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NATO to use Russian rifles


Mar 30, 2012
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NATO may start using Russian short rifles “Vepr” (which means “wild boar”). These rifles have been tested in the course of maneuvers in the German army and approved by NATO officials.
The Russian company “Rostekhnologii”, which produces the “Vepr” rifles, says that 17 NATO countries have already agreed to purchase them.

“In fact, ”Vepr” is a modification of the famous Kalshnikov gun, and I would call it one of the best of its modifications,” Vice President of the Russian Academy of Geopolitical Issues Konstantin Sivkov said in an interview with the Voice of Russia.

“This rifle may be used both in battles in open air and in enclosed spaces,” Mr. Sivkov says. “Most likely, it will be modified to enable it to be used with ammo that is used in NATO countries for similar rifles. The rifles will be probably used in these countries by police and special forces.”

The talks concerning purchasing the “Vepr” short rifles by EU and NATO countries from Russia started in spring 2012. In September, the rifles were tested by German armed forces during a mock attack on a fortified building.

“Although, officially, “Vepr” is not a military weapon, but a hunting rifle, the German military speak high of its shooting qualities,” Konstantin Sivkov says.

“From the point of view of the correlation between price and quality, “Vepr” considerably exceeds many Western analogues. This is why NATO stopped its choice on it.”

As it was mentioned, the agreement to purchase “Vepr” was given by 17 NATO countries, which is more than one half of the alliance’s members.

The only other time that a NATO country has ordered guns from Russia is that once, the US purchased several thousand Kalashnikov guns for the needs of the Afghan army. Now, 17 Western countries are purchasing Russian short rifles – and not for a country of a so-called “third world”, but for themselves.

However, speaking not about guns, but about other kinds of weapons, it should be mentioned that NATO countries have been using Russian-made weapons for already a long time.

One of the editors of the Russian magazine “Nezavisimoe Voennoe Obozrenie” (“Independent military review”) Victor Litovkin says:

“Several NATO countries – mainly, those of Western Europe – are modernizing their weapon arsenals with the help of Russia, because back in the time of the existence of the Soviet Union, they used mostly Soviet military equipment. For example, nearly all the weapons that Hungary, the Czech Republic or Bulgaria used at that time and use now are Soviet-made and Russian-made. Greece uses Russian-made air defense devices. Turkey purchases Kalashnikov guns.”

It may also be added that Germany, until recently, used Soviet-made MIG-29 fighter planes, which belonged to the German Democratic Republic when Germany was divided in two. Only recently, the German authorities decided to change them for Western-made ones.

Some of the Soviet-made military equipments, which belong to countries that used to be members of the Warsaw treaty and now are NATO members, are now undergoing modernization according to a NATO program.

Because of the current economic crisis, it is too expensive for several countries to purchase Western-made weapons. However, their Russian analogues are often not only cheaper but even better in quality.
Bhai Globalisation ka jamana hai....They are already using Russian Transport helicopters and It won't come to me as a surprise if soon we see alot of NATO countries using Russian combat Helicopters,Transport Aircrafts,Fighter Jets,SAM,Tanks etc....
Bhai Globalisation ka jamana hai....They are already using Russian Transport helicopters and It won't come to me as a surprise if soon we see alot of NATO countries using Russian combat Helicopters,Transport Aircrafts,Fighter Jets,SAM,Tanks etc....

There are a lot of products Russian made that are actually having better use than many NATO counterparts. Which is why they are in high demand worldwide.

NATO may start using Russian short rifles “Vepr” (which means “wild boar”). These rifles have been tested in the course of maneuvers in the German army and approved by NATO officials.
The Russian company “Rostekhnologii”, which produces the “Vepr” rifles, says that 17 NATO countries have already agreed to purchase them.

“In fact, ”Vepr” is a modification of the famous Kalshnikov gun, and I would call it one of the best of its modifications,” Vice President of the Russian Academy of Geopolitical Issues Konstantin Sivkov said in an interview with the Voice of Russia.

“This rifle may be used both in battles in open air and in enclosed spaces,” Mr. Sivkov says. “Most likely, it will be modified to enable it to be used with ammo that is used in NATO countries for similar rifles. The rifles will be probably used in these countries by police and special forces.”

The talks concerning purchasing the “Vepr” short rifles by EU and NATO countries from Russia started in spring 2012. In September, the rifles were tested by German armed forces during a mock attack on a fortified building.

“Although, officially, “Vepr” is not a military weapon, but a hunting rifle, the German military speak high of its shooting qualities,” Konstantin Sivkov says.

“From the point of view of the correlation between price and quality, “Vepr” considerably exceeds many Western analogues. This is why NATO stopped its choice on it.”

As it was mentioned, the agreement to purchase “Vepr” was given by 17 NATO countries, which is more than one half of the alliance’s members.

The only other time that a NATO country has ordered guns from Russia is that once, the US purchased several thousand Kalashnikov guns for the needs of the Afghan army. Now, 17 Western countries are purchasing Russian short rifles – and not for a country of a so-called “third world”, but for themselves.

However, speaking not about guns, but about other kinds of weapons, it should be mentioned that NATO countries have been using Russian-made weapons for already a long time.

One of the editors of the Russian magazine “Nezavisimoe Voennoe Obozrenie” (“Independent military review”) Victor Litovkin says:

“Several NATO countries – mainly, those of Western Europe – are modernizing their weapon arsenals with the help of Russia, because back in the time of the existence of the Soviet Union, they used mostly Soviet military equipment. For example, nearly all the weapons that Hungary, the Czech Republic or Bulgaria used at that time and use now are Soviet-made and Russian-made. Greece uses Russian-made air defense devices. Turkey purchases Kalashnikov guns.”

