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Visit our countryville and we will more than make up for all the "lost" thanks! :D

okay, some one thanked me and then took it away--- i dont normally keep track of it but my thanks were 666:devil: and now 665
Yeah, one of my favorite series. Nothing even close is on air at the moment... :laughcry:

Only thing keeping me alive @ moment is Franklin & Bash. :D

Btw, Under the dome sucks...so does Warehouse 13..... yakk....

thankyou honey:girl_wacko:
its from probably the best scifi tv series 'fringe' --- the picture has a deeper meaning other than the cute blonde
Goodnight @naswarville
Stay cool and enjoy EU!! FIRST :cheers:
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i was trying to find ******** on 'chicko and the man' and 'perfect strangers' but to no avail
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