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Natural resources of Pakistan

If Pakistan really did have 25 Trillion dollars worth of Coal and 25 Trillion worth of copper, this will push the price of these commodities down. And then suddenly these resources won't be worth much. :undecided:
If Pakistan really did have 25 Trillion dollars worth of Coal and 25 Trillion worth of copper, this will push the price of these commodities down. And then suddenly these resources won't be worth much. :undecided:

.... then Pakistan will start selling the bajillion dollars of gold and diamonds and rubies and silver and uranium and oil and ..... :P
If Pakistan really did have 25 Trillion dollars worth of Coal and 25 Trillion worth of copper, this will push the price of these commodities down. And then suddenly these resources won't be worth much. :undecided:

the numbers, albeit 'significant' -- are GROSSLY exaggerated....
Let's see now:

Copper is 10,000 dollars per ton. According to these official (hypothetical) reserves of 400 billion tons should be worth (4*10E9)*(1*10E4) = 4*10E15 = 4,000 trillion dollars

Pakistan's population = 180 million, so every person's share = 40*10E15/1.8*10E11 = 22.2*10E4 = 22 million 222 thousand dollars.

So every Pakistani owns at least 22 million dollars worth of copper.

Add in all the other wealth, and no Pakistani should ever have to work ever again for hundreds of generations.


u probably read it all wrong...
in the link u used , it said 400 something million, not billion.

this is from petroleum and natural resource ministry:

Facilitation in Development of Rokodik Copper-Gold
Project Balochistan
To develop Reko Diq Copper deposit in Balochistan, an
Australian company M/s Tethyan Copper Company has
finalized feasibility study of the starter project aiming to
produce 40,000 tones of pure copper with an investment of
$ 200 million. As a result of extensive drilling in the area
about 167 million tones copper ore reserves have been proved.
Filed studies to assess social and environmental impact of the
project has also been completed. Due to large size of the
deposit, world largest copper & gold producing companies;
M/s Antogagasta & Barrick Gold have taken over 100%
Australian shares of the TCC. The new management has
decided to launch a mega project with an investment of over
US$ one billion by 2010. The mega project would produce
2,50,000 tonnes of copper annually, thus bringing Pakistan for
the first time on the major copper producing country on world

so from that:

copper price : USD7000/ton

total proven we got : 167M

money to be made : 167X7000M = 1,169,000M = a little over a trillion

but thats not important..

whats important is that if the australian firm can get to 250k per annum level, that will be amongst the top15 copper producers of the world.

world production:

Let's see now:

Copper is 10,000 dollars per ton. According to these official (hypothetical) reserves of 400 billion tons should be worth (4*10E9)*(1*10E4) = 4*10E15 = 4,000 trillion dollars

Pakistan's population = 180 million, so every person's share = 40*10E15/1.8*10E11 = 22.2*10E4 = 22 million 222 thousand dollars.

So every Pakistani owns at least 22 million dollars worth of copper.

Add in all the other wealth, and no Pakistani should ever have to work ever again for hundreds of generations.


You are a pathological a liar. You have been lying since the first post on this thread. I encourage all readers to go and read all your posts which are all so anti-Pakistan and belittling.

You have lied here again too. It is not 400 billion in the link I provided, which is solid official data. Its around 412 million tonnes of ORE in Sandak and 2.4 billion tonnes of ORE in RecoDiq. And that is is just one mine.
You American puppet, you can laugh all you want. Pakistan does not give a damn for people like you and your masters. I hope when you get up 4 am in the morning to go and clean gora's bathroom and toilet, while taking pride in serving your masters, you also realize not all Pakistanis are slave minded like you.

Note to readers:
Disregard this person. All he has been trying to do is to belittle Pakistan and prove that Pakistan should remain a US lackey living off scraps US throws at it. This guy tells us that we can not develop a mine, but forgets to mention that Pakistan successfully mined and refined Uranium all on its own since 1970's and amassed more than 150 nukes and fueled its nuclear reactors. Uranium mining and refining is much more complex than any other type of mining. These kind of people who are themselves slaves and want to remain forever, urge us to become a slave too, simply because as per their saying: "we can not do it, only gora can do it". So we must give up all we have to gora and live off his scraps. Such people also have no gheirat either, If you know what I mean ;=)
You are a pathological a liar. You have been lying since the first post on this thread. I encourage all readers to go and read all your posts which are all so anti-Pakistan and belittling.

