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Wow... can't believe those facts....... very interesting indeed.... I do need some serious help from my doc, pronto.... will meet him tomorrow then.... I heard there was some new hypnosis-therapy.... will check it out....... HAVE TO GIVE UP..... soon a baby will be at home.... can't bear the thought of smoking in front of the kids...... :blink:

Is the Damage from Smoking Permanent? - TIME
there are very promising results of cessation of smoking-- particularly if scarring has not occured

Is the Damage from Smoking Permanent? - TIME
there are very promising results of cessation of smoking-- particularly if scarring has not occured

There is a famous study that shows that if you quit smoking by age 30, scientists can't show a statistically significant difference in mortality — [that is, when you'll die].

check table
I quit smoking three months ago. How long until my lungs are normal again?

Your body's ability to mend is beauty to behold!

Within ...

20 minutes
Your blood pressure, pulse rate, and the temperature of your hands and feet will all return to normal.
8 hours
Your blood oxygen level will have increased to normal and carbon monoxide levels will have dropped to normal.
24 hours
Your risk of a heart attack will have decreased by 50%.
48 hours
Damaged nerve endings have started to regrow and your sense of smell and taste are beginning to return to normal.
72 hours
Your entire body will test 100% nicotine-free and over 90% of all nicotine metabolites will now have passed from your body via your urine. You can also expect the symptoms of chemical withdrawal to have peaked in intensity. Your bronchial tubes are beginning to relax thus making it easier to breathe. Your lung capacity has also started to increase.
10 days to 2 weeks
Your brain and body have now physically adjusted to again functioning without nicotine and the more than 3,500 chemical particles and 500 gases present in each and every puff.
3 weeks to 3 months
Your circulation has substantially improved. Walking has become easier. Your chronic cough, if any, has likely disappeared. Your overall lung function has improved up to thirty percent.
1 to 9 months
Any sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath have decreased. Cilia have regrown in your lungs thereby increasing their ability to handle mucus, keep your lungs clean, and reduce infections. Your body's overall energy has increased.
1 year
Your excess risk of coronary heart disease has dropped to less than half that of a smoker.
5 to 15 years
Your risk of stroke has declined to that of a non-smoker.
10 years
Your risk of death from lung cancer has declined by almost half if you were an average smoker (one pack per day). Your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus is now half that of a smoker's.
15 years
Your risk of coronary heart disease is now that of a person who has never smoked. Your risk of lung cancer has decreased by 80 to 90%. Your overall risk of death has returned to near that of a person who has never smoked.
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@Secur @KingMamba93 @Manticore my 1st air rifle. The chinese pioneer
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Wow... can't believe those facts....... very interesting indeed.... I do need some serious help from my doc, pronto.... will meet him tomorrow then.... I heard there was some new hypnosis-therapy.... will check it out....... HAVE TO GIVE UP..... soon a baby will be at home.... can't bear the thought of smoking in front of the kids...... :blink:

dude, passive smoking is even more dangerous that active smoking--- dont make the baby a passive smoker --

also people should think about the effects on the pecker
if a guy like you walks in and proposes, screw my ambition and everything, I would say yes on the spot and that's huge coming from someone as commitment phobic as I am......moral of the story, you make me like brown guys...sorry i mean desi guys emperor :cheesy:

You made my day girl :rofl:
Wow... can't believe those facts....... very interesting indeed.... I do need some serious help from my doc, pronto.... will meet him tomorrow then.... I heard there was some new hypnosis-therapy.... will check it out....... HAVE TO GIVE UP..... soon a baby will be at home.... can't bear the thought of smoking in front of the kids...... :blink:

Re read the post , which I made , I added an interesting point . Trust me , you dont want to do that , in front of the baby . When we are young , its different , its fun , mate . But , later , when it becomes a necessity , fuc-ks you up real bad . Ask your doctor for nicotine patches and alternate delivery systems . Hypnosis has a nice success rate too .
Pecker is always on hyper-drive....... can't seem to control the sucker....... mashallah mashalla..... aaakh thuuuu......nazzar na laggay, my PRECIOUSSSSSSSSS. :rofl:

dude, passive smoking is even more dangerous that active smoking--- dont make the baby a passive smoker --

also people should think about the pecker
Crap , you wouldn't even have asked in such case , remember , an addict doesn't even doubt the quality and type himself let alone ask anyone about it :rofl:

Worse , mate . You dont even understand and I can still come out clean , since I study pharmacology :D
sure i'm addicted to smoking but i never said the same for weed !!!
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