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Aiwayn hee dramaybaz hai kameena....... :D
@hinduguy...... biaaaaaaaach give me one solid reason for your silly excuse...... :devil:

yaar .. i never did so it will be insulting to others if I do now.. besides there is no PM facility in friends.. nor can we take over pdf by bagawat. so whats the point. :what:

btw... abhi tak your chammak chhallo wxyz not online?
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Next time when you are high......... NOTHING IN THIS WORLD BEATS THIS

First you'll see the beats floating mid air, and then subtly hitting your face..... :partay:

Always heard that background beat never heard what song it comes from. :tup:
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I know you don't do it to hurt anyone..... however....... you over think stuff, too much...... who will think what..... it's a forum, who gives a rats arse???? Do it, better that way, otherwise people may get the impression that you are one snobbish arse....

Regarding my chammak challo.......... I'll be here whenever she does, next meeting is at least one week away....... :smitten:

yaar .. i never did so it will be insulting to others if I do now.. besides there is no PM facility in friends.. nor can we take over pdf by bagawat. so whats the point. :what:

btw... abhi tak your chammak chhallo wxyz not online?

They are gods of music.............

Always heard that background beat never heard what song it comes from. :tup:
@<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=13390" target="_blank">Manticore</a></u>, good night yara.... till tomorrow evening then! :)

listen to this when high

and this

my fav
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satanic metal was also a phase :devil:
and the last song i posted was the starting point .. listening to it after 10 years
@Manticore @Hyperion Idk about high but if I listen to raining blood when I am drunk, I will end up kicking someones head in. :lol:

Anyway just had this. :woot:
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lost dreams changed a lot of vocalists

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@Manticore, true story..... during uni days....... one semester I had several kilos of hash...... I got it by chance on the first day the semester started......... I took in excess of 32 credits that semester (1.5x load)...... all toughest imaginable courses........ I was stoned each and every day of the semester..... actually I can't remember one day of those four months vividly....... they are all but sort of a dream...... guess what GPA I scored?????

4.0........ :rofl:
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