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NATO claims 'successful year' in Afghanistan

Dear Orionhunter:

It is no secret that we have lost many brave troops in the WOT. Our sacrifices speak volumesabout our resolve to free the region from the wrath of terrorism, and the results clearly prove that our forces are succeeding against insurgents. To say the least, the hard work is paying off and ANSF are fast gaining the capability to independently protect the nation of Afghanistan. The terrorist organization (Al-Qaeda) responsible for using Afghanistan as a safe haven has been toppled, and Afghanistan today continues to head towards recovery. Our job is not done yet, and we will continue to target those that are set on destabilizing the nation, and regularly wage attacks against our forces in a desperate attempt to regain lost ground. The reality clearly suggests that their days are numbered, and that time is not far when they will have to drop their weapons and abide by the rule of law. The changes taking place today, as suggested by this article above were simply unimaginable a decade ago. But the sacrifices made by the U.S and our coalition partners have lifted the dark cloud that was hovering over the nation, and today people of Afghanistan are hopeful for a bright future.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Afghanistan continues to head towards recovery? Afghanistan was destabilized by the US and NATO and it won't begin recovering until Karzai is kicked out, in other words when the US leaves.
Afghanistan continues to head towards recovery? Afghanistan was destabilized by the US and NATO and it won't begin recovering until Karzai is kicked out, in other words when the US leaves.

In another words terrorist taliban came back ????
There is no justification whatsoever to kill innocent people who have nothing to do with the international issues .

trying to justify terror you are committing a great moral sin . Since you are Chinese and your country hasn't faced much terror yet , you have no idea what you are talking about .

America has done some wrongs in the past in the ME but nothing justifies killing non-combatants . There is no excuse for terrorism .

I believe I lived much, much closer to WTC building than you. And perhaps China is Bin Laden's the second most hated country. There is still terrorism in China which is still causing tremendous problems.
I didn't try to find excuse for terrorism. Using any means to kill fellow human beings, especially civilians, is a crime. It is necessary to fight against terrorism. But you have to solve the problem from the root. You cannot just intrude his country and by the way kill thousands of civilians. It is never a "proud" to be shown off.
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