You have lied here again too. It is not 400 billion in the link I provided, which is solid official data. Its around 412 million tonnes of ORE in Sandak and 2.4 billion tonnes of ORE in RecoDiq. And that is is just one mine.
You American puppet, you can laugh all you want. Pakistan does not give a damn for people like you and your masters. I hope when you get up 4 am in the morning to go and clean gora's bathroom and toilet, while taking pride in serving your masters, you also realize not all Pakistanis are slave minded like you.

Note to readers:
Disregard this person. All he has been trying to do is to belittle Pakistan and prove that Pakistan should remain a US lackey living off scraps US throws at it. This guy tells us that we can not develop a mine, but forgets to mention that Pakistan successfully mined and refined Uranium all on its own since 1970's and amassed more than 150 nukes and fueled its nuclear reactors. Uranium mining and refining is much more complex than any other type of mining. These kind of people who are themselves slaves and want to remain forever, urge us to become a slave too, simply because as per their saying: "we can not do it, only gora can do it". So we must give up all we have to gora and live of his scraps. Such people also have no gheirat either, If you know what I mean ;=)

And also remember its only ore....1ton of copper ore is not equal to a ton of pure copper...
same way 1ton of iron ore may equal to about 65-70% of iron at MAX, mostly much lower depending on quality of ore..
And also remember its only ore....1ton of copper ore is not equal to a ton of pure copper...
same way 1ton of iron ore may equal to about 65-70% of iron at MAX, mostly much lower depending on quality of ore..

I already know that, and have written it as such in my comment. It is only this guy who is trying to muddy the water and belittle Pakistan. It is already proven that RicoDeq has over 500 billion dollars of reserves, the case had gone upto supreme court for God's sake. Now you can also deny that Pakistan has any value too. It will not change the ground reality.

The reality is that Pakistan has tens of trillions of dollars worth of minerals at minimum. Ofcourse people without enough spine can not take it. They prefer to remain slaves for the rest of their lives. I do not care about them one bit.
And also remember its only ore....1ton of copper ore is not equal to a ton of pure copper...
same way 1ton of iron ore may equal to about 65-70% of iron at MAX, mostly much lower depending on quality of ore..

Lets say Pakistani ore is so poor since you say so that it contains only 1% pure copper. Then 2.4 billion + 0.4 billion of ore contains something like 28 million tonnes of copper. This means something like 250 billion dollars as per copper's average price of 8500 dollars in the past 5 years. Is that good enough for you?

And that is just the two mines at Sandak and Ricodeq. Just two mines. And that is just the copper content, no gold and no rare earth metal content.
I go back to my original and solemn statement:

The mineral reserves Pakistan has are not as rich as some would believe, and even those that are commercially exploitable, are beyond Pakistan's capabilties to develop for the foreseeable future.

Further, trumpeting tales of such fabulous wealth buried underground merely deepens the nations' delusional state to its own detriment.

Yaar, mein to khud suhaaney khwaab dekh raha hoon, Allah karey 22 million na sahi, do chaar million hee mil jaaen! :P

Well i disagree with the bolded part, Pakistan does have the resources, manpower and other necessary things to make this come true, but a few hindrances in terms of security situation and other nags are making it a difficult situation.

And the money will go to giving off debts, getting more oil, getting more infrastructure, getting the economy back, getting more idustry, getting more electricity projects etc etc, so you probably should not book a flight back, better to stay in US for another ten years and get a nationality!:P
Note to readers:
Disregard this person. All he has been trying to do is to belittle Pakistan and prove that Pakistan should remain a US lackey living off scraps US throws at it. This guy tells us that we can not develop a mine, but forgets to mention that Pakistan successfully mined and refined Uranium all on its own since 1970's and amassed more than 150 nukes and fueled its nuclear reactors. Uranium mining and refining is much more complex than any other type of mining. These kind of people who are themselves slaves and want to remain forever, urge us to become a slave too, simply because as per their saying: "we can not do it, only gora can do it". So we must give up all we have to gora and live off his scraps. Such people also have no gheirat either, If you know what I mean ;=)

Your rant further proves my point: You are merely upset at being told the reality of your delusions, and the degree of upset shown is proportional to your realization that I am correct.

