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Nato ex-commander warns Pakistan on porous border


Pakistan has been interefering in Kashmir from 89 and nothing has happened.

Remember 71 when India interefered for just 6 months ???

If we start giving even 10% of support now, you will have one more independent country carved out of Pakistan.

Give me the percentage of support Pakistan has given?

Since you know a lot, more than us.
Musharraf: What about Baluchistan?

Till 1977 the Indira Gandhi government actively worked for the democratic aspirations of the Baluchis and Pathans. Baluchi fighters were trained in the deserts of Rajasthan. We also provided them with financial and diplomatic assistance. With Bangladesh free, Indira Gandhi reckoned that Sind, Baluchistan and Pakhtunistan should follow.

After her electoral defeat in 1977, Vajpayee as the Janata government's foreign minister made his first misguided and woolly-headed attempt to normalize relations with Pakistan. We now remember Lahore as his first, but that is not correct. Indian support to�various movements struggling for self-determination in Punjabi-dominated Pakistan was withdrawn. L K Advani was as much a comrade in arms then as he is now for he did not protest even when G M Syed's�Jiye Sind movement�was betrayed. He was quite pleased with being able to go to his hometown of Karachi and visit his old school.

Vajpayee's assurances to Zia, the man who initiated the policy of 'death by a thousand cuts' to destroy India, ensured that the Baluchis were forced to leave their camps in Rajasthan and all financial, military and diplomatic assistance was cut. Even though the Janata Party regime did not last very long, the damage was done. Now the Pakistanis want to talk to us about self-determination.
Yeah, tough task to isolate and shut off part of the country seperated by 1600km of hostile territory. :thunbsup:
Kashmir is a different story, is better accessable from our side than yours.

KGB-RAW created and funded BLA failed miserably and India hasn't been able to do anything in Azad Kashmir now.
Can't wait to see how future efforts will fail even with 200% support. :disagree:

Btw, has it occurred to you that a united Pakistan is in favor of India and her existence?

Anything happens to Pakistan will backfire on India and set up a disintegration a la USSR.

Neo, why does Pakistan think it is that important that it needs its existence justified for South Asia's security ?

India is playing a waiting game. It would rather bulk up on economy and military first. Internal divisions in Pakistan will ensure that India breathes easier.
What if Pakistan starts giving support to the ppl of Kashmir ( supply weapons), then imagine what will happen.

The rugged terrain of Kashmir ensures that there is no large movement of weapons from Pakistan to Kashmir. That is why Pakistani terrorists prefer to smuggle IED materials and RDXs over LOC.

Salman-jani, your Musharraf has allowed the LOC to be fenced. It is getting more difficult you know ??
Neo, why does Pakistan think it is that important that it needs its existence justified for South Asia's security ?
Pakistan doesn't...you do! ;)

India is playing a waiting game. It would rather bulk up on economy and military first. Internal divisions in Pakistan will ensure that India breathes easier.
We're ready to meet any challenge, we always do. :agree:

Pakistan set to dominate world economies in 21st century: Advisor

ISLAMABAD (December 30 2006): Goldman Sach, one of the leading investment banks of world has predicted that Pakistan's economy would dominate world's economies in 21st century, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance, Dr Salman Shah said on Friday.

Talking to PTV, he said, the same bank is used to advise world's top business organisations about the potential countries where they should invest. Goldman Sach, a leading investment Bank of the world has included Pakistan's economy among 11 most fastly growing economies of the world, saying that Pakistan is set to take control of the world's economy in next 40 years.

These economies of several countries especially of Pakistan will surpass the economies of even G-6 countries in 21st century, the investment bank report said. They have invented a new term (BRIC) consisting of Brazil, Russia, India and China five years ago predicting that Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt will progress faster than the BRIC countries.

He said the bank has particularly appreciated population mixture of Pakistan terming it most vibrant. Out of a population of 160 million almost 55 percent consist of under nineteen years of age. Youngsters of Pakistan will play key role in economic dynamics of next 40 years. The young manpower of Pakistan will come into arena when labours of other countries already retired.

They will provide Pakistan demographic dividend, he remarked. These people not only help enhance production but also create demands of consumer goods. Currently country's per capita income is at $850.Where the personal income increases up to $3000 accelerating consumer goods production to meet increasing demands, he remarked.

Pakistan's middle class is emerging fast while its industry will also move from textile to high tech goods production in the next 25 years, he said. Responding to a question he said import of surplus wheat have been allowed to private sector for creating space for next crop adding that due to good rains Pakistan expects a bumper wheat production this year.

He said that government is also checking the prices of the commodity in order to maintain these. Dr Shah said that Petroleum prices in country are still lower than India and other South Asian countries. Core inflation ratio is up to 5.6 percent. The focus of the government is to bring down food inflation ratio from 10 percent to a lower level, he added.

http://www.brecorder.com/index.php?i... rm=&supDate=
If it is getting more difficult now to cross the LOC, then I wonder who is behind the attacks. :coffee:

Have you be reading news off late.ISI has started using Nepal and B'desh as launching pads.
Have you be reading news off late.ISI has started using Nepal and B'desh as launching pads.

Never knew Nepal and B'desh to be sharing a border with Kashmir/IoK. :idiot:

Then why is Indian government still squealing about the so-called infiltration in IoK?:rofl:
Pakistan begins fencing on its border with Afghanistan :tup:

Wednesday January 3

Islamabad, Jan.3 (ANI): The Pakistan Army has started fencing and mining work at Pakistan-Afghanistan border; and is in the process of identifying specific areas, said Foreign Office Spokesperson Tasnim Aslam on Wednesday.

Aslam said the entire border would not be covered with barbed wire and the Pakistan Army would identify the specific areas that were experiencing repeated and increased turbulence.

"Pakistan-Afghanistan relations are singular in nature, and the prime minister's visit would consolidate these bilateral relations," Aslam said, adding that both governments would be giving thought to the challenges before them during the visit.

Yep, I think so!

Nato and Karzai should understand its importance since the fence is meant to eliminate cross border insurgencies on both ends.

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