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Holy shyt... just woke up... coz had the wierdest dream...some ex girl frnds brother comes to know abt it... i tell him to go ... himself n do whatever he wants... the tucker breaks into my house ... shoots 2 bullets in my back (near my arm).... and escapes...than i do stupid stuff... instead of goin to the hospital... and eventually when i go there... they have a fielding ready for me n hasil khan (our old driver back home) i know... i ask one of the kids there in some parks if he can kill somebody for money n position... he says yes... in short the bastards arrive... a gun fight happens...than comes my backup (mercs,cops sent by my uncle).... they think we are the shooters... and confront us and my exs bro n his gang... hasil khan dies...... i recieve another bullet... than i bribe them... n their head takes me to the ward where the exs brother n his 2 frnds are... i do some really bad a$$ *****...shoot 2 of em.. stab them... pull out their nails... and kaboom as was about to kill the mofos... i woke up...

:lol:............ would make a nice little revenge movie..:laughcry:

@Armstrong @Dillinger @RAMPAGE @Hyperion ..:lol:

You my fiend need to shoot something or someone- @Hyperion any suggestions for the target?
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@Armstrong so which side do u support ???? The so-called liberals or us !!!!

u have our full support on the kashmir issue !!! :D
armstrong is a clean shaved mullah(I mean when he will have facial hair he will shave it).. you are on his side.. :cheers:
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Home sweet home. We just arrived to Ankara from ma's hometown. Coming back to home far away 550 kilometers. :)

You my fiend need to shoot something or someone- @Hyperion any suggestions for the target?

Probably its been years since i actually "shot" somebody... although i came to closing somebodys account few weeks ago...when me n my 2 cuzs... both hotheaded... were back home... the opposite party had like 14+ people... but we have a damn advantage... AKs... the guy i thrashed begged for mercy... (yeah i know it sounds funny).. but thts what you do... when ur gang has no option to get fked by hotheaded dudes with AKs... n the big crowd tht gathered.. asking you "Khan sahib... please please dont etc... so had to spare them... 10 minutes later a police pickup comes... the SHO sahab with his "roub" tries to act macho... only to say sorry and leave after the introductions... :lol:
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