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Nato, Afghan forces attack Pakistani border check post

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The hate being directed to Afghanistan and in some extreme cases Afghans in general is simply a sad reflection upon us. I know many Afghans from every part of Afghanistan and have received nothing but warmth and affection, simply down to the fact that I am of Pakistani origin.

Now I for one don't try to make it out that Afghan sites are any better as I have seen the most disgusting racism being directed at Pakistanis on those forums. I even remember some of them celebrating Pakistan's natural disasters. But then the internet does seem to be bring out the worst in people.

I pray that Afghans and Pakistanis can live alongside each other in harmony. In day to day life, outside the destructive geo political landscape back home they do, so there is clear hope.

As for the attack, this seems to be a worrying escalation and this only just after the recent attack by hundreds of fighters from Afghanistan. Joint patrolling is the way forward.
Not a good sign for both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Seems the game is in motion already.
What will follow are the accusations and counter-accusations and the constant comment that the Pak Fauj is playing a double-game.

Fact: Some Afghans dislike Pakistan, not all.

My advice for Afghanistan is not to fall for false promises from NATO and others. Both of us are neighbours and we have a lot at stake here, no-one else.
The hate being directed to Afghanistan and in some extreme cases Afghans in general is simply a sad reflection upon us. I know many Afghans from every part of Afghanistan and have received nothing but warmth and affection, simply down to the fact that I am of Pakistani origin.

Now I for one don't try to make it out that Afghan sites are any better as I have seen the most disgusting racism being directed at Pakistanis on those forums. I even remember some of them celebrating Pakistan's natural disasters. But then the internet does seem to be bring out the worst in people.

I pray that Afghans and Pakistanis can live alongside each other in harmony. In day to day life, outside the destructive geo political landscape back home they do, so there is clear hope.

As for the attack, this seems to be a worrying escalation and this only just after the recent attack by hundreds of fighters from Afghanistan. Joint patrolling is the way forward.

its because of pakistanis like you,other muslims (especially afghans) take advantage of the big heartedness of pakistanis. arabs and iranians are already racist towards pakistanis,but now even afghans? are pakistanis really that weak and pathetic? :tdown:
The hate being directed to Afghanistan and in some extreme cases Afghans in general is simply a sad reflection upon us.

This is not hate its fact, I don't personally hate them to be fair, but I think the animosity they show towards us is not exactly working in there favour. And we must have met different Afghans because the ones I have talked to have an agenda against Pakistani People. There President has repeatedly insulted Pakistan, yet the ungrateful gentlemen stayed in Pakistan during the 80s, which is shameful and clearly speaks volumes in how ungrateful they are.
Before making such a bold statement, you should do research, because you make your self look foolish, but I'm sure you won't make the same mistake again. We Purchased those F-16s with our own money, do you understand because if you can't, I will break it down for you so that you can comprehend and digest the information. And even if we go by your hypothesis, have you not heard of JF-17 its on par with F-16 so I don't really see how we are dependent on the Americans when are technology is slowly becoming Chinese centric.

Cool to hear your statement for a pakistani but i'm not impressed. Anyways just tell me a valid reason as to why should Americans sell you F-16 purely on commercial basis as we know these high tech products are only sold to allys and americans always look for their interests first. Am i right
Cool to hear your statement for a pakistani but i'm not impressed. Anyways just tell me a valid reason as to why should Americans sell you F-16 purely on commercial basis as we know these high tech products are only sold to allys and americans always look for their interests first. Am i right

They sell it to Pakistan as Pakistan pays for them. And yes, Pakistan should look after their own interests first, not America's. Time to withdraw from the WOT. It's already starting to happen, with the supply lines about to go through Central Asian countries, the drone launching site in Pakistan being withdrawn, as well as many other things. Good riddance I would say. Better late than never.
Cool to hear your statement for a pakistani but i'm not impressed.

And do you think I joined this forum to impress you, because if you do I pity you.

Anyways just tell me a valid reason as to why should Americans sell you F-16 purely on commercial basis as we know these high tech products are only sold to allys

They don't have to sell to us, in fact it would bring me great joy when most of our weapons are Chinese centric. The F-16 is a good plane but there are alternatives, we are not dependent on the Americans to give us the F-16s. And to be fair if America wants our help in Afghanistan then it needs to give in return, nothing comes for free. And technically Obama calls Pakistan an ally of America, even though its just a facade.
And do you think I joined this forum to impress you, because if you do I pity you.

