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Nawaz is back!

i fully accept your idea, MR, PROUD PAKISTANI,
it was the very reason , why all the pakistani nation gave their real and full support to MUSHARAF, even they know he was a dictator.

but what he did to them?
he simply killed the hopes and wishes of the silent majorty.
and now there is no way out for innocent, common, and silent majorty.????
He has not killed the Hopes of Majority.

Be a Critic, what he has done for the country for 8 years needs 100 pages to describe but what the democracy has done to Pakistan needs only one word and that is Nothing ....

Still most of the majority is with Musharaf ........ how many people came up for BB 30000 from all over Pakistan....... and how many come for Nawaz 50000 from all over Pakistan........ But this is nothing ........ all the people who are against Musharaf after 3 Novemeber can only represent not more than 0.001 percent of our Population. Media shows that all pakistan is against musharaf.........

All are blind and deef people who think Pakistan is against Musharaf!
Finally my leader, a true Pakistani has returned and this time on a royal plane. Saudi Arabia which made a terrible mistake by becoming a party in Nawaz Sharif's deportation have tried to win the hearts of Pakistani by giving NS a royal farewell, gifts and a special flight.

Hardly has NS set foot in Pakistan that the Qurban League has started to disintegrate.

Shaukar Aziz, Wasi Duffer, Sher Afghan Khan Niazi, Mir Zafar ullah Jamali have not even been nominated by the party to contest elections.

Hina Rabani Khar who has been very vocal and supportive of Musharraf has quit PML-Q to join PPP and more desertations are expected in days to come.
plz, plz, try to understand, that MUSHARFs popularity is all time low.
thats not because OF foolish pakistani media reports ,its the reality, u have to accept the fact.
i am not against MUSHARAF , i like to see him on the top.

and its not the media ,which can decide the graph of any ones popularity but its common people?????

maybe u can make a little survey , if u like and even u start from your own family ! u will exactly find that even people who, dont like BB or NAWAZ they also dislike musharf.

i accept that MUSHARAF did a lot of remarkable things and pakistan will not going to find a leadership like him.

but , because of lake of political wisdom, and by acepting the US STANCE, MUSHARF fell into a trap.

and also i think , that media , specialy (pakistani) media played a real nonsense and unresponsible job against, MUSHARF.

MUSHARAF should not be treated like this, but also, on the other hand , MUSHARF should , have planed better limited and conditional strategy ( independence) for this crazy **** media.

now , even what ever MUSHARAFs plan is, he is going face all this CIA, funded and planned consparciy.

with help of our croupt politicians like NAWAZ + BENAZIR+ FAZULRRHEMAN and the CHOWDRIES , CIA already taking on MUSHARAF.

EVEN, CIA funded the pakistani media, for that prpse.

MUSHARAF is the real , danger for USA. like LATE president .GEN. ZIA UL HAQ.

USA , cant look pakistan, futher strong and, thier aim to at least take control of nukes is a solid prove.

WHY they(USA) wanted to investigate DR, AQ. KHAN ?, surely , not because he was innvolved in nuke smugling, but mostly! the fact, that USA want have detailed info about pakistani NUKE WHRABUTS? AND TT info.

my, dear proud pakistani, i realy WANA wish a very good FUTURE, to MUSHARF but he, also have too do better than that???

byth way AS ! some people see NAWAZ ,AS more trustable person to pakistan army they r maybe living in heaven of FOOLS.

BOTH , BENAZIR AND NAWAZ are, were, and indeed will remain SECURITY RISK. FOREVER...........???????????????
i fully accept your idea, MR, PROUD PAKISTANI,
it was the very reason , why all the pakistani nation gave their real and full support to MUSHARAF, even they know he was a dictator.

but what he did to them?
he simply killed the hopes and wishes of the silent majorty.
and now there is no way out for innocent, common, and silent majorty.????

On the contrary, there is a very easy and simple way out for the silent majority:

Don't bloody vote for the same old corrupt faces and "leaders".

Don't blame Musharraf for this, the "silent majority" has a chance to tell NS and BB that they don't want them. So tell them.

In all honesty, other than being convicted and jailed by foreign courts (which still might happen to BB) this was bound to happen. NS and BB would have spent eternity harping about how the "people of Pakistan wanted them but the dictator didn't". Now the people of Pakistan can decide.

As Niaz sahib often says, "people get the government they deserve".
In the view of our past and present politics, no one is trustable as we all look confuse about the credentials of politicians and even about Generals, and one can put solid reasons too, to question their trustworthiness but it lead nowhere to us in the present situation. Now we are left with such rotten eggs to pick. Beside BB and NS what option we have in the real politics to elect PM? Is this Imran, Fazal, Chaudhris or Qazi?
In my openion Imran,s party need much time for her maturity while for fazal and qazi there is no room as they will act only like army pressure groups. The chaudhris oh no they only now trying to intact PML under NS.

So we have to prepare ourselves either for BB or NS as our PM.
Now in picking from them we have to screen their past stances in our national interest as well as their future intentions in the light of their current statements they made.

