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Nawaz again backstabbed Pak Military at vital moment and venue !

Bollywood nation can pat itself on the back all it wants but nothing happens till Kashmir is resolved. NS cant wipe his @$$ without GHQ's permission on foreign affairs and he is fine with that (Its been arranged). I would like to see Modi perform some Yoga moves for our amusement though.
Pakistan and India have been told that they can become members of SCO only if they meet and have a joint statement about their meeting. India took this opportunity gladly to make Pakistan come to terms on India's demand. Rumors are, even China wanted Pakistan to act against Lakhvi as it does not want to be seen in bad light Internationally after it used VETO power to rescue Pakistan from UN sanctions. China and Russia mediated the meeting. Russia is as usual has a pro India approach. Therefore the agenda was all Indian
So Nawaz is not the responsible but People who shield Lakhvis of Pakistan are in fact the real culprits

if that makes you happy then be it
but the fact is US and Europe couldnt make Pakistan oblige to Indian demands, China doesnt care about India infact enjoys Pakistan creating problems for India. What NS did is just the lip service, NS is not a very smart guy when it comes to foreign policies so in his mind there is no harm in saying yes we will help you in Mumbai investigation just like we have been doing it for last 10 years. When you get an official voice sample of Lakhvi then we can come back here and discuss this in details....by the way if you want I can send you his voice sample, in fact goto YouTube and download one.
Pakistan is doing a great job kicking out Vegies from A-Stan and helping with the negotiation process over there so no reason why US and Europe would even try to do anything against Pak. Vegies are just struggling to get a grip on how the environment is changing around them.
we follow military style many many times why not civil way to solve the problem ?

anyway military is not stake holder they have to follow civil admins even if civil ask them to pull back from LOC and not to fire till next order . but what we can do its pakistan only patriot are those whom have certificate from GHQ?

It took Europe disasters such as world war 1 and 2 for the people of subcontinent what worse has to come to get to senses only time will determine

Hope dck heads on either side don't sabotage an attempt at reason
This Mumbai attack was a drama created by the RAW to divert attention from Kashmir. Lakhvis never owned Mumbai attack. There is no logic of doing this sort of operation from Pakistan side. Nawaz could do anything to belittle the army becuase now army is doing operation on economic terrorism. Maybe short term it would give Nawaz some edge, but later on he would be on difficult wicket.
Right now Russia and China definitely want to build a regional block which is not taken seriously by the west. And definitely, both leaders were forced to give joint statement so that it could show all parties are very cordial. The SCO will definitely put pressure on India to stop terrorism in its neighboring countries. And for Pakistan, it will be another forum where they could show proof's of Indian terrorism in Pakistan.
if Mumbai was drama .. Peshawar was school play !

How come you talk so sensible ?What differentiates you from others ?
he is @Imran Khan .. !
The burden of proof is on the internationally community and whoever else is accusing him. Legally, the one accusing someone must provide proof - it's not the accused's or his country's job to prove him innocent. That is the most impartial perspective possible, dear sir.

And that has well been served, isn't international community consider him a terrorist?

Its the blind(on choice) pakistan and pakistanis who cant see those proofs which everyone else can.

Why Modi begged Russia and China?.

You are nothing but a butthurt.
I liked what you said perhaps you are presenting the National view of every Pakistani which wants itself to compete with India.
Dude let me tell you our media doesn't revolve around Pakistan and they don't talk about Pakistan. But let me tell if you have youtube type latesst pakistani news on India you will get new news everyday talking about India. So This is what we call as obssesed.
And If I were to type latest Indian news on Pakistan I will get new news everyday talking about Pakistan. Your point? Obviously if you were to search for it, you'll find it. That never was my point. My point was things like these:
ISI paying Rs 10 lakh to steal army laptops - Oneindia
Every few days, there's some new conspiracy theory involving Pakistan and the ISI, whether it be pigeons or laptops.

Acting like India somehow doesn't care about Pakistan despite all that, and the fact that your foreign and defense policies are geared towards fighting Pakistan, only makes you look like a fool.
We don't consider Pakistan as a threat we consider China as a threat so our defense policy is focused on China..
You do consider Pakistan a major threat. Stop hiding from the facts and stop kidding yourselves. China is miles ahead of you, they'll sweep through India like a hot iron through a piece of butter. China's competition is the US - they barely care about India.
Because we know what Pakistan is capable of because everytime what they Spew is we are Nuclear Power, We are this , we are that, we will nUke you and nothing else. So that speaks about the fighting power of a country.:lol:
Pakistan never threatened to nuke India. There's nothing wrong with reminding some of the fools in power in India right now that we have nuclear deterrence, lest they actually bring Armageddon upon South Asia by doing something stupid.

