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Nawaz Sharif to leave for Saudi Arabia

Hi! Sorry to bother you brother but I'm curious,Why are you so Pro-Nawaz sharif?

Now he is delusional what did he say forcefully, violently? destabilize? non has been committed by IK/PTI but yes we saw that in Model Town. So here is to him and below but sadly blind man.

Yes nawaz should be in Country to run Country because IDPs needs his help, last time zardari and gillani ran away for Trips when Floods had hit twice. God says fulfill Huqooq-ul-Ibaad and fulfill Huqooq Allah later that is how Importance it is. IK makes no Threats he gave all the time that is 14 months went from pillar to posts EC/NADRA/Gov/HC/SC and all were silent. Orangzaib you are sitting in US and throwing bongian watch yourself you have no credible information on Mr. IK if he is in any relationship or not and if he is it is non of your damn business but helping IDPs by PM is his first important business than meeting God. So now bring your information about Miss Malik lets not get personal but would you believe if someone accuses your sister.
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I feel your question is bit weird. Why dont ask same question to Ptians

Why they are so Pro-Imran?
I am well aware of why "PTI-uns" are Pro-Imran and the rest of the politics in Pakistan.What I wanted know is Orangzaib point of view.Since he's taken an interest in Pakistan's politics.
I am well aware of why "PTI-uns" are Pro-Imran and the rest of the politics in Pakistan.What I wanted know is Orangzaib point of view.Since he's taken an interest in Pakistan's politics.
He is probably american nationality holder with Pakistani origin or Pakistani living in america but he mostly make sense whatever he say. I am sure all people have their own reasons to prefer one political party over others and it can change as well
He is probably american nationality holder with Pakistani origin or Pakistani living in america but he mostly make sense whatever he say. I am sure all people have their own reasons to prefer one political party over others and it can change as well
He claims he is African-American not Pakistani. And yes I agree with most of his posts.
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He is probably american nationality holder with Pakistani origin or Pakistani living in america but he mostly make sense whatever he say. I am sure all people have their own reasons to prefer one political party over others and it can change as well

Logic mate logic its not about pro or not its about who is right we have also criticized IK but it turns blasphemous to question pml-n entirely and zardari. He is sitting in US for who knows how long read about blogs about politicians and GFs and than comes believing where as Media has all the evidences against many politicians the funny part is entire Media says pml-n/ppp are corrupt but only Geo accuses Army and IK and paints those GFs and love affairs and illegal child stories. We have audio visuals of pml-n rigging galore and if there is any evidence against PTI why not these parties report it, PTI itself has said it on number of occasions open cases go to EC. He makes no sense but what his noonies friends feeds him like talibanis paradise fetish. For example defense minister married secretly another political female figure I said good for him it is nobody's damn businesses did you hear PTI-ans complained about it. Sita white case is closed disproved and debunked noonies should try something new. His post in Armed Forces section are good but in politics sorry to say he has to research for years and live being a Pakistani or citizen of the country to know it inside out.
Ok, honestly, I am having a hard time in actually believing you gave me this reason, I can't imagine how people believe in people who can lie off their teeth.
So, for a country that's in "war and critical condition", you have an issue with the prime minister going to God's house. You think he should be in the country to run his government right? Wait, its the SAME gov't that your IK wants to forcefully, violently destabilize through marches.
So....the ONLY patriot in the world needs to be the current prime minister and he can't go follow his belief and pray to God for a few days....BUT....the IK's of the world are allowed to make threats to the current government, to the country and to its system on HOURLY basis????

Is he not a patriot then or a leader that needs to care for its country and the system and not bring down a running system when HIS OWN country is under "war and in critical condition"?

Common man, let the shameful propaganda go. If the current premier got sick and got admitted to a hospital, you'd say that he's healthy and he's "resting like a king" in a hospital. But if IK was hanging out with his current girl friend Ms. Malik and committing what you guys call adultery, it'll never be mentioned here or it'll be highlighted as a fashion to do. Common guys, wake up

I don't think you have a good understanding of Islam. Allah has ordered us to fulfil Huqooq-ul-Ibad(rights of men) first and Huqooq-Allah(rights of Allah) later on. And Allah does not help he who can't help himself. What Nawaz is doing is like, 40 chuhe kha k billi Hajj ko chali, and a man in debt, sitting in Ait'kaf. Islam stresses to complete your obligatory duties first, and to worry about Nawafil later on. So I suggest you get your facts straight.
I don't think you have a good understanding of Islam. Allah has ordered us to fulfil Huqooq-ul-Ibad(rights of men) first and Huqooq-Allah(rights of Allah) later on. And Allah does not help he who can't help himself. What Nawaz is doing is like, 40 chuhe kha k billi Hajj ko chali, and a man in debt, sitting in Ait'kaf. Islam stresses to complete your obligatory duties first, and to worry about Nawafil later on. So I suggest you get your facts straight.

