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Nawaz again backstabbed Pak Military at vital moment and venue !

Nawaz Sharif has backstabbed our military establishment again in Ufa Russia, by accepting Indian condition of investigating Mumbai attack ! He deliberately ignored mentioning of Indian terrorism in Kashmir , KPK, Balochistan and just made it look as if Pakistan military responsible for trouble in South Asia and of Mumbai attack, an event which was a false flag operation of Indians to malign Pakistan.

Nawaz Sharif played this card against our military establishment at a crucial time and important international venue , thinking that by getting military involved in Mumbai attack, he can delay the 'economic terrorism' operation which ultimately will nab him along with Zardari and all other looters of the wealth of Pakistan.

My wishes are with General Raheel Shareef and his sincere and able team and I am sure he will foil the attempts of these traitor politicians and will rid our country of all kind of terrorists and traitors.

Long live Pakistan military and Pakistan Zindabad !

These are very strong words bhai jaan

What's the evidence to support what you just wrote.
Without industrial might you have no political clout.
The only people in Pakistan's history who've aggressively worked towards industrialization and liberal economic policies were men in uniform namely Firld Marshal Ayub Khan when he ruled in Pakistan's Golden Era (1958-1969) and Gen Pervez Musharraf (1999-2007). If you can prove me wrong that civil govts in Pakistan have worked towards industrialization more than the 2 names I've mentioned please go ahead :)
Nawaz Sharif has backstabbed our military establishment again in Ufa Russia, by accepting Indian condition of investigating Mumbai attack ! He deliberately ignored mentioning of Indian terrorism in Kashmir , KPK, Balochistan and just made it look as if Pakistan military responsible for trouble in South Asia and of Mumbai attack, an event which was a false flag operation of Indians to malign Pakistan.

Nawaz Sharif played this card against our military establishment at a crucial time and important international venue , thinking that by getting military involved in Mumbai attack, he can delay the 'economic terrorism' operation which ultimately will nab him along with Zardari and all other looters of the wealth of Pakistan.

My wishes are with General Raheel Shareef and his sincere and able team and I am sure he will foil the attempts of these traitor politicians and will rid our country of all kind of terrorists and traitors.

Long live Pakistan military and Pakistan Zindabad !
Don't worry about it. The likes of Nawaz and Zardari can only delay the inevitable. From a geopolitical perspective, this doesn't weaken Pakistan or the military - in fact, it makes us stronger, since co-operating in an investigation would mean we're confident that we were not involved in it and that we have nothing to hide with regards to that.
Russia is as usual has a pro India approach.
You might want to update your knowledge. Russia is sick of India's usual bull and gave you people a bit of a shut up call not so long ago. Take the cue, stop milking the old dead horse.
Russian stance against Pakistan's terror financing surprises India
So Nawaz is not the responsible but People who shield Lakhvis of Pakistan are in fact the real culprits
People who 'shield' Lakhvi? You mean the High Court? I don't know how it is in India, but in the rest of the world, courts require evidence to punish people - whining from the other side of the border does not constitute evidence.
How come you talk so sensible ?What differentiates you from others ?
For Indian hypocrites, speaking against Pakistan's institutions is 'sane', but criticizing India makes you the embodiment of evil. Thank you for making it even more obvious who we should support: the exact opposite of who Indians want us to support.

The only people in Pakistan's history who've aggressively worked towards industrialization

Then what the heck have the other 200 million Pakistanis been contributing for 70 years.

You are one messed up state to9day as an outsider looking in.

In Europe anybody with a Pakistani passport = immediate suspicion terrorists.

It's the Pakistani Army that calls the shots in Pakistan.
That's why I say, it is necessary to continue in the path of systematically alienating Pakistan economically from the rest of the World. That will starve their army off cash. We should continue to push forward the agenda for UN sanctions. As India will grow economically, our stand will become stronger.
May be a lot of other innocent people will suffer too. But then what choice do we have ? Better than shooting our way to the very end.
When it comes to that Ganja without hair and brain as well, you need proof.
Expedition of Mumbai's trial case is mentioned but nothing about Kashmir, Baluchistan, or MQM in joint statement. How is that for proof?

Full text of India-Pakistan joint statement on PM Narendra Modi-Nawaz Sharif talks in Russia - The Hindu

OK. you are angry at the inclusion of Mumbai terms?


It's the Pakistani Army that calls the shots in Pakistan.
That's why I say, it is necessary to continue in the path of systematically alienating Pakistan economically from the rest of the World. That will starve their army off cash. We should continue to push forward the agenda for UN sanctions. As India will grow economically, our stand will become stronger.
May be a lot of other innocent people will suffer too. But then what choice do we have ? Better than shooting our way to the very end.

kaarma is a beeaach bhai jaan

biggest beeeaaach.

you say alienating? Sure.

And guess what India is included in SCO right at the same minute as Pakistan.

Modi blabbering has failed totally. in fact such pagal punna is making Pak army stronger. Just watch all the state welcome parties for Gen Raheel all over the world.