Laugh at yourselves if you want to, doesn't change the fact that Pakistan actually is a nuclear power.
And let me tell that in your country what politicians say and how they are put their onous on India and ISI
1. Just days before a politician of your claimed that air from Rajasthan came to Pakistan and that's why so many People are dying due to summer. you should feel ashamed of saying such things and not even thinking what to so to stop the rise of deaths.
Rajasthan is a geographical location. Saying that winds came from there is factually correct. Climate change as a result of coal power plants is a fact proven by scientists.

And to talk about pot calling the kettle black, your own media and director of your meteorological department were blaming Pakistan for the Indian heatwave, long before anyone spoke of wind from Rajasthan.
After terrorism, Pakistan blamed for hot weather in India - Daily Pakistan Global
Delhi sizzles at 45.5 deg C as heat pumps into India from Pak - The Times of India

Now you should die of shame for firstly saying such things and secondly for being such a huge hypocrite.
2. Also in your Pakistan a Politician Claimed that RAW send messages to Zimbabwe to warn them of threat so that tour can be cancelled.:lol: Really?
And your politicians say that Pakistan sends pigeons and steals laptops from your officers. Really? If Pakistan can use pigeons to defecate on Modi's breakfast, why can't RAW send text messages to the Zimbabwean cricket team?
Wonder now they will start blaming india for electricity shortage, accidents on road, boy friend - girlfriend affairs, Suicides and what not.
Your people already blame Pakistan for social issues like rapes. If you want to wonder about things, why don't you wonder about the problems in India? Why are you so worried about Pakistan? Here we are talking about our internal matters and you Indians have to pass stupid comments about them, and then you proceed to say that you don't care about Pakistan.

Tell me something: If you don't care about Pakistan, why are you on a Pakistani forum worrying about Pakistani problems? And then you say you aren't obsessed.
You calculated debts but forgot about Forex of each countries.
India has 400 to 500 Billion dollars and has 355 forex reserves so that makes
450-350= 100 billion dollars against the 2.3 trillion dollars Economy of India.
I will not go into calculating pakistan because it is wastage of time and don't worth it and also world knows that what the situation of Pakistan is.
First of all, the debt figures I quoted were as percentage of GDP, which means it was in proportion to your gross domestic product and is therefore an accurate comparison.
Secondly, India is comparatively bigger in size with a larger work force, larger expenses and larger problems - that's enough to deal with your Forex argument.

Ooh, 'world' knows about the situation of Pakistan, I'm scared :sarcastic:. If you want to know what the world thinks about India, I can show you, but you wouldn't like it for what they see is poverty, slums, open defecation, and similar, not-so-pretty, things. Yeah, now you'll say ''but...but.. there's terrorism in Pakistan!!'' to which I'll reply with rapes in India and this'll turn into an even more worthless mudslinging contest.

So let's not do that, and let's forget about this pointless, meaningless and fallacious argument about ''the world'' and their opinions.
But if we go by your logic then the most freaked up Countries are USA and china has debt in Trillions
You're the one who brought up debt and ''bailouts''. Thank you for proving yourself wrong.

Don't worry about us ewe actually have atleast something to offer to the world. Also by your logic Westerners are exploiting China also and whole world are getting exploited by each other, didn't it?
Yes, nations all over the world do try to exploit each other. That's just business as usual. The idea is to gain as much as possible and be exploited as less as possible.
Don't worry we will become Superpower in the near future but if you want to live in ignorance then do carrty on with your dream it makes me feel good.:enjoy:
Don't count on your chickens before they hatch.

And don't worry, Pakistan will be strong, stable and prosperous by the time you become a superpower. We wouldn't want you to feel lonely and without reasonable competition.
Also let me bring some Well educated person for you @ares , @Skull and Bones
So you're saying you're not educated enough? Don't worry, this forum is a place to learn. If you let others argue for you, how will you learn?

Anyways, ares and Skull and Bones are welcome to argue, but there isn't much worth arguing over.
Everybody saw the real face of traitor ganja & the level of incompetency. The similar mistake the bastard made during Kargil war & the bastard will keep hurting Pakistan.

A military success turned into political defeat.
And that has well been served, isn't international community consider him a terrorist?

Its the blind(on choice) pakistan and pakistanis who cant see those proofs which everyone else can.
I'll reiterate: ''international community'' considering him a terrorist means absolutely nothing in a court of law. This same 'international community' that you worship had Nelson Mandela labelled a terrorist for years, till 2008. They were wrong, were they not? Then why should our courts listen to them?