It may also be added that Germany, until recently, used Soviet-made MIG-29 fighter planes, which belonged to the German Democratic Republic when Germany was divided in two. Only recently, the German authorities decided to change them for Western-made ones.

Some of the Soviet-made military equipments, which belong to countries that used to be members of the Warsaw treaty and now are NATO members, are now undergoing modernization according to a NATO program.

Because of the current economic crisis, it is too expensive for several countries to purchase Western-made weapons. However, their Russian analogues are often not only cheaper but even better in quality.

Russia today will have zero NATO buyers. Best arms made in the world today a toss up between the US and Germany.

Caption of article is misleading, to keep it short. No such interest in Russian armaments.
Russia today will have zero NATO buyers. Best arms made in the world today a toss up between the US and Germany.

Caption of article is misleading, to keep it short. No such interest in Russian armaments.
blabla, when was the last time germans showed any new weapon? Where is german next genration stealth fighter? Where is german nuclear powered submarines? Where is german anti missle vehicle?

And America makes only expensive junk where the best things are forbidden to sell anyways.

Russian weapons are superior price and quality go look up who sells the most, per capita and per gdp size
Arms industry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If anything what is stopping us from selling to nato countries is your influence to keep europeans buying expensive junk.
blabla, when was the last time germans showed any new weapon? Where is german next genration stealth fighter? Where is german nuclear powered submarines? Where is german anti missle vehicle?

And America makes only expensive junk where the best things are forbidden to sell anyways.

Russian weapons are superior price and quality go look up who sells the most, per capita and per gdp size
Arms industry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If anything what is stopping us from selling to nato countries is your influence to keep europeans buying expensive junk.

What "politically" keeps the West from buying Russian arms should be self evident with today's Ukraine invasion, a piecemeal attack on a proper internationally recognized constitution by a bunch of old school Russian thugs.
What "politically" keeps the West from buying Russian arms should be self evident with today's Ukraine invasion, a piecemeal attack on a proper internationally recognized constitution by a bunch of old school Russian thugs.

then they shouldnt wonder if these thugs come to their lands and destroy their aging miliataries who could only afford some f16s ny that time bought by good old friend america while russians will have stealth fighters t50 destroying everything moving.
What "politically" keeps the West from buying Russian arms should be self evident with today's Ukraine invasion, a piecemeal attack on a proper internationally recognized constitution by a bunch of old school Russian thugs.

They are Ukrainian, not Russian despite the propaganda you are spoon fed. The people in east Ukraine have risen up against an illegal government, it really is silly to start blaming Russia when things don't go according to plan.
They are Ukrainian, not Russian despite the propaganda you are spoon fed. The people in east Ukraine have risen up against an illegal government, it really is silly to start blaming Russia when things don't go according to plan.

I guess you missed the part of Thursday's meeting of he Russian Foreign Minister meeting with the Ukrainian, US, and EU Foreign Ministers/US Secretary of State wherein Russia has pledged to de-escalate her invasions and troops across the border now inside several parts/cities of Ukraine?
I guess you missed the part of Thursday's meeting of he Russian Foreign Minister meeting with the Ukrainian, US, and EU Foreign Ministers/US Secretary of State wherein Russia has pledged to de-escalate her invasions and troops across the border now inside several parts/cities of Ukraine?

Pull up a quote where Russia stated they have troops inside Ukraine.
Theres nothing new in the article that wasn't already known.

Heck, i'm in the US-Army and I've seen PLENTY of soldiers on the shooting range, in exercises using AKs, G-3/36s, FNs, RPGs etc.

Russian Troops have been firing M16s, LAWs whats new?

Pull up a quote where Russia stated they have troops inside Ukraine.

Putin actually confirmed it in an interview that Russian Troops were active in Crimea before they 'voted' to secede to Russia.

Putin admits Russian forces were deployed to Crimea| Reuters
Theres nothing new in the article that wasn't already known.

Heck, i'm in the US-Army and I've seen PLENTY of soldiers on the shooting range, in exercises using AKs, G-3/36s, FNs, RPGs etc.

Russian Troops have been firing M16s, LAWs whats new?

Putin actually confirmed it in an interview that Russian Troops were active in Crimea before they 'voted' to secede to Russia.

Putin admits Russian forces were deployed to Crimea| Reuters

I'm aware that he stated there were Russian troops in Crimea, i was talking about in east Ukraine.
I'm aware that he stated there were Russian troops in Crimea, i was talking about in east Ukraine.

Crimea is Ukrainian territory. Read you map. Thugs crossing established international borders are not thereby legally able to "change" the worldwide recognized borders that still define Ukraine to include Crimea.


The numerous marked up NYT maps show Russian regular military (also narrative confirmation of Russian troops moved into Ukraine, both by air drop and on the ground.
Crimea is Ukrainian territory. Read you map. Thugs crossing established international borders are not thereby legally able to "change" the worldwide recognized borders that still define Ukraine to include Crimea.

Are you talking Iraq or Yugoslavia, or Vietnam, Korea, Granada? Or the dozen other countries that have been invaded :lol:


The numerous marked up NYT maps show Russian regular military (also narrative confirmation of Russian troops moved into Ukraine, both by air drop and on the ground.

Show me something new, again in case you missed it i was talking mainland Ukraine.
Russia today will have zero NATO buyers. Best arms made in the world today a toss up between the US and Germany.

Caption of article is misleading, to keep it short. No such interest in Russian armaments.
belgium? Israel? Italy? France? uk?
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