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National Intelligence Agency (MİT) rescues all 49 Turkish citizens from ISIL!

let me rephrase that, AKP helped I$I$ become stronger and gave them safe haven and support and etc... heck I$I$ militants are roaming the street of turkey freely and they recruiting easily...
there are no hard facts, unless you can provide pics and vids of Turkey actively helping IS. there are tons of authors out there who write various kinds of BS just to please a certain audience, but i haven't seen a single solid proof. NYT recently finally used a picture of Erdogan and Davutoglu visiting a mosque associated with IS, which unfortunately seemed to be false, so NYT corrected it and apologized. Turkish media used pictures of Erdogan's son with IS members in Istanbul, turns out they are local restaurant owners. Sure Turkey gave IS indirect strength through helping FSA, some of which switched to IS, or could have done more to arrest IS members or controlling the border more strictly, but accusations like 'Turkey created IS' is just BS and used to push Turkey into a corner by certain folks who are annoyed by Turkey. of course you can have your opinion.
What wonder promises they gave, there is no way they would suddenly release them as they were their guarentee.

I'm happy hostages are safe, but I'm irritated by how AKP is gonna show it like their success and victory, while its clearly because of accepting ISIS' demands.

That doesn't even make sense. Without the hostages, they have no leverage with which to force their demands to be met or have any promises made to them honoured.

This is absolutely 100% great news and something to be celebrated.
The personnel have arrived Şanlıurfa city of Southeastern Turkey:






@XenoEnsi-14 excatly mate. Like Argo :)
AKP knows how, they created and supported them.... so now the question will be, is Turkey going to join the worlds fight against I$I$?
You know this coalition will come after Assad next,or do you think they will stop after ISIS is defeated?
Argo is a bullshit story. the real story was different .

And USA didn't accept people who take hostages on their soil like you did for IS.
all the French fighters all came from your country to Syria ... how could it be otherwise than you accepted by aim these extremists to come in Syria ?
It is said our guys watched that area all time with UAVs... I'm sure they used some ANKAs there...

I'm so glad... Elhamdulillah...
Argo is a bullshit story. the real story was different .

And USA didn't accept people who take hostages on their soil like you did for IS.
all the French fighters all came from your country to Syria ... how could it be otherwise than you accepted by aim these extremists to come in Syria ?
I wasn't talking about the 2012 film.
That doesn't even make sense. Without the hostages, they have no leverage with which to force their demands to be met or have any promises made to them honoured.

This is absolutely 100% great news and something to be celebrated.

We do not know what is said behind the doors, one thing I'm sure is they would not release them without any guarentee or promise or payment.
They must have given IS something in return, be it money or simply not joining the so called coalition against IS, since no military operation was conducted.

Anyway, congrats for their release.
Congrats MIT and Hakan Fidan


Güvenlik kaynaklarından alınan bilgiye göre, 49 konsolosluk çalışanı 101 gün içinde 8 kez yer değiştirdi. Bu yer değiştirmeler hem MİT elemanları hem de uydu üzerinden adıma adım takip edildi. MİT'in personel ve ailelerinin nerede olduğundan hep haberi vardı.


Aynı kaynaklar, kurtarma operasyonu sadece Türkiye'nin gerçekleştirdiğinin ve hiçbir şekilde yardım alınmadığının altını çizdiler. Başka bir ülke ya da istihbarat kurumunun desteğini alınmadığına vurgu yapıldı.


Akıllardaki sorulardan biri de fidye meselesi. '49 kişi için IŞİD'e bir fidye ödendi mi?' sorusuna da yanıt veren güvenlik kaynakları, kesinlikle bir fidye pazarlığı olmadığını ve fidye ödenmediğini vurguladılar.


Rehinelerin IŞİD'in elinden alınması esnasında ve sonrasında hiçbir çatışmanın yaşanmadığı belirtildi.


Rehineler teslim alındıktan sonra çok geniş güvenlik önlemleri alındı. Irak'ta rehin alınmalarının ardından Suriye'ye geçirildiği bildirilen 49 rehine sabah Akçakale Sınır Kapısı'na giden Şanlıurfa Emniyet Müdürü Eyüp Pınarbaşı, MİT Bölge Başkanı'nın da aralarında bulunduğu görevliler tarafından teslim alındı.

-Musul'da rehin alınanları kurtarma operasyonu MİT Dış Operasyonlar Daire Başkanlığınca (DOP) tamamen "yerli bir operasyon" olarak yürütüldü.

-Musul'da rehin alınanlar, ilk günden beri Musul'da 8 ayrı adreste tutuldu, hareketlilik insansız hava araçları ve diğer unsurlarla sürekli takip edildi.

-Bugüne kadar 5-6 kez kurtarılma aşamasına geldi ancak bu girişimler bölgedeki savaş ortamı nedeniyle sonuca ulaşmadı, operasyon bugüne kaldı.

-MİT, Musul'daki rehin alınma olayının ardından İŞID'in bölgede daha önce gerçekleştirdiği tüm rehin alma operasyonlarını analiz ederek, bir strateji geliştirdi ve bu çerçevede sonuca ulaştı
We do not know what is said behind the doors, one thing I'm sure is they would not release them without any guarentee or promise or payment.

Without the hostages they have no leverage. The only way someone with a hostage and a brain is going to release them is after they get what they want. The idea that they would release them in return for a promise or guarantee is just silly.

As for payment - it's possible, but what ISIS needed those hostages for wasn't money or equipment but their strategic value, because it kept Turkey from attacking them. There's no demand, promise, or payment that ISIS would return those hostages for.
They must have given IS something in return, be it money or simply not joining the so called coalition against IS, since no military operation was conducted.

Anyway, congrats for their release.

Its not mate. They have deeply underlined that there was no agreements or sth given to IS in return. Even by logic, think of a NATO country giving sth to IS in return at a period like today. Simply and accurately, no we did not.
Without the hostages they have no leverage. The only way someone with a hostage and a brain is going to release them is after they get what they want. The idea that they would release them in return for a promise or guarantee is just silly.

As for payment - it's possible, but what ISIS needed those hostages for wasn't money or equipment but their strategic value, because it kept Turkey from attacking them. There's no demand, promise, or payment that ISIS would return those hostages for.

We are basically talking about same thing, hostages were the guarentee of ISIS, only difference is you don't bring any reason for their release, while I'm speculating.

Something is done but we don't know it, all we can say is ISIS would not release them without somethnig better in return.

Also I heard Şamil Tayyar was talking about CIA involment, may be Americans rescued them with military operation, but our guys so emberrassed to say it ?
Turkish intelligence releases details of operation to free 49 captives

The intelligence operation that freed 49 Turks from the clutches of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) was carried out by the exterior operations department of National Intelligence Organization (MİT), a Turkish intelligence source has said, adding that no foreign intelligence operations were involved.

No ransom was paid and there was no agreement for a swap of hostages. The hostages changed places at least seven times and there were at least five opportunities to free them, but escalating clashes in the region ruled out the possibility of freeing them sooner, according to the source.

The last intelligence operation started a few days ago. They were held in the vicinity of Mosul, but ISIL did not want to hand over the hostages due to problems stemming from their current battle with the People’s Defense Forces (YPG) of Rojava in northern Syria. Eventually, the jihadist group brought the captives to Tel Abyad, the Syrian town across from the Turkish town of Akçakale.

The operation was completed just after 1 a.m., Sept. 20.

MİT Undersecretary Hakan Fidan informed President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, who was on an official visit to Azerbaijan, about the operation, according to the source.
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