Is your IK also fullfilling people's rights if that's what you are getting to? How's it Islamic to risk people's lives and threaten public safety and many poor innocent lives so your greedy self can get a power seat? How's this Islamic and patriot for IK to stir violence and hatred to bring down a government who's already producing results?
Where does it say is Islam to do violence so that you can topple the government and spend millions on it when you have millions IDP that can use your money? Does the SAME Islam not apply to IK? Or is it Islamic to be threatening the government with violence while you are committing adultery wit Ms. Malik and the world know the playboy meat you are made out of, while you criticize others and apply Islam to others and give yourself a clean sheet of paper? IK is the MOST flawed personality that exist in your country.

Common man, I suggest you get your head out of stupidity's as* and start using some common sense. None of you guys post and logic makes sense. You can't last a debate for thirty minutes because all you can say is just propaganda and scripts, no common sense at all. I can't believe you keep supporting wrong at all counts and now bring in Islam and apply it to the person you don't like.

Hi! Sorry to bother you brother but I'm curious,Why are you so Pro-Nawaz sharif?

HA!!! There you go. I am not Pro ANYONE. The only PRO I am, is for the 200 poor people that have been suffering. I could care less about what you guys do in your elections, whether be it IK or someone else. But knowing how the investment is flowing in, I see a great future shaping up in the next three years. If you bring down the gov't, your violent politics and intolerant behaviors will scare off investors that finally returned to Pakistan after a LOT of hard work by the current leadership.
Scaring off investors due to political unrest is a crime in majority of countries as it threatens the stability of a system. If you guys destabilize the system this time and the investors will have to run away from Pakistan, your country will break in the next 5-10 years, not to mention the economic wall it'll hit in the next 24 months post unrest. You guys wan to fu*ck 200 million people's future and a running system, be my guest. Just remember that you'll be responsible for breaking your country. Don't point to America or India ten years from now that they were responsible for it. This is ALL you guys not using sense and taking an already war-torn system down to its grave!
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Is your IK also fullfilling people's rights if that's what you are getting to?
Is your IK also fullfilling people's rights if that's what you are getting to? How's it Islamic to risk people's lives and threaten public safety and many poor innocent lives so your greedy self can get a power seat? How's this Islamic and patriot for IK to stir violence and hatred to bring down a government who's already producing results?
Where does it say is Islam to do violence so that you can topple the government and spend millions on it when you have millions IDP that can use your money? Does the SAME Islam not apply to IK? Or is it Islamic to be threatening the government with violence while you are committing adultery wit Ms. Malik and the world know the playboy meat you are made out of, while you criticize others and apply Islam to others and give yourself a clean sheet of paper? IK is the MOST flawed personality that exist in your country.

Common man, I suggest you get your head out of stupidity's as* and start using some common sense. None of you guys post and logic makes sense. You can't last a debate for thirty minutes because all you can say is just propaganda and scripts, no common sense at all. I can't believe you keep supporting wrong at all counts and now bring in Islam and apply it to the person you don't like.
Again, you demonstrate your mediocre knowledge of Islam.
First of all, let me inform you that I am not a huge supporter of Imran Khan.
On topic:
You say that it's Un-Islamic to risk people's lives and threaten public safety to achieve your own goals?
Do you understand the concept of peaceful protest? PEACEFUL. The only threat that PTI's workers are facing are from the goons of the government, as demonstrated in the Model Town Massacre. And the workers are gathering there are doing so willingly. You can't take away the right of protest, for whatever cause the protest may have.
Violence? It's ****ing peaceful protest. The only violence ever demonstrated in response to any anti-government protest is by the government itself. About the spending money to help the IDP's, It's the official responsibility and obligation of the FEDERAL government to provide funds for the IDP's. The money for the protests come's out of PTI's own pocket and not the Federal or Provincial treasuries. You don't have the right to tell anyone how to spend their own money. Committing adultery? Please provide proof. And what are you suggesting? That a leader be completely perfect, bathe in milk each morning, and have not done anything wrong, EVER?
Delusional man, I suggest you clear your head of this one-sided crap, and start using what you call common sense. Judge the issue neutrally, after getting your facts straight. Your entire argument is based on rumors you expect to hear of Facebook.
I have reasons for not supporting Nawaz Sharif. He is a coward. A leader stays in his country in times of crisis, and does not run away to perform non obligatory prayer. You were the one who brought whatever little knowledge you have of Islam into this, I corrected you. It's up to you to accept that.
The head thug is in Makkah/Madina; for the following reasons:
  • Praying for more money to satisfy for his greed, lust and personal gains.
  • Praying for to get rid of long marches and dharnas.
Or in PML(Nooras)
  • Praying for Pakistan
  • Praying for Palestine
  • gone there for 'Aitikaaf'
Finally 'Madeenay walay nay bulaya hai'
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Again, you demonstrate your mediocre knowledge of Islam.
First of all, let me inform you that I am not a huge supporter of Imran Khan.
On topic:
You say that it's Un-Islamic to risk people's lives and threaten public safety to achieve your own goals?
Do you understand the concept of peaceful protest? PEACEFUL.
Committing adultery? Please provide proof. And what are you suggesting? That a leader be completely perfect, bathe in milk each morning, and have not done anything wrong, EVER?

