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NATO will never win Afghan war

what do ppl mean about winning this war? they are controlling this regions activity for over a decade wat else u need?
So why they don't wanna sit here anymore cuz death is standing on their way????.......:smokin:
Begged for Chicago summit ? :rofl: Are you smoking crack ? :azn: ...
US didn't invite us at first then thought hey what will they do except enjoying an all expense paid trip there without Pakistan since without us they do jack **** in that country whether you admit it or not ... So they invited us afterwards unconditionally ! Pakistan didn't even pay heed at first ... It was all set to be another failure like Bonn conference !
Let the Czechs decide all they want , Let the French think their next strategy , Let the Australians think of something to miraculously put that country in order , Let the Americans dream of remaining after 2014 there but without Pakistan , you cant do nothing !

Those Yanks cant even negotiate with Taliban without us , cant get supplies to that landlocked mess , cant negate our influence , ask Govt of Pakistan every other day for co operation and you are thinking we need someone to give us a role ? :lol:

Indians are desperate for a role there at the moment signing major agreements with Mayor of Kabul which wont be worth toilet paper the day Karzai flees Kabul ... Even if he doesn't , you cant do nothing because of the damn geography ! Interesting , huh ?

For the record , Zardari said a straight " NO " to Obama and made no promises regarding anything ... The coverage of the summit is available for everyone wishing to activate his grey matter , why dont you try too ? :D

Check again , they wont be Afghans since

Taliban Control 72% of Afghanistan, Surround Kabul

The International Council on Security and Development, which has fulltime offices in Afghanistan, said in a report that Taliban fighters have advanced out of their bases in the south and east and are infiltrating Kabul at will.

“The Taliban are now dictating terms in Afghanistan, both politically and militarily,” Paul Burton, ICOS Director of Policy, said. “There is a real danger the Taliban will simply overrun Afghanistan.”

“While the international community’s prospects in Afghanistan have never been bleaker, the Taliban has been experiencing a renaissance that has gained momentum since 2005,” ICOS said. The presence of the Islamist group in Afghanistan has increased from 54 to 72 percent over the past year, according to the report.

Yeah US spent trillions and lost thousands of troops just to kill a guy called Osama :azn: You believe so ? Really ?

Didn't they want to destroy Taliban and AQ completely and bring stability to Afghanistan ? None of which has been done yet ... The most advanced army in the world cant even defend Kabul properly let alone other Afghan cities , according to international reports more than 60% of the area is still controlled by Taliban ... Definition of victory ? Is it ?

you are misinformed my brother, american were not against taliban. till 9 11 they were in talk with them. if you have any doubt search it on google. taliban representatives visited USA.

they spent trillions of dollars to send one message, no matters how much it cost, no matter where u hide, we will search you and kill you.

9/11 was trigger point, before it AQ has troubled USA by bombing her embassies . Now the message is clear, the jihadi knows that if they attack NATO , they are not safe, not even in pakistan.

and about pakistani double cross, read madam Hilary and BBC documentation.

American war on terror js war for peace. noone bother how much it cost.
Indeed , spent trillions and couldn't even control the country , big achievement indeed ! So whatever the Americans say , you guys accept it as truth ... Suddenly after fighting 10 years with Taliban ( which still continues ) they aren't the enemy ? Who's the enemy then ? Yeah , the Taliban will let them control the opium fields before they allow drilling for oil :lol:

One-liners are no good , learn to contribute something positive to the discussion , The Durand Line cant be sealed !

End of Story !

You didn't understand my post, i said talibans were not enemy till 9/11. after 9/11, osama hide in afghan/pakistan. USA asked afghanistan to hand him over, US ask pakistan to negotiate for them. Pakistan sent its envoy to taliban,instead to asking blind mulla omar to give up OBL, pakistani generals asked him to fight.Pakistani thought USA will see the russian fate, and pakistani will make money.

source: American generals speech, BBC documentary and Nazam sethi.

AQ was troubling west for many year, they decided to end the demon, and yes of course, they have dismantled the AQ.

i will conclude by saying that, if in 2001 pakistan wouldn't have supported NATO, you guys would have faced same fate.
You didn't understand my post, i said talibans were not enemy till 9/11. after 9/11, osama hide in afghan/pakistan. USA asked afghanistan to hand him over, US ask pakistan to negotiate for them. Pakistan sent its envoy to taliban,instead to asking blind mulla omar to give up OBL, pakistani generals asked him to fight.Pakistani thought USA will see the russian fate, and pakistani will make money.

source: American generals speech, BBC documentary and Nazam sethi.

AQ was troubling west for many year, they decided to end the demon, and yes of course, they have dismantled the AQ.