The 'international community' has its own jurisdiction and courts have their own. Indians might take everything the international community says as gospel, we don't.

if Mumbai was drama .. Peshawar was school play !
Why? What was the motive? To make everyone willing to fight the Taliban? We already were fighting them. This theory collapses entirely when confronted with facts.

On the other hand, India has used Mumbai only as a talking point against Pakistan. I still don't believe it was a drama, but the theory isn't far fetched at all.
I'll reiterate: ''international community'' considering him a terrorist means absolutely nothing in a court of law. This same 'international community' that you worship had Nelson Mandela labelled a terrorist for years, till 2008. They were wrong, were they not? Then why should our courts listen to them?

The 'international community' has its own jurisdiction and courts have their own. Indians might take everything the international community says as gospel, we don't.

Only if you dont want to affiliate yourself with any international organisation.

But sadly you do since you dont want to alienate yourself. If it was not China, Pakitsan could have be reprimanded by UN.

Why? What was the motive? To make everyone willing to fight the Taliban? We already were fighting them. This theory collapses entirely when confronted with facts.

No, not everyone was willing to fight the Taliban, not even after Peshawar. Your ISI did that "drama" just like Mumbai "drama" to shut the voice of extremist mullah.

Sounds legit, they are quiet after that. Even Imran Khan.
I'll reiterate: ''international community'' considering him a terrorist means absolutely nothing in a court of law. This same 'international community' that you worship had Nelson Mandela labelled a terrorist for years, till 2008. They were wrong, were they not? Then why should our courts listen to them?

The 'international community' has its own jurisdiction and courts have their own. Indians might take everything the international community says as gospel, we don't.

Why? What was the motive? To make everyone willing to fight the Taliban? We already were fighting them. This theory collapses entirely when confronted with facts.

On the other hand, India has used Mumbai only as a talking point against Pakistan. I still don't believe it was a drama, but the theory isn't far fetched at all.
to ens the ongoing dharna by PAT and PTI. how swiftly Imran khan ended his month long dharna by giving excuse of Peshawar attack.
Only if you dont want to affiliate yourself with any international organisation.
Only what? No 'international organization' will un-affiliate itself from Pakistan over Indian propaganda. You people have a habit of over-inflating your importance.
But sadly you do since you dont want to alienate yourself.
You contradict yourself - first you say Pakistan is disobeying the international community and then you're saying we conform to them - so, which one is it?

The reality is that, yes, we obviously don't want to alienate ourselves, but we don't need to comply with India's agenda for that.
If it was not China, Pakitsan could have be reprimanded by UN.
A very distant possibility. That resolution hadn't even reached voting, and if it did, I highly doubt it'd get much support, considering that even your ally Russia doesn't care much for all your cries against Pakistan.
No, not everyone was willing to fight the Taliban, not even after Peshawar. Your ISI did that "drama" just like Mumbai "drama" to shut the voice of extremist mullah.
The fight against the Taliban was on, regardless of extremist mullahs. Google operation Zarb-e-Azb. It started half an year before APS. The attack was revenge for it.

But wait a minute - according to you Indians, wasn't the ISI actually behind all the extremist mullahs? Then how come they need to orchestrate an attack to stop these same Mullahs they're controlling the whole time?

As usual, Indian propaganda contradicts and stumbles over itself in a pathetic attempt to malign Pakistan.
Sounds legit, they are quiet after that. Even Imran Khan.
Again, you pull something out of your backside. Imran Khan announced complete support for Zarb-e-Azb back when it was launched in June 2014 and had remained 'quiet' after saying that everyone should be evacuated before the operation began, which they were.

And no, extremist Mullahs have not been quiet after the APS attack. Abdul Aziz, who was surrounded by protesters for months because he opened his pathetic mouth, is just one example. Thousands have been arrested for hate-speech.
Pakistan cracks down on extremism post-Peshawar - Al Jazeera English
Over 19,000 arrested in Pak crackdown since Peshawar attack | The Indian Express
Clearly, they weren't 'quiet' enough.

Anything else you want to make up so I can refute it, or are you satisfied?

to ens the ongoing dharna by PAT and PTI. how swiftly Imran khan ended his month long dharna by giving excuse of Peshawar attack.
:lol: So now it was to end the dharna, yeah, right. As if Imran Khan could be so ruthless. Why didn't he just have Nawaz Sharif assassinated instead? If he was so ruthless, he would've had the Metro Bus bombed (since it was PMLN's main talking point in the elections), and Nawaz Sharif's entire family massacred before, or maybe right after, the 2013 elections.