A leader stays in his country in times of crisis, and does not run away to perform non obligatory prayer. You were the one who brought whatever little knowledge you have of Islam into this, I corrected you. It's up to you to accept that.

Don't bring Islam into this topic. I hate to say it, but you don't have basic knowledge of Islam. You couldn't answer ONE question with Islamic / Quranic details from my prior post.

Btw, if you knew about Islam, the one I've read about along with Christianity and Judaism, you wouldn't be supporting violence. Violence, terrorism and extremeism come from the mentality that you have in Pakistan. The SAME mentality that IK is showing by getting people ready for a violent march to gain power, in this process, what will happen? Everyone knows, innocent poor people will get killed when he and his rich buddies will be sitting behind Bullet proof cars with police escorts. That you call Islamic? Getting people's lives at risk to gain power? Go read up on your OWN Islam and see how it differs from the Islam that was sent to you. Shame on you, don't bring up Islam as you don't know it well. Yet, you are using it to justify wrong and risking people's lives, like Taliban's do. No wonder we think of IK as Taliban Khan, this violence based mentality comes from that.

Next: Peaceful protest.....is that what he's calling for? He's issues threats to the government that no one will come back from Islamabad, we'll gain the power, this is the last draw and we'll win with whatever force we have......THAT sounds peaceful to you??? Do you think people like me are total idiots who don't know jack about anything? There is NO peaceful march when you try to seize a capital of a country, people going in to gain power will clash with the security and shots will be fired. People will get killed from both ends. Then, the government will be destabilized, the investors will say fu*ck off to Pakistan for the last time and you'll hit bankruptcy in the next 12 months, no one will extend you loans anymore, your growth projects will stop. The West will pull out of everything, and the power outages will go to 20+ hours or more. The economy will crash and the country will be stripped into pieces. You can print this post and keep it for your records. If the system is destabilized, your country will go back by 20-30 years, both economically and militarily. Next, you'll be forced to give up your nukes or they will be taken away by force. No one wants a radical government having nukes, a government who's taliban friendly and came through violence instead of a democratic process. So GOOD LUCK!!! Justify the fu*cking up of 200 people's future by Islam when you remember my post.

And if a leader needs to stay in the country in the "time of crises", another leader needs to help the system to DEAL with the crises, not spread violence to destabilize the system. Reread this statement three times and it might click with your head. Seems like it fogged up a lot.

Last, proofs of Mr. Khan's infidelity, I have PERSONALLY seen him many times in London with British girls, his Ex-Wife was a girlfriend of his, he's an alcoholic and he gambles, he has a daughter that he abandoned in the US and there is DNA evidence and cases against him where he was considered guilty. His current girlfriend is some rich guy of Kalabagh's niece. What more do you want me to tell you??? Google his past, you'll see. But something tells me, you won't want to accept it. So go ahead, show the world your country runs on extremism and those are your core values. Do these crazy marches, get people killed and see the results for yourself. When you get to "oh SH*IT" moment in the next few years after this situation, think of this post. At that point, you may not have anything else but regret to what an idiot like IK did to its 200 million poor citizens when they deserved a system.

Really? Thats strange then lol

No its not. What's strange is people like you who are supporting an idiots violent agenda that going to fu*ck over your country and its 200 million people who finally have a chance at a better future. So instead of wondering about how black or white I may look, wonder about how you can avoid violence, still manage to do safe protest and LEARN to stand in the line. When you guys come to America, you guys stand in the line as you know there is a system. But you won't build that system in your own country for your own future generation's sake!

I am sure all people have their own reasons to prefer one political party over others and it can change as well

I hate your politicians and have no respect for them. The ONLY allegiance I have, is to the constitution of the United States of America. A country with a system that ensures safety, growth, peace and stability for its citizens.

The only reason you see me here trying to correct you guys, is because I see you are digging your own grave. The world is not interested in having a country like Pakistan run by extremist mentality people like IK who's immature as hell. If he comes in power and does weird crap like supporting the violence against the current system, your country will be destroyed.

One of my ethics professor used to tell us, you can judge a leader's character by how how acts for his agenda. Using extreme views and trying to get people killed so he use dead bodies to get into power is the worst form of humanity and leadership. This is considered treason in majority of the countries than politics. Your next door neighbor India is an example, where change comes in a positive way. But what do you guys know about patience, system and democracy!
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I am well aware of why "PTI-uns" are Pro-Imran and the rest of the politics in Pakistan.What I wanted know is Orangzaib point of view.Since he's taken an interest in Pakistan's politics.

My point of view is simple: Do not destroy 200 million people's future that is being set right now. They deserved a better lifestyle and will all the investments coming in, these poor people and a poor country finally has a chance to grow. Don't ruin this opportunity because some immature leader wants power through violence.
Next: let a system develop and work its kinks out, learn to stand in the line and for your turn. Good change is always a change that's positive like in India, Malaysia, or the US or other democratic countries.

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