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Naval SOTC (Special Operations Training Center)

Since such well trained men are in small number, their out of station appointments ( in a group of 3-5) are not done normally. However during high tension / imminent threat reports by security agencies their deployments on military installations are made in no time....I recall watching dozens of SSG guys sitting in the basketball court & nearest ground at GHQ on the evening of 12 Oct 1999 Military coup...later i understand the reason too.

The problem is that generally an average guy is appointed "on guard" duty, with basic assigned task to ask for identity of any incoming person(s) and report anything suspicious. Albeit the security plans of mostly military units and bases have changed after the Mehran attack and Parade lane RWp attack, still their exists various short comings. Presence of trained & responsible men from fighting arms and proper gear are some examples.

Special forces may not be assigned to bases/units but re-implementation/extension of base security SOPs is necessary. In air force, the trend of appointed the "coolest guy" on gate needs is somehow changed/complemented by presence of well trained personnel. After the Mehran attack,the un-necessary trees and bushes are regularly cut too. I think the same is followed in sister forces too.

Special forces have no role in protecting the Bases during peace time. For that a properly trained soldier with, again, proper equipment and ammo is enough.

Take the Mehran base for example. If they had given the people on guard say, SMGs for close assault and Snipers for long range, with IR and Night Vision, there is no way that the terrorists would have made that far. I mean, i felt really sad and ashamed that when the Lt Yasir (Shaheed) went in to fight, he only had a handgun.......not really effective.

They introduce the security at the peremeter......make towers and provide them with high positions so the guards have the best, birds nest view...360 degrees. Give them lights at night...and it won't be so easy to enter or exit a base.

But then again, such decisions are made by higher ups...and they really are not the most competent people.

If lives are lost in private sector, say a corporation, during office time, the directors of the company are held responsible and liable for that loss of life. Remember the BP oil rig disaster? 7 died and that incident cost the CEO his job even though he was thousands of miles away and had no direct contact.

Our Naval chief just went in after the entire episode was over, clueless.
Special forces have no role in protecting the Bases during peace time. For that a properly trained soldier with, again, proper equipment and ammo is enough.

You will actually be surprised. Most commandos spend more time on Guard duty than actually in the field fighting enemies or even training. You should watch some Burn Notice its quite informative.

As far as responsibly is in focus, if a Commander can not take responsibility for his/her actions do you expect the troops to have any faith in him/her?
Visited their SSG Naval training base a few months back. They had some midget sub's docked for repairs of some kind. Also had a few high speed stealth boats around back. Not sure if thats the same place. I think it was a boat ride away from Kemari.
No sir, you probably visited admin center but TOPGUN shib is talking about seal training base which is far out of the city in the appox 6-8 kilometers away from hawksbay near cape monz
We need to do some military exercise with SBS and USN Seals, SSW and SSGN guys don't have foreign experience.
PN needs to expand special oops units, this is a great program.
It would be good if these graduates are pitted against the more seasoned PA-SSG so that they can gauge their abilities and hold their own versus them.

I say we make a joint SSG command comprised of Army, Navy & Airforce and if possible commandos of para-military forces like FC / Rangers and even Police SWAT/ATF kind of groups included (for hostage / terrorist kind of situations in cities), it will give a good and huge boost to the special forces capability of Pakistan, use SSG-N & SSW in anti-militants operations in FATA, giving them good field experience and ready for real war like situations. Post them in Siachin also and other tough areas. SSG-N & SSW are being trained for last many years but with hardly any practical use in the field, get them into action, use them for protection key naval & air force installations, use them in Fata operations, Lt Gen rank from Army/Navy & Air force should head on random / numbering basis, or give a Lt Gen command with his number two being from navy or air force simultaneously.

I hope and wish to see such a day, it will be a huge boost and a very good experience force as a combine one with huge benefit.

Give them dedicated air transport capability by pooling together resources from each arm, thus it won't be a burden on a single arm.

This would make the Ant terrorist squad of the police more better and hence, the need for using army in civilian hostage situations would be less.
The equipment needs to be upgraded. I happened to visit Ormara for a dive off Astola Island back in 2006. Since we were the guests of a PN officer on board a PN frigate, we also intermingled with a team of SSG(N) divers who were embarked on the Frigate for the its stay in Ormara.

