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Please use your influence on members of Naswar Corner specially female members and trying to convence her to come back.

Please its a dear Request.
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I passed !!.... :D
Don't worry.... I'll try to contact. Will try my best.


...... Request.

Lakh de lanat on Pakistan's education system..... :hitwall:

I passed !!.... :D
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Thank you very much and tell her Alpha1 is sorry.
your messaged has been forwarded by now! Why panicking?
Lol. I am willing to leave PDF if anything is my fault :lol:
dnt worry your message has been proly forwarded

we dont want u leave as we love u 2 but want u to bring her back.
self delete.....
yar she will probably, she might be busy,
chill dude :D

Dont ask me to chill bro its boring like hell in pdf.
self delete....
Don't you dare !!!! :butcher:

na kr yaar bula leny dy.
Ok guys... no more chatting about anyones personal details etc etc.
@RAMPAGE main pass hogaya! :D

u dont answer in e mails....Ustad G.
I did. Come there again. btw we both should delete our previous posts .
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@RAMPAGE main pass hogaya! :D
Yes i got the news ... MA !!!
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Kuch nai hota..
better delete all that, i have delete it.. Its a request thanks
better delete all that, i have delete it.. Its a request thanks


Oye tu Darta kyu ha itna.........Kuch nai hota.
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