Ok , they are the enemy right now then ? Aren't they ? :azn: They kill Americans , they get killed by Americans ... and those US enemies control more than 70% of Afghanistan ... Are you kidding yourself ? After spending trillions in these 10 years , the most advanced army NATO cant even get hold of even half of Afghanistan :azn: ... Hell , not even Kabul properly ! :lol: Should i think it of as " mission successful " ? I am sure the Taliban aren't desperate for negotiation as the US and its puppet Karzai is ... Or people blindly believe what the Western media tells them ? ... Taliban are fighting with US for 10 years and suddenly one day " they are declared not to be the enemy " then who's the ******* enemy ?

And I tell you what , the story is correct until the part that Pakistan asked them to fight US ... Because it makes no sense whatsoever ! Why didn't the US realize it for 10 years that we were the one who pushed in the war in the first place ? Had it been , would we have been partners in WoT for almost a decade :azn: ... Keep your conspiracy theories to yourself !

P.S Who's Nazam Sethi ? and next time try to post excerpts from sources instead of " read this and that " logic ...
The whole war on terror are based on blatant lies, 9/11 was used to sell the war to the people and they bought it a first place later they started questioning the war and questions started growing and countries are withdrawing their troops even before schedule.
The whole war on terror are based on blatant lies, 9/11 was used to sell the war to the people and they bought it a first place later they started questioning the war and questions started growing and countries are withdrawing their troops even before schedule.

9/11 wasn't the first event though ... The Americans history is rife with false flag operations ... Who hasn't heard about the " Gulf Of Tonkin " accident and the Cuban plan ?
I do not consider Taliban controlling 72% of Afghanistan as a victory for Americans despite having the most technologically advanced army in the world , the best they have done is a kill a guy called Osama who was ( as they themselves acknowledge ) a nobody at the time of his death ! Is there stability in Afghanistan ? Is Kabul safe ? Does the Afghan Govt have jurisdiction over its areas ? Can the NATO troops move around freely at will ? Have they completely eradicated the AQ and Taliban menace which ironically they created themselves ?
:lol: Try again. We ousted the Taliban from power without using our latest military technology. We installed a government to our own liking. It is because we have no designs FOR Afghanistan that the country is in the mess it is today. When I say 'for' I mean it in the classical sense of gaining territory, exploitation of the resources, and/or enslaving the natives, in other words, turning the conquered region into a colonial asset.

So yeah...We achieved a lot more than your limited vision can see.
It is been marked as failure from day one and they tried to shift attention into another failure in Iraq while the cost was rising into trillions of dollars.
:lol: Try again. We ousted the Taliban from power without using our latest military technology. We installed a government to our own liking. It is because we have no designs FOR Afghanistan that the country is in the mess it is today. When I say 'for' I mean it in the classical sense of gaining territory, exploitation of the resources, and/or enslaving the natives, in other words, turning the conquered region into a colonial asset.

So yeah...We achieved a lot more than your limited vision can see.

Indeed , you did oust the Taliban from power but what did it achieve for you ? :azn: Are the Talibans finished ? Still controlling the 72% of Afghanistan , aren' they ? :lol: ... Poised to retake Afghanistan the moment you abandon the country ! :rofl: **** ! I forgot they aren't even the enemy ... Who are you fighting then ? Martians in Kandahar ? :azn: That puppet Govt which doesn't even control Kabul and is limited to presidential palace ... US military which cant roam freely in the areas that they even somehow control ... You had every design for that country even before the war started but due to lack of stability , you cant do nothing there ... Cant exploit mineral wealth nor enslave the population who hates you so much ... Didn't you want to maintain a considerable presence there to keep an eye on China and Russia and influence Central Asia ? What happened to it ?

Yes you achieved too much than anyone's limited vision and rationality can see :lol:

We won. Taliban not in power, Bin Laden dead. (despite best attempts by our "friends"). They can come back into power as far as I am concerned. We were attacked, our enemies found we will do more than issue "statements" and "warnings", we have a far larger foot-print in the area. Done.
Yeah , not in power but controlling the majority of the country and poised to take over the moment you abandon the country ! Victory , YAY ! After spending trillions and 10 years in Afghanistan , that was the best you could do ... What for ? Where's the stated national objective of eradicating the Taliban menace ? Are you even remotely close to that goal ? :azn: You will be back to square one again ... What foot print ? :azn: When your allies are that eager to leave you and you try to desperately negotiate with Taliban , you do not call it victory !
Most of Al Qaeda is either killed or in tatters.

Taliban has been brought to the dialogue table where it is willing to share power with the Northern Alliance people.

