full of Ayat on this topic.
Brother, I am only using my brain, and distinguishing between right and wrong as per the "Ahkam" of Allah SWT.
Sad News

انا للّٰہ وانا الیہ راجعون
The question is, will NS and his sons will come back to Pakistan with his Mother dead body? I think No. He will prefer to save his money.
May her soul rest in peace. Inna Lillah e Wa Inna Ilehi Rajeoon
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
Verily we belong to Allah, and verily to Him do we return.

But don’t let the sharifs go abroad. Instead call for her being buried in Pakistan if they (the sharifs) want.
As a members of civilized society, we should be sharing their grief. Peace.
Nope... A mother who helped raise a corrupt son who stole from the poor???... She was a mule who was actively involved in embezzlement and money laundering.

I rather say... Do not curse the dead. Bit let's not be fools and make the dead sinless. Let's just stay quiet.
Inna lilahe wa inna ilahe rajoun
The question is, will NS and his sons will come back to Pakistan with his Mother dead body? I think No. He will prefer to save his money.
let NS bring his Mother to Pakistan, where she belongs....if they are Pakistani.

RIP for Mother.

dont let any kanjar go out of Pakistan again.
Nawaz Sharif’s mother passes away in London
Akhter was 90 years old and had been ill for a while. According to reports, she was undergoing medical treatment.

BR Web Desk Updated 22 Nov 2020


Mother of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Opposition Leader in National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif, Shamim Akhtar passed away in London on Sunday after prolonged illness.

The development was confirmed by Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) Deputy Secretary-General Atta Tarrar.

"Mian Nawaz Sharif and Mian Shahbaz Sharif's respected mother has passed away," he tweeted.

Shamim Akhtar was 90 years old and had been ill for a while. According to reports, she was undergoing medical treatment. She had been ill since the past week and her condition had been fragile due to her old age.

Begum Shamim Akhtar traveled to London to meet Nawaz when he was undergoing heart surgery back in February.

It has not yet been decided where and when her funeral prayers will be offered.

PML-N leader Shehbaz Sharif also shared picture of her deceased mother on her social media account and appealed to the nation to pray for her eternal peace.

While talking to media, Tarar said a request will be submitted to the court to allow Shahbaz and Hamza Shahbaz to be released on payroll so they can attend the funeral.

Allah Pak maghfirat farmaye..

Maybe this will open eyes of these looters k aik din inho ne b jana he
nzoo chor will come and cry crocodile tears we came for mother and gov arrest us . another topi drama shabaz will be soon released on bail to go out . only in this country poor have no such luxury . ghareeb ka sara khandan mar jay wo jail main hi para rehta hai . ameer ka kuta bhi mar ay to bail dety hain kameeny judges or gov .
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