I have said all along and I will say it again:

The reserves are there, but nowhere as big as imagined. Even the reserves that are there require a level of technical and financial expertise that is beyond Pakistan's capabilities at present. Given the poor governance and abysmal law and order situation, there is no realistic chance of Pakistan being able to beneficially exploit these reserves for the foreseeable future.

(My calculations were partly tongue in cheek to prove the point just how easy it is to dream.)

---------- Post added at 07:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 AM ----------

Well i disagree with the bolded part, Pakistan does have the resources, manpower and other necessary things to make this come true, but a few hindrances in terms of security situation and other nags are making it a difficult situation.

And the money will go to giving off debts, getting more oil, getting more infrastructure, getting the economy back, getting more idustry, getting more electricity projects etc etc, so you probably should not book a flight back, better to stay in US for another ten years and get a nationality!:P

We can agree to disagree on the level of expertise Pakistan has, and I will respect your opinion, even though it is different from mine.

(I hold dual nationalities already. ;) )
Well i disagree with the bolded part, Pakistan does have the resources, manpower and other necessary things to make this come true, but a few hindrances in terms of security situation and other nags are making it a difficult situation.

And the money will go to giving off debts, getting more oil, getting more infrastructure, getting the economy back, getting more idustry, getting more electricity projects etc etc, so you probably should not book a flight back, better to stay in US for another ten years and get a nationality!:P

The problem is our people do not have a positive attitude. They are so negative and hopeless without any national confidence. The only thing Pakistan lacks in order to start the vital mineral industry is political will. Our politicians are so embroiled over pitty fights and corruption that they are incapable of pulling such big projects. Just 5 billion dollar investment in mining sector can change the fate of Pakistan. And 18 billion dollar is just sitting there in coffers of State Bank. It is such a pity. Engineers are there, scientists are there, heavy mechanical complexes are there, reserves are there, labour is there and only leaders are not present.
We can agree to disagree on the level of expertise Pakistan has, and I will respect your opinion, even though it is different from mine.

(I hold dual nationalities already. ;) )

Yeah, we can always disagree! But the resources as you and Abu Zulfiqar have said, are not as much as being glorified by some, they are significant, but not outrageously great! The mining of these resources also takes alot of time , and guess what more resource!
Your rant further proves my point: You are merely upset at being told the reality of your delusions, and the degree of upset shown is proportional to your realization that I am correct.

I have said all along and I will say it again:

The reserves are there, but nowhere as big as imagined. Even the reserves that are there require a level of technical and financial expertise that is beyond Pakistan's capabilities at present. Given the poor governance and abysmal law and order situation, there is no realistic chance of Pakistan being able to beneficially exploit these reserves for the foreseeable future.

(My calculations were partly tongue in cheek to prove the point just how easy it is to dream.)

---------- Post added at 07:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 AM ----------

We can agree to disagree on the level of expertise Pakistan has, and I will respect your opinion, even though it is different from mine.

(I hold dual nationalities already. ;) )

You have been lying all this time, without providing any evidence, citation or reference. I have provided dozens of references. You have provided only your own personal crap which can not be regarded as an evidence. Till you bring an official evidence which proves your points, you are to be regarded as dual nationality liar. Simple as that. Without citation there is no scientific basis.
You have been lying all this time, without providing any evidence, citation or reference. I have provided dozens of references. You have provided only your own personal crap which can not be regarded as an evidence. Till you bring an official evidence which proves your points, you are to be regarded as dual nationality liar. Simple as that. Without citation there is no scientific basis.

Do you even read your own references? What does this statement mean, from your link:

Clearly a high proportion of the quoted total resource has, at this point in time, a relatively low degree of geological assurance,....

Translation: Exaggerated, unconfirmed claims.
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