They don't have to sell to us, in fact it would bring me great joy when most of our weapons are Chinese centric. The F-16 is a good plane but there are alternatives, we are not dependent on the Americans to give us the F-16s. And to be fair if America wants our help in Afghanistan then it needs to give in return, nothing comes for free. And technically Obama calls Pakistan an ally of America, even though its just a facade.

You are bashing the F-16 yet it was the only plane your AF used to intercept the alleged IAF fighters who went for surgical strikes after 26/11!! Seems your AF people think otherwise. I would also like to know how the pakistan armed forces would look completely without US equipment and training but only on chinese stuffs?? Eating noodles may be!!
You are bashing the F-16 yet it was the only plane your AF used to intercept the alleged IAF fighters who went for surgical strikes after 26/11!! Seems your AF people think otherwise. I would also like to know how the pakistan armed forces would look completely without US equipment and training but only on chinese stuffs?? Eating noodles may be!!

No, we're bashing you because Pakistan actually pays to buy these F-16 aircrafts. It's called a "purchase" in English language, not a "freebie".
They sell it to Pakistan as Pakistan pays for them. And yes, Pakistan should look after their own interests first, not America's. Time to withdraw from the WOT. It's already starting to happen, with the supply lines about to go through Central Asian countries, the drone launching site in Pakistan being withdrawn, as well as many other things. Good riddance I would say. Better late than never.

My question is why should US sell stuffs to Pak in the first place. Do you think a few billion $$ makes any difference to them?? I find pakistan very vulnerable out side US umbrella, very vulnerable. US has been your mentor in every field since the 60s- defence, foreign policy etc. The chinese may be powerful but nowhere near to US when comes to exerting influence
No, we're bashing you because Pakistan actually pays to buy these F-16 aircrafts. It's called a "purchase" in English language, not a "freebie".

Did in my any post I ever mentioned that F-16 is a freebie?? please read up, process and then type
Did in my any post I ever mentioned that F-16 is a freebie?? please read up, process and then type

Who's bashing the F-16? Green Bullet admitted the F-16 is a good plane, just that there are better ones out there, & there's no disputing that. Does that mean he's bashing it? Process your thoughts, & then type :oops:
My question is why should US sell stuffs to Pak in the first place. Do you think a few billion $$ makes any difference to them?? I find pakistan very vulnerable out side US umbrella, very vulnerable. US has been your mentor in every field since the 60s- defence, foreign policy etc. The chinese may be powerful but nowhere near to US when comes to exerting influence

Ask the US. They're not doing Pakistan a favor by selling it to them. Why does the US give India anything?
You are bashing the F-16 yet it was the only plane your AF used to intercept the alleged IAF fighters who went for surgical strikes after 26/11!!

Now Relativiti before you respond to someone, you should read carefully. I did not bash the F-16, in fact if you read carefully this what I said:

The F-16 is a good plane

That does not sound like F-16 bashing don't you agree. The only thing I stressed was that if America does not sell the F-16 we have alternatives such as the JF-17, you can't have it both ways make a decision on what you are trying to ask someone.

Seems your AF people think otherwise.

That's why we have started the production of JF-17, which will be the backbone of the Pakistan Airforce, so your point is.

I would also like to know how the pakistan armed forces would look completely without US equipment and training but only on chinese stuffs??

Keep telling your self that, because it works in Pakistan's favour if your military establishment is voicing the same opinion. You should use google and see that Pakistan is training with the Chinese Armed forces on a regular basis,and trust me there training and weapons are not inferior. Actually my good friend from Chendu laughs about it, and says a good old Chinese saying "People with no brains have no cure" let them believe that we are weak, because when the time comes they would be in for a surprise, just like how the American Carrier was scared shitless when the Chinese submarine popped up from behind.
Afghans are corrupt to the core: the guards aided 500 terrorists to escape from a Kandahar prison, their puppet president gets the support of landlords, the president's family members are drug lords, foreigners running Afghanistan & ruthlessly killing their innocent Afghan civilians; just a pathetic country made up of pathetic, shameless people. That's why Afghanistan has been a war-torn country in its entire history, & will forever be the most under-developed country in the world.

those are some strong words....................................
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