Yeah , the only man in the human history to be killed with a mammoth price ( trillions :lol: )

Really ? Who told you so ? Taliban issued a statement after Chicago summit which gave all a fair idea of who's desperate to negotiate :azn:
It is been marked as failure from day one and they tried to shift attention into another failure in Iraq while the cost was rising into trillions of dollars.

The US has met most of it's goals in both Iraq and Afghanistan. costs for both wars through 2012 is around 1.4 trillion not trillions as you claim.


Iraq - Saddam was driven from power and free elections have been held. An orderly hand over of security has taken place and US troops have left. Doesn't sound like defeat to me!

Afghanistan - The Taliban refused to give of Osama bin Laden so the US forced the Taliban out of power. Eventually Osama was hunted down and killed. Al Qada has been decimated and is in dissarray. Free elections have been held despite efforts by the Taliban to terrorize and kill people for voting. International troops are drawing down and security being handed over to Afghan Government (as was always going to happen). in 10 years of war the US has suffered around 3k dead compared to 2-3k Taliban killed every year.

In Afghanistan just as it is now in Iraq it will be up to each country to stand or fall in rebuilding and facing future threats. Iraq financialy is more able to do this on its own. Afghanistan will need future financial support which the US is already preparing to do. Eventually though even that will cease
The US has met most of it's goals in both Iraq and Afghanistan. costs for both wars through 2012 is around 1.4 trillion not trillions as you claim.


Iraq - Saddam was driven from power and free elections have been held. An orderly hand over of security has taken place and US troops have left. Doesn't sound like defeat to me!

Afghanistan - The Taliban refused to give of Osama bin Laden so the US forced the Taliban out of power. Eventually Osama was hunted down and killed. Al Qada has been decimated and is in dissarray. Free elections have been held despite efforts by the Taliban to terrorize and kill people for voting. International troops are drawing down and security being handed over to Afghan Government (as was always going to happen). in 10 years of war the US has suffered around 3k dead compared to 2-3k Taliban killed every year.

In Afghanistan just as it is now in Iraq it will be up to each country to stand or fall in rebuilding and facing future threats. Iraq financialy is more able to do this on its own. Afghanistan will need future financial support which the US is already preparing to do. Eventually though even that will cease

If you kept your money in your banks and invested it for the good of your people, Saddam would have been removed like the other dictators with the revolutions that happened with much less cost in money and human lives. More than 500,000 iraqies died in Iraq due to this unwanted war. Countless number of kids are living under poverty now with zero education now... Iraq is much less safer than it was under saddam. Education was much better under saddam... there was never a war between different religious groups under saddam and in fact they were living in peace and marrying from each other... until, that war happened which divided Iraq into three groups...

I can go on with the list of comparison that speaks the truth behind a war that brought nothing but division to Iraq, poverty, fear, insecurity, mass killing, AND SECURITY TO ISRAEL.
Iraq - Saddam was driven from power and free elections have been held. An orderly hand over of security has taken place and US troops have left. Doesn't sound like defeat to me!

More Like destroying the country and then abandoning it ! Zero Stability and daily bomb blasts ! Victory !

International troops are drawing down and security being handed over to Afghan Government (as was always going to happen). in 10 years of war the US has suffered around 3k dead compared to 2-3k Taliban killed every year.

Indeed ! Are we counting on the ANA now ? :azn: Some rag tag cavemen given weapons and uniforms with illicit drug usage , ill disciplined , zero morale and inhumane nature :lol: ... Taliban will take over the country the moment you left and you will be back to square one !
If you kept your money in your banks and invested it for the good of your people, Saddam would have been removed like the other dictators with the revolutions that happened with much less cost in money and human lives. More than 500,000 iraqies died in Iraq due to this unwanted war. Countless number of kids are living under poverty now with zero education now... Iraq is much less safer than it was under saddam. Education was much better under saddam... there was never a war between different religious groups under saddam and in fact they were living in peace and marrying from each other... until, that war happened which divided Iraq into three groups...

I can go on with the list of comparison that speaks the truth behind a war that brought nothing but division to Iraq, poverty, fear, insecurity, mass killing, AND SECURITY TO ISRAEL.

Sunni Shia rivalry in Iraq goes back hundreds of years. And while Iraqi's are concerned about the future. Most are glad to see Saddam gone.
So why they don't wanna sit here anymore cuz death is standing on their way????.......:smokin:
absolutely not ur gono be kiddin me if u think so, their are other things which matters a lot like economy

USA is still growing 4to 5 percent that's a level of economic crisis for them n ppl can't see them wasting dollors on aid .

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