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NATO claims 'successful year' in Afghanistan


Jul 6, 2009
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United States
NATO claims ‘successful year’ in Afghanistan – The Express Tribune

KABUL: A spokesman for NATO-led forces said Tuesday that 2011 had been a “remarkably successful year” against insurgents in Afghanistan and in the development of the Afghan security forces.
In the southern Taliban stronghold, “considerable advances” had been made in securing Kandahar city and its environs, said International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) spokesman Brigadier General Carsten Jacobson.
“The success has been so great that insurgents have largely lost control of the area and now rely on IEDs (improvised-explosive devices) as their primary method of attack,” he said.
And in the east, forces “significantly disrupted the Haqqani network through Operations Shamshir and Knife Edge, where coalition forces captured or eliminated over 500 insurgent leaders and fighters last fall.”
The Haqqani network has been blamed for a series of high-profile attacks in Kabul, including one on the US embassy in September last year.
The network is based in the Afghan-Pakistan border region, which Jacobson said would remain a key focus for operations.
Kabul itself had “become a thriving commercial capital, able to absorb and respond to spectacular attempts to disrupt security with resolute response to insurgent attacks, leaving the insurgents largely in a state of failure.”
Jacobson said Afghan forces were clearly in control of the city, as part of a phased transition ahead of a pullout of NATO combat troops in 2014.
His remarks came in stark contrast to perceptions that security has worsened in the Afghan capital over the last 12 months with a series of spectacular attacks on Western targets, such as the US embassy siege.
The Afghan army was now almost 180,000 strong, the police had nearly 144,000 men and women in uniform, and by spring of this year security responsibility for more than 50 percent of Afghanistan will be under Afghan control, he said.
With 550 NATO casualties and many more injured in 2011 alone, it can't be called a 'successful' year, can it? :toast_sign:
With 550 NATO casualties and many more injured in 2011 alone, it can't be called a 'successful' year, can it? :toast_sign:

Dear Orionhunter:

It is no secret that we have lost many brave troops in the WOT. Our sacrifices speak volumesabout our resolve to free the region from the wrath of terrorism, and the results clearly prove that our forces are succeeding against insurgents. To say the least, the hard work is paying off and ANSF are fast gaining the capability to independently protect the nation of Afghanistan. The terrorist organization (Al-Qaeda) responsible for using Afghanistan as a safe haven has been toppled, and Afghanistan today continues to head towards recovery. Our job is not done yet, and we will continue to target those that are set on destabilizing the nation, and regularly wage attacks against our forces in a desperate attempt to regain lost ground. The reality clearly suggests that their days are numbered, and that time is not far when they will have to drop their weapons and abide by the rule of law. The changes taking place today, as suggested by this article above were simply unimaginable a decade ago. But the sacrifices made by the U.S and our coalition partners have lifted the dark cloud that was hovering over the nation, and today people of Afghanistan are hopeful for a bright future.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
An Afghan soldier responsible for the killing of four French soldiers says a recent video showing US marines urinating on the bodies of Taliban militants triggered his actions.

The Afghan soldier confessed that he was strongly motivated to kill the foreign troops after seeing an insulting video showing the marines making lewd jokes, while urinating on the bodies.

During his visit to Afghanistan, French Defense Minister Gerard Longuet accused the Afghan soldier of being a Taliban infiltrator.

Meanwhile, Afghan President Hamid Karzai has described the attack, which has left 15 others injured, as an isolated and individual action.

The French soldiers were killed on Friday in the Tagab district of Kapisa Province, located some 800 kilometers (497 miles) northeast of the country's capital Kabul.

Following the deaths, French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced that his country may consider an early withdrawal from Afghanistan if "security conditions are not clearly established."

France has a nearly 3,600-strong contingent, mainly stationed in the provinces of Kabul and Kapisa, within the US-led NATO coalition in Afghanistan.

The Friday deaths raised the French death toll in Afghanistan to 82.

The US-led invasion of Afghanistan began in 2001 under the pretext of 'fighting terror,' toppling the Taliban, and establishing security in the country.

However, insecurity across Afghanistan continues to escalate despite the presence of tens of thousands of foreign troops in the country.
Dear Orionhunter:

It is no secret that we have lost many brave troops in the WOT. Our sacrifices speak volumesabout our resolve to free the region from the wrath of terrorism, and the results clearly prove that our forces are succeeding against insurgents. To say the least, the hard work is paying off and ANSF are fast gaining the capability to independently protect the nation of Afghanistan. The terrorist organization (Al-Qaeda) responsible for using Afghanistan as a safe haven has been toppled, and Afghanistan today continues to head towards recovery. Our job is not done yet, and we will continue to target those that are set on destabilizing the nation, and regularly wage attacks against our forces in a desperate attempt to regain lost ground. The reality clearly suggests that their days are numbered, and that time is not far when they will have to drop their weapons and abide by the rule of law. The changes taking place today, as suggested by this article above were simply unimaginable a decade ago. But the sacrifices made by the U.S and our coalition partners have lifted the dark cloud that was hovering over the nation, and today people of Afghanistan are hopeful for a bright future.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Is US planning to give a hopefull future to iran too as theyve given it to afghanistan,iraq n libya?
yes the hopeful future fills every middle east country with hope ::p:P:p:P:P
Dear Orionhunter:

It is no secret that we have lost many brave troops in the WOT. Our sacrifices speak volumesabout our resolve to free the region from the wrath of terrorism, and the results clearly prove that our forces are succeeding against insurgents. To say the least, the hard work is paying off and ANSF are fast gaining the capability to independently protect the nation of Afghanistan. The terrorist organization (Al-Qaeda) responsible for using Afghanistan as a safe haven has been toppled, and Afghanistan today continues to head towards recovery. Our job is not done yet, and we will continue to target those that are set on destabilizing the nation, and regularly wage attacks against our forces in a desperate attempt to regain lost ground. The reality clearly suggests that their days are numbered, and that time is not far when they will have to drop their weapons and abide by the rule of law. The changes taking place today, as suggested by this article above were simply unimaginable a decade ago. But the sacrifices made by the U.S and our coalition partners have lifted the dark cloud that was hovering over the nation, and today people of Afghanistan are hopeful for a bright future.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Dear Military Officer:
Nice speech. But based on what? Successful assult of a poor foreign country?
What is the source of terrorism? I see hatred as well as incapability. And hatred came from what US did to them. Nobody is born as a terrorist, nobody wants to conduct suicide mission such as driving a airplane directly to a building. Why the did this? Because US humiliated them for its greed. Terrorism is probably the only way they can fight back when they don't have a comparable military strength. US often says justice. Is justics the competition of the size of the club? Don't tell me that stupid theory US went to middle-east for justice. We all know what US went for.
When I see terrorism news, I sometimes feel actually quite sad for these poor people. They have no choice but hate, no other means to fight back but terrorism.
Dear Military Officer:
Nice speech. But based on what? Successful assult of a poor foreign country?
What is the source of terrorism? I see hatred as well as incapability. And hatred came from what US did to them. Nobody is born as a terrorist, nobody wants to conduct suicide mission such as driving a airplane directly to a building. Why the did this? Because US humiliated them for its greed. Terrorism is probably the only way they can fight back when they don't have a comparable military strength. US often says justice. Is justics the competition of the size of the club? Don't tell me that stupid theory US went to middle-east for justice. We all know what US went for.
When I see terrorism news, I sometimes feel actually quite sad for these poor people. They have no choice but hate, no other means to fight back but terrorism.

Irony is that much of this so-called terrorism is being planned-&-fueled by Zionist-Americans/Europeans themselves ...

They themselves exploded WTC towers, & trains in England, boarded a lunatic on plane with damp-squib in his underwear, gave non-functional bombs to schizophrenics in New York, inducted many crypto-jews to create Al-CIAdah like Adam Gaddan, pretended to kill already dead Obama-bin-Lantee, had india stage Mumbai drama,

Muslims are simply incapable of carrying out such activities on their own,,, ONLY few medically-mentally-ill or money hungry would be tricked into working for these Zionist perpetrators,,, but still Dajjali-Zionists are the ones controlling them back-stage,,,

Sheep in the world still repeat narrative of Dajjalis coz they have in their control the tool to hypnotize them, media...


Dear Military Officer:
Nice speech. But based on what? Successful assult of a poor foreign country?
What is the source of terrorism? I see hatred as well as incapability. And hatred came from what US did to them. Nobody is born as a terrorist, nobody wants to conduct suicide mission such as driving a airplane directly to a building. Why the did this? Because US humiliated them for its greed. Terrorism is probably the only way they can fight back when they don't have a comparable military strength. US often says justice. Is justics the competition of the size of the club? Don't tell me that stupid theory US went to middle-east for justice. We all know what US went for.
When I see terrorism news, I sometimes feel actually quite sad for these poor people. They have no choice but hate, no other means to fight back but terrorism.

There is no justification whatsoever to kill innocent people who have nothing to do with the international issues .

trying to justify terror you are committing a great moral sin . Since you are Chinese and your country hasn't faced much terror yet , you have no idea what you are talking about .

America has done some wrongs in the past in the ME but nothing justifies killing non-combatants . There is no excuse for terrorism .
Dear Orionhunter:

It is no secret that we have lost many brave troops in the WOT. Our sacrifices speak volumesabout our resolve to free the region from the wrath of terrorism, and the results clearly prove that our forces are succeeding against insurgents. To say the least, the hard work is paying off and ANSF are fast gaining the capability to independently protect the nation of Afghanistan. The terrorist organization (Al-Qaeda) responsible for using Afghanistan as a safe haven has been toppled, and Afghanistan today continues to head towards recovery. Our job is not done yet, and we will continue to target those that are set on destabilizing the nation, and regularly wage attacks against our forces in a desperate attempt to regain lost ground. The reality clearly suggests that their days are numbered, and that time is not far when they will have to drop their weapons and abide by the rule of law. The changes taking place today, as suggested by this article above were simply unimaginable a decade ago. But the sacrifices made by the U.S and our coalition partners have lifted the dark cloud that was hovering over the nation, and today people of Afghanistan are hopeful for a bright future.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

I Didnt knew that invading a country and killing innocent is also termed as success and pride in USA

thanks for informing me
Irony is that much of this so-called terrorism is being planned-&-fueled by Zionist-Americans/Europeans themselves ...

They themselves exploded WTC towers, & trains in England, boarded a lunatic on plane with damp-squib in his underwear, gave non-functional bombs to schizophrenics in New York, inducted many crypto-jews to create Al-CIAdah like Adam Gaddan, pretended to kill already dead Obama-bin-Lantee, had india stage Mumbai drama,

Muslims are simply incapable of carrying out such activities on their own,,, ONLY few medically-mentally-ill or money hungry would be tricked into working for these Zionist perpetrators,,, but still Dajjali-Zionists are the ones controlling them back-stage,,,

Sheep in the world still repeat narrative of Dajjalis coz they have in their control the tool to hypnotize them, media...


Who gains from Terrorism ? - YouTube

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