Sure, Nawaz would've become a martyr, but no one can vote for him or any of his family if they're dead.

I love the way you Indians follow our internal politics so much and then have the audacity (read: shamelessness) to say you don't care about Pakistan.

Oh, and the PAT dharna ended long before APS.
PAT decides to call off Dharna from D Chowk - thenews.com.pk
Article dated October 17th. The attack was on the 16th of December.
Only what? No 'international organization' will un-affiliate itself from Pakistan over Indian propaganda. You people have a habit of over-inflating your importance.

You contradict yourself - first you say Pakistan is disobeying the international community and then you're saying we conform to them - so, which one is it?

The reality is that, yes, we obviously don't want to alienate ourselves, but we don't need to comply with India's agenda for that.

A very distant possibility. That resolution hadn't even reached voting, and if it did, I highly doubt it'd get much support, considering that even your ally Russia doesn't care much for all your cries against Pakistan.

The fight against the Taliban was on, regardless of extremist mullahs. Google operation Zarb-e-Azb. It started half an year before APS. The attack was revenge for it.

But wait a minute - according to you Indians, wasn't the ISI actually behind all the extremist mullahs? Then how come they need to orchestrate an attack to stop these same Mullahs they're controlling the whole time?

As usual, Indian propaganda contradicts and stumbles over itself in a pathetic attempt to malign Pakistan.

Again, you pull something out of your backside. Imran Khan announced complete support for Zarb-e-Azb back when it was launched in June 2014 and had remained 'quiet' after saying that everyone should be evacuated before the operation began, which they were.

And no, extremist Mullahs have not been quiet after the APS attack. Abdul Aziz, who was surrounded by protesters for months because he opened his pathetic mouth, is just one example. Thousands have been arrested for hate-speech.
Pakistan cracks down on extremism post-Peshawar - Al Jazeera English
Over 19,000 arrested in Pak crackdown since Peshawar attack | The Indian Express
Clearly, they weren't 'quiet' enough.

Anything else you want to make up so I can refute it, or are you satisfied?

:lol: So now it was to end the dharna, yeah, right. As if Imran Khan could be so ruthless. Why didn't he just have Nawaz Sharif assassinated instead? If he was so ruthless, he would've had the Metro Bus bombed (since it was PMLN's main talking point in the elections), and Nawaz Sharif's entire family massacred before, or maybe right after, the 2013 elections.

Sure, Nawaz would've become a martyr, but no one can vote for him or any of his family if they're dead.

I love the way you Indians follow our internal politics so much and then have the audacity (read: shamelessness) to say you don't care about Pakistan.

Oh, and the PAT dharna ended long before APS.
PAT decides to call off Dharna from D Chowk - thenews.com.pk
Article dated October 17th. The attack was on the 16th of December.
i am not blaming Imran khan for the massacre. it was done by ur agency to create a situation. no amount of random bomb blast or killing Nwaz family would equal the effect of 100+ DEAD children., ur agencies choose their target carefully. They are truly No .1.
i am not blaming Imran khan for the massacre. it was done by ur agency to create a situation. no amount of random bomb blast or killing Nwaz family would equal the effect of 100+ DEAD children., ur agencies choose their target carefully. They are truly No .1.
And why would the agencies want to end the Dharnas like that? It would've been a lot simpler to kill Imran Khan if he was a problem. Everyone would've suspected NS. Problem solved.

And why would they target the APS, a school full of Army officers' children? Would the officers supposedly doing this be fine with having their own children killed? No, obviously not.

You Indians truly are shameless, making up such convoluted, nonsensical, fallacious and unsubstantial theories to capitalize on the death of children.

i am not blaming Imran khan for the massacre. it was done by ur agency to create a situation. no amount of random bomb blast or killing Nwaz family would equal the effect of 100+ DEAD children., ur agencies choose their target carefully. They are truly No .1.
And the number is a hundred and thirty two children martyred. Recognize all the victims, just out of human dignity, if you have any.
And why would the agencies want to end the Dharnas like that? It would've been a lot simpler to kill Imran Khan if he was a problem. Everyone would've suspected NS. Problem solved.

And why would they target the APS, a school full of Army officers' children? Would the officers supposedly doing this be fine with having their own children killed? No, obviously not.

You Indians truly are shameless, making up such convoluted, nonsensical, fallacious and unsubstantial theories to capitalize on the death of children.

And the number is a hundred and thirty two children killed. Recognize all the victims, just out of human dignity, if you have any.
killing Imran would have generated too much bad blood. it was a classical one strike two targets game by the no 1 agency.
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