Heck the main negotiations for Afghanistan are being held in Pakistan with US and China as observers.

India and Modi kicked out.

I wish Modi was sane enough to realize Pakistan's reach in global affairs. And today he too would be respected in Pakistan and invited in important negotiations.

But the mad man failed miserably.
The only people in Pakistan's history who've aggressively worked towards industrialization and liberal economic policies were men in uniform namely Firld Marshal Ayub Khan when he ruled in Pakistan's Golden Era (1958-1969) and Gen Pervez Musharraf (1999-2007). If you can prove me wrong that civil govts in Pakistan have worked towards industrialization more than the 2 names I've mentioned please go ahead :)

sorry to say that the Ayub Khan was first most powerful traitor appointed by monarchs. People of Pakistan named him what he deserved. he would have been worse than yayha khan if he would have stayed longer and was the one who made one unit and tried to cow all his rivals but was stunned demoralized and had to resign. so do not forget this and do not give him credit of industrialization. If today People of Pakistan rise up they will get good share of resources but unfortunately they do not care and few peole like nawaz are busy building their business empire.
The only people in Pakistan's history who've aggressively worked towards industrialization and liberal economic policies were men in uniform namely Firld Marshal Ayub Khan when he ruled in Pakistan's Golden Era (1958-1969) and Gen Pervez Musharraf (1999-2007). If you can prove me wrong that civil govts in Pakistan have worked towards industrialization more than the 2 names I've mentioned please go ahead :)

Ayub Khan? Yes off course.

Mush? Not much. He was a bumbling idiot and he still is when it comes to long term policies. his contribution to the electricity production and distribution was at best dismal, and thus lacking the very core of industrialization.

Bhai jaan

True and longer lasting industrialization happens during multiparty civilian governments. Typically one party is pro-labor and one party is pro-traders.

if both of these parties are given a chance, long term progress occurs.

In our case, we have seen two full periods of PPP a pro-labor party.
But PMLN a pro-trader party has never been allowed to complete its term so far.

Knock on the wood, if they complete even 4 years this time.

So the fault lies with us the Pakistanis who refuse to allow full cycle of civilian governments and thus we lack long term industrialization.
Army knows very well about his authority because they are the one who orchestrate the process that gives that authority. In the end, they would be always the one who call shots.

this mindset is responsible for Pakistan's continuous decline
Pakistan and India have been told that they can become members of SCO only if they meet and have a joint statement about their meeting. India took this opportunity gladly to make Pakistan come to terms on India's demand. Rumors are, even China wanted Pakistan to act against Lakhvi as it does not want to be seen in bad light Internationally after it used VETO power to rescue Pakistan from UN sanctions. China and Russia mediated the meeting. Russia is as usual has a pro India approach. Therefore the agenda was all Indian
So Nawaz is not the responsible but People who shield Lakhvis of Pakistan are in fact the real culprits

This Mumbai attack was a drama created by the RAW to divert attention from Kashmir. Lakhvis never owned Mumbai attack. There is no logic of doing this sort of operation from Pakistan side. Nawaz could do anything to belittle the army becuase now army is doing operation on economic terrorism. Maybe short term it would give Nawaz some edge, but later on he would be on difficult wicket.
Right now Russia and China definitely want to build a regional block which is not taken seriously by the west. And definitely, both leaders were forced to give joint statement so that it could show all parties are very cordial. The SCO will definitely put pressure on India to stop terrorism in its neighboring countries. And for Pakistan, it will be another forum where they could show proof's of Indian terrorism in Pakistan.
I was once under the impression that civil democratic governments make nations develop and vice versa but then this happened....

This Mumbai attack was a drama created by the RAW to divert attention from Kashmir. Lakhvis never owned Mumbai attack. There is no logic of doing this sort of operation from Pakistan side. Nawaz could do anything to belittle the army becuase now army is doing operation on economic terrorism. Maybe short term it would give Nawaz some edge, but later on he would be on difficult wicket.
Right now Russia and China definitely want to build a regional block which is right now not taken seriously by western media. And definitely, both leaders were forced to give joint statement so that it could show all parties are very cordial. The SCO will definitely put pressure on India to stop terrorism in its neighboring countries. And for Pakistan, it will be another forum where they would show proof's of Indian terrorism in Pakistan.

Peshawar APS attack was also a drama created by ISI ...???
this mindset is responsible for Pakistan's continuous decline

Not really true. There are many other issues here.

PPP rule saw utter destruction aka nationalization of all the banks, all the factories, and all the big name schools.

That in a sense has been the major "internal" reason.

Pakistan has been roped in Afghanistan wars for 40 years. That is the major external reason.

I was once under the impression that civil democratic governments make nations develop and vice versa but then this happened....

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Those charts are highly misleading. Zia, Mush, and Ayub all got close to 10 years and without much opposition.

Bhutto got 5, but the rest of them are 1-2 years rules mostly.

you are comparing apples to water melons.
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