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Shelling tear gas on children is following democracy and constitution: Patwari
Yeah I am catching up on the last 4 weeks seems like the best way to dish out human rights to people in Pakistan.

For ousting an incompetent Govt through a constitutional process of VONC.

The SC ordered the rally at H9 park not at D chowk, which IK was so vocally advocating. I am amazed why no contempt of court.

The Senate chairman is still a PTI ally, can block the law if any issues.
Your definition of incompetence differs to mine. I also don't know why you are so amazed at contempt of court your dear leader is still sitting a few miles away from me in London - if anything that is a bigger contempt of court than holding protest in D Chowk. Not to mention Sharif Junior missing in absentia in his corruption cases due to ill health - yet again healthy when it was time to be sworn is as a selected PM.
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Giving themselves a NRO?

Judges and bankers all involved in the scam.
Crimenals mafia state crimenals rulers rules whole National Assambly is become a rubber stemp for these crimenal mafias whole Pakistani people against these ( ppp & pmln ) & was on the roads of Pakistan But these corruption mafias dosen't care just like ppp is quite relax but why...???
. .
I believe PTI would take these amendments to courts (the president can also intervene). It is a mockery of legislative power and would surely be shot down, like those previous amendments to bring Mian Saanp back to power.

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