It would be very educative and optimistic for me if some one can point third most loyal party which can erect PM.

You say that Imran's party needs "maturity" - how on earth will they get that without people electing them? Vote for Imran, vote for MQM, vote for PML-Q (at least we know what they stand for and what they have done under Musharraf). The choices are there. What is going to be important is trying to deny the PPP and PML-N the majority to overturn the ban on a third term for Prime Minister. If they are forced to select new party members as PM's, we should hopefully start to see the center of gravity in these parties shift away from the two tried and corrupt individuals, BB and NS, and have more choices in the long term.

Imran party's maturity means broadening her roots in all our provinces, which does not depend upon the popularity of Imran only but to some extent on the available popular people he chooses for his party tickets. Changing the mind set of people is very difficult job and hope Imran succeed by launching huge election compaign with popular slogans of exploiting after reading the mental of common Pakistani.

Agno agreed that if PMLN and PPP are in a weaker position would not able to overturn the ban but if u see today Mr. Tariq Azeem indicated that Chudhry can hold talk with NS.Also said there is much potential of PML Q and PML N to unite.
Such thing will give more power to NS, who would be in position to overturn the ban.

On the other hand other parties will not retaliate against this union to unite with PPP which is a clear suicide for every party to stand with BB this time.
I think n. Sharif should thank to the rigidness of Bainazir, which opened his door into Pakistan.

Other news is that all the tyrants of Gawal Mandi were out to receive N.Sharif as they see new hope of old gold times in his success.
After all he appointed many in police and helped many to illegally immigrate to UK.

Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

He better be careful with protests and wait and prepare peacefuly for the day of elections.
Its time people should show that they dont want democracy in Pakistan since democracy is not meant for nations like Pakistan whose rich always manupilate poor..

People should not Vote in these elections no matter what happens...

Its Time to decide the Fate of Pakistan..........

Imran is not going to be able to set up a "national party" for a long time, and he has wasted eight years already and will waste away even more if he doesn't "get with it", but I still believe that if people want change, then vote for him and whatever candidates he puts up instead of those of NS and BB. At the very least the numer of corrupt politicians in Isloo will go down a bit, and even small gains will help boost his popularity and possibly spur his party to greater gains in another five years.

I also wouldn't underestimate the PML-Q. Even if the Chaudhries want an alliance with NS, which seems unlikely to happen, they will not necessarily help overturn the ban on 3 time premiership because they stand the most to lose by allowing NS and BB to gain center stage again. I would think the same would apply to the MQM, though politics being the strange animal it is will undoubtedly throw up surprises. But remember that it is the PML-Q leadership that was adamantly opposed to Musharraf removing the 3 time bar, while negotiations were going on with BB. Lets hope that attitude remains.
In politics, the most extraordinary occurs.

I put nothing as impossible!

Once the elections are done, the deals will be on and the most extraordinary will take place!

I can only see uncertainties in the future.

They will try to undercut Musharraf, and Musharraf will queer their pitch!

Don't underestimate Musharraf. He maybe a military man, but he understands survival and more than that Pakistani politics!

Whatever happens, Musharraf will be on top!
what more tops actully mr, musharaf needs, salim?

actully i, adore the simple idea of party less polls for this term,
AND MUSHARAF, shouldnt doff his uniform for this term.

both , NAWAZ AND BENAZIR , wouldnt be allowed to run this election.

and for the next elections, MUSHARAF , can be in a possition for ! make a condition to both of bb and nawz ,that if they want to come back and wanted to be a part of pakistans political future?

both, NAWZ AND BB , had to acept MUSHARF , as a president and AS WELL a ARMY CHIEF for at least , 10 years??????????

for this purpose ,MUSHARAF can become A FIELD MARSHALL, i guss , this can be accepted by !!!!!!!!!!!!!
BOTH , NAWAZ AND BENAZIR were and are, croupt and power hungry people , i am sure they can do any thing, for power and lust of money????????

but, i dont , understand that WHY MUSHARF , WAS IN HURRY?????
AND , also WHY musharf, doesnt took the advantge of them?

thats why i , thought that, MUSHARF doesnt have good political advisers ?
I MEAN for the people who were givinng him the so called , political knowledge. those, WHOM , MUSHARFs was listening, they were the people, who were being caught by ( NAB ). and were the members from mostly PPP OR PML(N)?

these NABerians were become his advisers just to save themselves, but , when they saw that MUSHARF , is losing his ground!!!! these NABERIANS, gave him a very wrong kind of line action and a theory of defeat , in politics .

a lot of them will surely wouldnt get any TICKETS?????????

the very idea of talks with BENAZIR, AND action against CJ, and the end N R O, all this crap was putup by those NAB effected peoples to MR, MUSHARAF?

BY 1 by 1 !!!!! they made his mind full of crap, and MUSHARAF , FELL in their trap???????

still , MUSHARAF has the power in his hand, lets look what he can do next????????????????

frm myself, a very good wish of wisdom to MUSHARAF, AND CONGRAULATIONS to becoming PRESIDENT OF PAKISTAN.
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