To our surprise, their hand held GPS were quite inferior to what we had with us for getting the right dive coordinates!

However, since then I have heared that equpiment like GPS's (Specialy) is now available in quantity and in quality. The ones we saw were commerical jobs and not for military use. Since then specialised rugged wear hand-held GPS's have been incorporated. Same is the case the bouyancy compensators and re-breather equimpent which was also upgraded somewhere in 2007 and to my surprise it is currently up there with the best avialable in the market!
No, that's not the NSOTC

Visited their SSG Naval training base a few months back. They had some midget sub's docked for repairs of some kind. Also had a few high speed stealth boats around back. Not sure if thats the same place. I think it was a boat ride away from Kemari.
Naval SOTC (Special Operations Training Center)

by Fatman17
4th Feb-2012

The Pakistan Navy has set up their own Naval – SOTC which is located in a rugged and hilly area beyond KANNUP and Paradise Point, but before PNS Nathyagali (PN Remote Sensing Site). The Base is under construction, however training for the SSG(N) and for the first time Basic Para-Jumping training is being imparted to Officer-Cadets from the Pakistan Naval Academy (PNA).

Yesterday evening 3rd February was the Passing-Out of the 1st Company of SSG(N) & a batch of 14 Officer-Cadets of the PNA. The passing out was followed by a ‘Live-Fire” Demo by the SSG(N) who have just received their SSG Wings after qualifying and passing the 29 week Basic SEAL course.

The 1st course is to be known as 1st Amjad Razzaq Shaheed S.Bt. SEAL Course in his honor, who gave his life during the Mehran Base terrorist attack. The Shaheed’s proud father was also present at the passing out parade & live-fire demo.

The Base which is under construction already has a Barracks for the Navy Seals and a building which acts as the School or Center for the Naval SOTC. However the Naval SOTC will soon be shifted to Gharo where a State-of-the-Art facility is nearing completion. This site near the PN Remote Sensing Site (PNS Nathyagali) will be then be converted to a Deep-Sea Diving School for the SSG(N).

A total of 190 sailors and 14 officers volunteered for the Basic SEAL Course but after 29 weeks only 39 sailors and 1 officer were able to qualify and finish the 5-module training course. The attrition rate of 70% shows the degree of difficulty faced by the volunteers in completing the course.

This new 29-week Basic SEAL Course has replaced the older 18 week course which was previously being conducted. Each module runs for 6 weeks and includes:

1 – Endurance Module in which volunteers have to swim 6nm in the open seas, run 5km and 10km obstacle courses and show superior physical fitness.

2 – Unarmed Combat Module in which many variations of Martial Arts are taught for individual self-defense.

3 – Basic Commando Course in which training in CQC (Close Quarter Combat) and fighting in built up area range is imparted. Training in Assault Course is also provided.

4 – Basic AT & S Course (Anti-Terrorist & Sniper) in which basic skills in pistol & rifle firing are taught. Physical standards of the Basic Commando course are required.

5 – Basic Para-Jumping in which Para-jumping skills are taught through simulation (how to fall, left roll fall, right roll fall etc.) from 2ft, 4ft static platforms. A F-27 Fokker simulator has been installed where trainees conduct practice jumps from 35ft. finally the trainees have to make 5 real jumps from 1,500 meters to qualify for the Para-jumping wings.

In yesterday’s passing out parade, Para-jumping wings were given to the SSG(N) as well as the 14Officer-cadets of the PNA. SSG(N) wings were conferred on the 1st company of SSG(N) passing out from this base.

Awards were given to:
• Best Combat Diver.
• Best Unarmed Combat Seal.
• Weapons Specialist.
• Para-Jumper.
• Over-all award for Best Ironman – Dagger award. (like a Sword-of-Honor).

The weapons used in the live-fire demo were;
• Pistol 9mm
• SMG 5.56mm
• Assault Rifle 7.62mm (AK-47)
• Assault Rifle 5.56mm (M-4) with NVG goggles.

All in all it was a commendable effort by the PN to upgrade its security capabilities at its various naval bases. It would be good if these graduates are pitted against the more seasoned PA-SSG so that they can gauge their abilities and hold their own versus them.
The current strength of the SSG(N) SEALS is 3 companies. They are in process of giving these companies a identification similar to the PA-SSG.

Good Luck PN.

Good to know. Good Luck

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